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Cupid Is Not Idle

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On Tuesday, yesterday, Aug. 24, at 4 o'clock p. m. at the lióme of the brides mother, on E. Hurón st., tlie ceremony vas performed that united the lives of Miss Anna L. Richards, of this city, and iarry Ooleman, of Pontiac. Kev. J. M. Gelston, ofthe lst Presbyterian church, officiated, and only a few intímate riends of the couple were present. Mr. Coleman is the proprietor of the 'ontiac Post, and a gradúate of the University, lit. class of '96. The bride salso a gradúate of the same class, and ías taught in the high school atPontiae, or the past year, holding the chair of Mathematica. She is a young woman of remarkable mental attatnments, in deed s a brilliant writer, and has coutributed not a few masterly articles which have ippeared in various magazines. Her vritings possess originality of style and liction, that makes thein truly facinatng. Her literary productions have received most favorable criticism, and she surely has a bright future ahead in the world of letters if she shall choose to turn herattentionin thatdirection. Mr. Coleman who purchased the Ponti; c ?ost about two years ago has already developed into a thorough newspaper man and a journalist. He is a strong, ;renchant writer, a logieal thinker and s sure to climb higher on the editorial adder. . He bas made the Post one of the prominent weekly papers in Michgan and has the satisfaction of seeing lis work appreciated, not only by his jrothers of the press hut in the form of substantial financial reward. The right liand of the members of the Dress of Aun Arbor will be extended to this couple as tliey start out on tbeir iourney of life together, May their rneasure of happiness, usefulness, and farao be filled to the brim. After a wedding trip to the far west, visiting Denver, Salt Lake City, and other points of interest, the couple will return to Pontiac, where a fine home is waiting for their reception. They will be At Home Fridays, after Oct. 15, at No. 134 Lawrence st. W., Pontiac. A pa,rty of same twenty people leít filis m'orning via, tihe Aun Arbor R'y to a,ttend a wedding to ta'ke placo in Owoaao to-day. The contnactinig parties are Stephen A. Scully, oí Hcnvell, and iíiss Matfy E. Gall'ag'her, dauígditer oí P&trick Gallagher of Oocninma , foirmerly oí Wetoster, in t'h,is ao'mffity. The bride is a niece of VhB Bern. Edward Duffy ol' tíhia city, ■w'fto Ín. cQmpany wiKi Jiis thcee dauigh.ters Jíisses Jlary, Genevieve aai Irene, and Uis son .Toran h. Diníy, Esq., are members cf 'Jhe party. Mic'hael öuffy and Mr. and Mrs. Philip Buffy, oí NOTtMteld, City Attorney Thios. D. Kearmey and sisters Misses Mary and Kate Kearney, and Hon. Jo!hto r. tiawrence are alsO' in attwidiaiice upon the festlvities. The catering is by Ilaaigsterfer, of íhis city. A wedding bceakfast wilí 'be sei-red üor the relatives anid guests fnom abpotad aind a reception takee place this aiftonmo om at Owosso fpr frioiids of the coiuple la that citj-v. The b"ide's father is ono oí the wealtlhty jnen of Shia.wassèe coiinty, and tbe bride is well kruown he re. Th.e oouple conwnonce life wtth bcllliant prospecte, amd Buarounded by lLO'Sts of friands. J'Otuu lícGill o'f Oil City, Pa., gradlíato of the literary aind law department-s of tíie Universtty, Ís to be maTried iia September, to Iíiss Mabel Corson, oí tihiis city. lliss CO'rson) and lier sister leBt for her fathor's home in Pet'Oskëy yesteï'dny 'wihere the marTjage wlll take place. On Mcvnüay moirning, at 7 a. m., Eev. J. M. Gelsban perfarmed tlie ccrenïouiy tlhat made Jíelvim P. l'orter and Miss Marión Otis, bolt'h of this (Contluued on 8th page ) CUPID IS NOT IE, (Continueil from lRt page.) city, mem and wïüe. T)h.e marrlage was at the borne of tlie boide's wuotheT, Mns. Einraa A. Otis otí Mary st. Caxds are out ann&unciiig the jnavrtafee otn Sept. lst, oí Dorr I. O-asser .nul Miss Ida Jjffuise Bilss. Tiey wdll reside at ImUliug, OJiio. 'Tho eafeiagemenit is ammounced of Jiames MiiPnan, tlie popular clerk 01 tlie Ooo'k House, and Miss M.iy Wlng of tlliis place. The marrlage will takc pUice oa Sept. 8. On Sunday afteniiooii last, at about 4 o'cloek, Ilev. Dr. McBlroy, of the M. E. olmiircü, uuuïted ia maJiTiaige 1he livos oi Step'liea I. Ga.tci5, and Mi's. Ella Steveuson. Tlie ee'.'emomy was porno mted at thie resideace of Mrs. liiiinniiaii, on N. Main f?t. Ttony Sí'hkippacasse was married oa Weönsfidey cveiimg last t a lady fnom tlie suiirry Khoiros of Italy, wliose home was at AVayjie. Ho had been payhig attentkm to tlio young lady fiov eoone time, muc'li to the diacomfiturc of hls four childrciL. So on "Wcdnesday, quite lato ia tlie evenlngi lic gpHi a li'cease fi'oun Oounty, Clerk Schuh, Avcnt tff Fr. Kelly's residence and had tilie xamdn tied. Then he (.■une t.i li,i.s hiO'iue on. X. Main Bt., and lus frioiwls gave Mm. a "serenade." Tomy Is 64 years of age, ivhile the gtr] Is _J4:, but thiey are jut ap happy as iíf h.e ages were different. Bom't jucige a man by his gize. N:ip.ili'tin was only íive faet two inclies all. ivhilo Goliah was iiine íeet. A man of big diniansions, vitli a iligestive npparatus like a eider-mili, may Bot alwaya be the man to lead armes, odit nowspapers or preactt seriiicns.- Grasa Lako Xews. But Borne waj tliey always thmk they aro, and ■'as a mam thinketih feo is he."


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