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A Popular Wedding Trip Is to take a 1). & C. Steamer to Mack nac Mand. If you want a delightful wedding trip where you are not likely to neet acquaintances, take one of the new ). & C. steel steamers to the islam! of cool breezes. State rooms and parlor reserved 30 days in advance. Send 2 cents for illustrated painphlet. Addresa A. A. Schantz, G. A. P., Detroit, Micb Oood Reading Cheap - We will send both the Courier for one year and each one ot the followIng magazines for one year, Tor the prices given : Oonvier and ínter Ocean - - 1.33 Courier smid Leslies' Weekly - 3.00 Courlor and Mich. Farmer - .$1.75 Courier and Cosmopolltan - - 1.84 Courier and Harper's Monthly - 4.50 Courier and Twice-a-week Free Prosa - - - 1.50 Courier and N. Y. Tribune. - 1.25 Ann Arbor Railway Connections - S'Lnce adopting its new ta-ain tsclvedule, thO Ann Arboir Bailroad) makes immediiiate oonaectiions -vvitli other lines on ilts morniinig tirains for Monï'oe, Pontiac, Griandi Kapiids, Ionüa, Jlanistee and Traverse City ; on its aftermoon tralns for Pontiac, Lansüng. Graad Rapids, Ioniia, Saginaw, Bay City and. Flimt. The moa-nlng wains make gaad1 comnections for Adüian, Hillsdale, Manchester, Muskeg-oa, Pefoskey, Bay View and MackIna-w City. Soutiti boouid trains mal-e comoecti ons wit.h all lines out of Toledo. The boats ciossing Lake j Michigan connect wish noi-th bound train tihrough Aun Arboi1 at 8:43 a. m. foir all ■westerin and northwestem paittts. Five hundred müe books on salo KW $10 ; 1,000 mile ïamily books good for 2 years, for $20. E. S. GILMORE, Agt. Wlhat is the comid'itkm of our stireete, to-day ? Muddy ? Or dmsty ? v"""- rm I ■ I ■ LflHB The American Protective Tariff Leagu is a national organization advocating " Protection to American Labor and Indusiry" as explained by its constitution, as follows : " The otioct of this League hall be to proteot Am'i' e n labor by a tariff on importa, which shatl ad-, y Bocara A cirial produot ■gainnt ,-.a nompetttion af foreigti labor." Thüre are no personal or privata proi.'b in cónnection w .i!i the organiza tiona; J itissustained by memberships, coniributions and the diótribution of ts pub'iiations. FIRST ; Correspondnca 3 soücited regardinj " Membsrehip" and '" Official Corrospondents." S-CO il D'. We need and ir;!:urü3 contribu tionl, whetltyr oniall or large, to our cause. TH I RD : We publish a large line of documenta covering all phasee of the Tariff question. Complete set wil! be malled toany addressfor 50 cents. . FOURTH : Send poeta! card request for fr umple oopy of the "American Eoonomttt." Address Wilbur F. Wakeman, General 8ortanh 135 Weit 23d Strut, New York. CAN CURE ASTHMA AND HAY FEVER. A Noted Physieian Offers to Pr ove This to all Sufferers in Ann Arbor Th majaríty of eufferers from Astlnraa iand klmdred oomplatots, af ter trying doctora and numberless remedie advertiised as positive cures witihiout avail, Jiave eoiae to t)ho conclusión bhiat. there Ib m cure for thte moet disbressimg disease, and tluese saine persons will be the more im doubt and keptjcal whien tlhey learn tnrougb th,e columns oï the prees tliat Ir. Eu(lolpk Sctóffm-ann, the recognized aptlucw'Uy wflio has treated more casec of thieso diseases thaa any living doctar, has aohíeved &uccess by perfecfr ing a remedy whiöh nat only gives lmmedíate relief In the worst cases, but tuas posiltively cured tlhousands of suiTerers who were coasíidercd incurable. These Hvei'e jmst as ekeptical as some oí oar readers aow are. Dr. Schillinann's romedy vio doujbfc possesses the ineu'it whioh is claimed for it or he would njot authiorize this paper to anraounce that (he is n,ot only willing to giTe free to each, person bufferini Inom Astüima, Hay Tever of Brondhitls lu lig city, one liberal "free trial box" of hiis Cure, but urgeutly requests all sufferers to cali at (Joodye&r's Drug Store, AnnVrbor, wMhln the next hree days and recelve s packago absolutely free of charge, kniowlng ttoat tn making tóie claim he does for hfa Cure, a strong doubt may arise tn tibe mlnds oí inany, and that a personal test, as he offers to "11, will be moire convincing, and prove lts merlta, than the publishlag of thousands of testimoniáis from persons Trho have beem permanently cured by th,e use of Jjüb Asthma Cure. "Dr. SohJffmann's Asthma Cure," aa I te called, has beeu sold by di-ugirist of this city everaince lt was flrgt tntroduced, although many persons may never have heard of lt, and, lt is wlth a vtew to reachtoür thee that he makes thls offer. This is certalnly a most g'eineroujs and fa offer, and olí who are eufferilng froim any of the above eomplalnbs liould remember the dn te and place -svíiere the dtetriíbutlon will be made, and avail themselves of the same. Persons liivIlng ont of thlis clty who deslre to test the effLcacy of thte most wondertul remedy wSll receive a package free by wri'ting Ir. Bchiffmvinn, 330 Rosabel efreet, St. Paul, Mtan., prorldlng their letter is received before oct. istu, as no free samples can t obtataed aft-er that date. -ESS TUIN ONE GENT EACH 1 RARE CHANÍ1F FOR subscribers 4 nHnt ununuL old and new. 156 FOR $1.50 An arrangement Just made with The Detroit ree Press makes it possible for us t o save lome money for every reader who takes adían tage of thia opportunity. We uudertake to füruish ÍHE ANN ARBOR COURIER AND THE TWICP-A-WEEK Betroit Free Press Both ONE YEAR for $1.5O. Btt hicK-WÉ Pres Press Is the Best Possible Substituto for a Daily Paper. Pnbttshed on ïucsday and Friclav Mornings in time to catch the Karly Trains. AU the Latest ens np to the time of going to prfss. Complete Markcl Koports in eath isssue. AU who canuot get a Daily should Subscribe for this Ideal Newspaper The Free Press is offering Premiums at Special Low Rates to Subscribers. and you can easily save the cost of both papers by takineadvantuge of THE MANY BARGAIXS OFFERED. WKITE THEM FOK A SAMPLE COPY. In No Other Way ('an ïou üet As Mnch For S Iilttle Monoy. SUBSCRIBE NOW. DO HOT DEUY. Free Farm Labor Bureau. In order to assist the thousands of unemployed men in Chicago, the Worbingmen's Home, at 42 uustom House Place, has established a Free Labor Bureau, aud is prepared to furnieh men to farmers and otliers in all parts of the country without expense to ei Uier. Iïmployers applylng should state deiinitely as to tlie kind of work, wages to be paid, and lf railway rare will be advanced. Address, Labok Bukeau, Wobkingmen's Home, . 42 Custnm House Place, Tel. Harnson 243. Chicago, 111. BarrelgSalt at Wholesale and Retail. GET OUR PRIOES. DEAN & CO., 4t 80ÜTH MAIX STKEET 52-3nil7


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