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Blackberries were never finer than this year. Mr. and Mis. Wm. Barr of Saline, a son, Aug. 5. The green corn erop bas turneel out well after all. Reunión of the 26th Mich. Infantiv at Lansing to-mormw. Cellery raisera at Manchester havo commenced shipping. Bert Allison has returned to Milan fioni bis California trip. Miss ("ora Noyes, Chelsea, has returned home frotn Chicago. About lOOChelseans attended Germán Day at Dexter last Thursday. Milan's growth bas conipelled her city dads to lay out a uew street. Chelsea M. E. Sunday School will picnic at North Lake Friday. Teachers' examination Aug. 10 and 20 at the court house, Ann Arbor. The Observer observes tb at it looks as if Saline would have a creamery. The brick and tile yards at Milan are having all they can do to fill orders. People about Manchester imported eight car loads of live stock recently. Miss Lucy Cobb.jof Saline, is in Grand Rapids, visiting her brother George. Mr. and Mis. C. B. lebell, of Saline, took tlie Niágara Falls trip last week. John Volland has beeu cbosen janitor of the school buildings at Manchester. Chelsea is to have a new milliuery store in the rooms over the hotel block. The Slockbridge Farmers' Club is to meet with W. H. Howlett, Sat. Ang. 28. More bee trees have been found in the woods this year than for many seasons past. Louis Kansen, of Mnnith had a $50 horse stolen out of his barn a few nights since. Mre. Frank Lawrence has opened a kindergarden for private pupils, in Milan. Miss Mabel McGuinness, of Chelsea, has gone to Detroit to remain for several weeks. Wili Jarvis, of New Orleans, bas been visiting his motber, Mrs. A. S. Jarvis, of Saline. The children of St. Mary's Sunday School, Cbelsea, picniced at Cavanangh Lake yesterday. Mrs. Chester Parsons has sold lier house eastof the Baptist church, Saline, to Henry Collum. Jay Easton, of Lima, had 40 acres of wheat and it averaged biin over 30 busbels to the acre. J. P. Wood & Co. have some GO people at work in their bean picking establishment at Chelsea. Araariah Hitcbcock, of Sharon, bas bought 200 lamba recently. Lambs are mighty good property. Bemember t'ne Farmers' picnic at Whitinore Lake Saturday, Aug. 28. Gov. Pingree wil) be there. Piano recital at Milan Friday nigbt by liss Carrie Haigbt, of London, for the )enefit of the Presbyterian Sunday School. The people who slaugbter crows are laughtering a bird tbat is often a friend ofman.if they do steal his corn occaionally. Emery E. Leiand, of Northfleld, tells jstliat )i is wheatyielded over 30 bushels o the acre. He says it is of excellent quality also. The price of wheat aud beans going up, chances the shape of the farmers' mouths from to S'. - StockDridge Sun. F. E. Mills of Pittsfleld, had ten acres f wheat this year that averaged 46 jushels to the acre. Hovv's that for a Dondike gold mine? John Sinith - no relative to the Arizona iohn - a colored man of Milau, is in trouble over alleged irregularity in a chattel mortgage deal. Very sad was the death of Mrs. Haight, wife of the pastor of the Cougregational church, at Grass Lake, Aug. 8th, leaving an infant son. Mrs. Frank Tower, of Saline, wlio died recently, was 39 years of age, was married to Mr. Tower in 1883, and leaves a husband, three boys and one girl. On Friday the Epwocth. League of Stony Oreek, will glve a basket picnic in lir. WOTtley's 'oocls, iive miles ecmth of Ypsiianti. The State Teacher's Institute held at Ypsilamti, was one of the best and most inetractive yet held ia the coumty so Commissioaer Llster informa us. ïhe farmers wbo cut the rye out of their vvheat are being well paid for their trouble tliis year. There is a big difference between37and 80 cents per bushel. Tte little seveiL-year-old daug'hter ■of il!", and Mrs. C. J. Kelly, of Ypsilanti town, feil f rom a scaffold on Wednesday and bro-ke a rïb. - Seatlnel. , The bam of C. H. Burgoss, oi Augusta, -vas burned Aug. Í), bekig struck by Hghtning. Insui'ed In the Waslitcnaw Mutual Rw $90. The hay and grain in the barn was alsu destooyed. It was insuxed. The Washtenaw County Fair, at Anii Arbor the three last days of Sept. and the first day of Oct. Get something ready fur it. Henry Sinimes, of Webster, claims to have killed ten large rattlesnakes in one hay field this season, and a portion of the field not gone over at tliat. St. Mary's Society of Pinckney, will picnic at Jackson's grove Aug. 19. Rev. Fr. Goldrick will be one of the speakers, and James E. Harkins one of the singers. Fred Shiverly, jr., of Sharon, a lad seven years of age, feil from a load of ïay and dislocated and fractured bis eft elbow. It is a serious injury. - Grass Lake News. A barn belonging to M. N. Burgess, ;hree miles east of Milan, burned recently with a large quantity of hay, grain and tools. Several thousand dollars loss and only $100 insurance. A new well at the scliool house is atnong the necessities of the coming school year. The one built last year is too all-fired briny for drinking purposes. - Milan Leader. Some one salted it? August 31st the Tri-state band association meets at Jackson. As on that occasion fifteen hundred musicians will toot their liorns all at tlie same time, the occasion will be a notable one. - Grass Lake News. The marshal lias issued a proclamation by order of fctte inayor that all dtogs unmuzzled stuall be stuot. The exeeutioas began yesterd&y, so, if yiOn care for your dog, get a muzzle tor Min. - Ypsilaatian. One oí the bi'igh,test yo-umg men at"teadant upon. the suanmer school at Ypsilaiïti, Frank Fi'snah, O'f Constantine, died very suddenly last Satua1day morning, of pulmonary apoplexy. j John Bross, of Dexter village, is one of the most successful row boat builders in this section of Micliigan. Parties in New York City are figuring with him for a 46 foot yacht. He is now building a new row boat for James ï. Honey, fo use on Base Lake. Yes, the street fakir struck this town and had more money thau he wanted sold watches and gave money away wit] very parchase, etc. Bit!- of cours íey bit! - and got a clieap watcli wbile ie fakir got the X. Well experionce j - i 11 teach 'em if wafnings will not. , orry boys, but read your loca! paper nd it will save yon many times tlie ubscription price. - Pinckney Dispatch. Will Xisle lias painted a bnggy for Vill Homes tliat will surely attraet atcntion. Each wlieel is painted a differnt color and the box, pole and parts of ■ie gear are in various colors. - Enterrise. Vai'iety is said to be tlie spice f life, but when the people seo Wil! rith his buggy won't tliey tbink he lias heels? An interesting Btudy in oil of a creóle irl's head, painted by Miss Alice Gorlan of Cheleen, is on oxhibition at O'Leary's art rooms on Woodward aveno. Uiss (onnan bas been an art tndent in New York for five yeárs and bis is her first picture to be sbown in Detroit. It has been very highly comlimented. - Detroit Evéning News. On Fi-iday nigii.t last a tam near tlie M. G. R. E. i?reoiihO'Use, Tpsilanti, burned, tosethor witli. one liorse, twio cows, aad a quantity of !iay n.nd gnain. One end of Vhe bami was was used fO'r a refrigerator, apd flibO'iit $250 vnortlli of meats storcd ■üherem Avere destroyed, on which 1llire wafl $175 insnrance. The rest was aot ïnstured.


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