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It Was A Great Day

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The circus bas corae and gome. Wae it a great day ? Th,at's wthat it was. There were more people in Ann Aïtxo-r tilian ötie lias seen before fcvre many a long day. Early in tlhe nio'rninig the residents oí the surraumdinig country coiiumenced pouring in and by half-past eigilit o'clocE the lïvery and feed barne and [armer's sflueds camme.nccd reïuslng t take apy moce taanis in. Bat tlis teams did nat stop coming. Xot a bit of lt. Tliey kept pomrtng in neeurly the enltire fareiwoii, and good judges estimlate ttuat there were at least 12,000 people in the city. The day ,becamc o'veroast, a.nid the aisf slightly Chilly, but it did ïuyb rato. The st:eani oí liumanity that kept pouring tO' tlhe talar fe-i-O'umids, by street car, omnSbus, privarte carriages, and on iioót. Tnade t'iie iace,-i of the ciii-cus men happy. It was a tsteady Ltream iriotn alvo'ut half-past 11 mtil 2 cd'cl'Ock, and every sea in the immense temt was occupied. ït was e ste'lit wortï eeeiiag ooi go 111 vav tont and ta-ke a look at the peopie, to say niortdiiing of the ehow i It tas been told af Bsunaam' that iie said thiat the people Ukeil toi be ■humïmgged, but Bamum & líuiley's s'holw was 110 toumibuig. Everytblng liwy ailve-tised toi (i they did, a:id Üid it well. Tliio Oialjr drnwb u-ki being t'Ke ííiet tbat ame needed severa! pairs of eyes to take ia all fluit was Ibelng dfjae. The tumlbliiig and trapezc perfomiiances were by ïar the best ever seen here, and proibablyi as giood as can be pnoduced. The swinigiing' leaps were eren miare wonderful than sho'O'tiiug the wonian trom tlhe cnoss bow aiid catohlng. her In tthe air. The big wounan, the stiong wonian, G'fbat Peter tihe small, the brigiht-eyea O.lssa twius, tlie áO horse team, tihe 70 ho'i-se uct, the tramed hjog. the ball-playmg dog, the- well, the everything. It w;0'uld take wiliole columns to teil about it. If ■o, persen w.hla attended tlii's show ditl toot get nis nioney's wiortli lic must h:av( boon hiard to It was a great s'hio-w, and wiorfhy of the nn menso patfouaige it receivfid.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier