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Secretary Wilson Is Authority For The

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statement that the advancement in tne price of farm products within the past few months bas put into the pockets of fermers about f600,000,000. And the good work is going on. The most encouraging feature of the reporta shewing the return of business sctivity is that they come from small as Tfell as large places. When every commiinity finds itself busily employed the professional agitator finds his occupation gone and the people prosperous. The wliole world aeems to be in league vith the sound-money men to capture the farmers of the United States. Nót euly are wheat and othev farm prodm-ts stili advancinginprices,butthe foreign iemand for our corn tliis year is far bejond anythintr ever before kuowu. The manufacturera and the farmers re now engaged in a race to see who shall show the greatest evidence of prosperity. Come to think of it, that was jast wluit the Republicana ilaiined fest year- that prosperity in manufacturinK and prosperity in farming went band in hand. An inferior quality of money always heats the earner of wages. Capital knows all the ways and means of guarding against contingenties, and labor has ot the chance to do so. Tl.e fact that the silver standard of money is every■where associated with iuipoverished, servile labor tells tlie story. Thexe is a stain up u the fair mame of Georsria. A mob down theie allowed a negro to commit suieidc before lt gót hold of Mm to hang Mm. Texas is still holding hei' owin, hiowever ; a minister in the Ixnc Star state havlng deserted liis pulpit, recently, to order to particípate in a lynohini entertainment,- Ypsilanti Commercial. STany persons seem to be of the opinión that a premium of 135 in the City of Mexico on gold signifies that 135 cents m silver are equal to 100 cents in gold. The ineaning is that two dollars and thirty-five cents in silver equal a gold dollar. This is what the silver standard does for Mexico. We hear of the sudden rise of goods in Mexico, but not of a. rise of wages. Will the workiugmen of Ohio and Iowa give particular attention to thatpoint? It concerns them. Wfcen J. Sterling Morton went out Oi the agricultural barn at Washingoii, and TtaTiber omit oí the prestdential private secretaryship, it was tbougfat that Mwe %vas wiped out, ■of tSie national couiucils. Xot so. Alex. Graat formerly oí Monroe has been appointed Assistant Gen. Supt. of mail service. It vrill be a lO'ng time vet before Mi3':icoe's nose is out of national affairs, it seems.- Adrián Press. If the independent 6ta.te of MSooKJe, wit, its loas list of faauous men 01 tlae past, and lo'nger list of fani-aas polltlciaas of tlie preseot, basre't ti Tigfht too have her nose iu ■ntioinal aü'airs, fotr one we Hhould Hke to knoiw why ? The Legislative Marañal is bot out vet, nor bas there been any Bigna of it. TSut a "Legislativo Souvenir " lias been pablistièd by the State prlnting office, eoiitaining the informaticn that the Manual usually does, wbich sella for 25 cents. ïhey teil the story on the street of a farmer selling liis ilock of sheep at three dollars a head and how he then went out and tried to buy more at alessprice. Meeting with severe disappointment he iinully bought back a part of his original flock at twice as mauy dollars each as he sold them for.- Jonesville Independent. The men who are "silverites" in theory are all "goldites" in practice. Not only do John McLean, Senator S te wart, Senator Jones, John 1'. Altgeld, and "Vice-President" Sewall compel their creditors to pay in gold, but now the Tammanyites wlio are trying 10 stand upon a dilapidated sil ver platform have issued a lot of new bonds of their society payablo in gold. The Cleveland "Plaindealer," a daily Democratie newspaper of Senator Hanna's home, reluctautly admita that there is "some evidence of returning prosperity." It is moved to this admission bv the íact that a single rolling-niill in that place whieh had been silent for years has started up with 3,500 men at work. It is vain for the advocates of free-süver coinage at the ratio of lGtolto deny that their policy would include the silver standard, aud will they explaia how it is that the silver standard of money the world over, from India to Mexico, aud Chiua to Spain inclusive, means the degradation and abject poverty of workingnien? Elwood, Ind, Aug. 11.- The tirst tin plate inanufactured ín America to be sent to Europe is, according to local manufacturers, thatstarted today by the American Tin Phite Co., of Elwood, on its way to ltaly. It was a carload, consisting of 500 boxes of the most expensive tin plate made here, and it is said tliat this will be followed by other shipments, because of a growing demand abroad for American tinplate. The company will tomorrow malie a similar shipment to Englaud. The above was taken from the Detroit Evening News, one of the papers that insisted for so long a time that no tin plate was manufactured in this country. The history of the tin plate enterprise is one of many others wliere the opponents to the republican party have fought desperately against tlie policy of buikling up our own country, whether outsiders liked it or not.


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