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V. H. 8veet tufte go'ae to New York. Th.c j t t ■ .- 1 bwuse season here opens áuust 30th. Oia Jfotiday 95 cents was paid for iviheat by i millërs. Obtae. CteambeTlaiin is tfygoi iiiito the s'boic business nt Mariouii Oliio. Wíark commenced on the ïew JXaple etreet sewer Miaindiay morning. J. H. Lepper's hioirse, Fred Gray, is ia tihe races at Toledo thi.s week. The public scliools open here in all deparfcmen'ts, Tuesday, Sept. 7th. Kev. Eobert W. VanKü'k hus gone to Wasiiiogton, Pa., to vLsit his mother. Miss Cai'ric Haight gave a very successrul ïecital at Milamlast Friday night. Clyde Itae is acting as a sutostitute Sav tlie iiremeu wiien tliey take their "vacatiiotn. Jliss X,na C. BabWfrt bas gome to OreeooL, Icva, to enjuago in tealiing muic. Prospect park has beeai eceivüng sflmc little attentlom rom the city aii'thwities. I.-. Barton hiae beeö receirvlng a vi.sit fi'om Ma iath.e:-, who lives at Mt. Vcinon, Oünio. ïIk' new state teleplhone compaoiy bas 122 suibscribers in this city, and miciive coming'. Cllnibon Eider coanmeaces tlie opera ►a in "Half a King," at New ï-ork, Sept. 20. "A Bunch, oí KeyB" Will open the pera hiomee nere next Monday night. Quite appnopriate. D: F. K. Owea has gome to Bufïalo, X. Y., to aittend the national G. A. R. encampment. The Coumty Fair dates are Sept. 28, 29, 30, and Oct. lst. Please paste this in yorar hat. To kill carpet bugs- take the Sen.tiinel and ispread it under the oarpets. - Rem'arc in öaily Times. Mr. Nellie May-Hewitt, oí the P. O. farce, is taking ner -raeation. She is ncMv at Niágara Fails. Capt. Allen bas gane toi Xew York on business and to attend tUa G-. A. K. encampinent at Buffalo, At t'he Ainswortii. milis 80, 83 nnd i-ven 00 cents ctwdce beaais, i.s ivhat they M-ere paying M ;mday. Rrank Glaniield, t,1i,j lias -lie cositract ïtor the new Maple and CJass 8ts. sewerg, ooimmenced itvoirk Monday. I'io;'. E. A. Stwxng at tended the B-itisli AssociatiOii 'or feite Ailva,n:-enieiit o- Science at Toconto ïai eek. The new state teleptoue eompany put in a new tswitc'h. bj.i.vd Sunday, and topaored its service maierially tttiereby. J. 1!. C'jlvan, wbo has beedi on a inisúiess t:ip cast, reports business pickinfe "P íast. He sod lots of ïpsÜ's kiidt gooüs. -I .-. and Mrs. W. S. Carpenter have retwmed from Base Lake, and Mr. and Mrs. 1. W. Oarpemter have gone out to take tlielp place. Jlifes Xellie Boimeifoy has been entertaiming C. E. societles Ia neJgfcboTilng villajes. l),v giving an account ei thio Sa il i'iancisc co-nv-emtifon. Thi:ty-twi i eycllsts in pairs, attend■(! a luwery dance at Bert Barnes' ThiKsilay eyening; last. TJiey bad !■■ i the b33t time oi fcheir. lives. The little daugjiíter oí Motorman Nocral W. Ayires, of Miaple st., was run ovei by a bicyclist Saiurday niglht. Her bO'dy was badly bruiged. St. JjüIcc's en ir ore ;i,:iu' j-iiiuced to glvts a. jnlbilee ening "f Sept. Lst. They will fivc tlie original Juibilee program vn e tame and colon. Will Ciix caugbt a b:-ojk trou 21 1-2 inelLes in lengtlh welghlng 3 1-2 fbs. oo Snnday, at Wattlins's creek. The kug-est specimen oí v!e kind cmt eeui in these p Bostmaster Bog-ardus objects to placing a telephaue in the P. O. He thinks it would require a.noifcher force : clerks to. aaswer tlie question: "Is there a. letter ar me ?" At the letttag oí tlxe sewer co'n)tracts Saturday Hutzel & Go., of Ano Altor, got the Hurooi; Bt. sewer, and ex-M)ayor Broofas of Tacksou, the Ellis, Congiress and Ballarü sts. sewers. Ecv. J. D. Barksdale, O"i A. il; E. c'hiurch, preaclied hls farewell eeruu J.i Suteday evemïng. Vha A. M. E. oo'jiferoii'.'e is now in session nt l-liint, and Bev. Barksdale expects to be trajisferred tO' O'liiio. Tino Times belie ves tn&t ïtev. Cintas. Allen, noiw piesidi'iig eider, o{ Detroit, will becosne tihe next pastor of, the if. E. elmrch here, ajid tliat llrv. Dr. Xíya,n -n-ill become preslding eider. Th'at wouid suit all around. Amoing the Ypsiites whoi are at WMtïttjOire Iake a week or so, are M". and Mis. Fred Síwwermain Mr. and Mirs. Hcwy IMatt, W, ,T. Hyzer and íamily, Jaiaea JlVrrick and ]y, señii James Haggectjr; I'i'of. B. L. D'Ooge, of tihe Normal Collage, 1ï:is been oïfered the chair of La tin in Adelphi College, B'.'ooklyn, Xcw Yo'k. It ia uoderstoiod that Prof. D'Ocge wlll decline the offer. - Commercial. Thx'ïiow hall ofl tne Art)eLter Vereta at the G:nve will % ■ dedioated nu öept, 7. The exercises vijl commence wlth, a parade in the mpTnlug, witii, epeec'hes, pieoics and BjjDi:"ts iu tfce aftermpon, ciosinix with. a grand ball ia the eveaing. Our oounty excnanges are advised to emulate the example oí the Grass Lako NerwB. Thlat paper Invarialily igives credit eveni whLn it Pewrttea the item.s it inda ia othür papers, ns it alten does to condense tlhem.- Sent.jiK'l. Et tu Brute. Paul Kress oí Manchester was the vietiin oí a pick-pocket at tbe. station Tui-sday; as Ue was settins oif tilie Central train. He l'eported hla loss to th.2 conductor wio arrested tu o moa on Buspicioa and turned tihiem over t o the A;i:i Ai'bor pólice. - Ypsilantiai!. Irwin S!hep.hard, a student at the Normal wttien the civil --ar broke out, a ml wlluo went to the jront with the oompany, eomposed oí Normal students, bas jnst ben awavded a meda] oi" lLOno; ly the governinent for galla.&tiry BBnow-n at Knoxville, Xeu.i., X'üvemie.' 17, 1863.- Commercial. "Wheai Htil E. Glover 'was ca tfae M. C. J!.. ttlaïia coïniing to this city S'unday p. m., some oae thk'ew a largo stotie tlr .-■oi.ii.i'.i the oar wiSadow when the traiai w-as near Wayne. The mlssile just missed his liead and struck a man acrous íhe aisle on the stewulder wïth such foree as th remder liim uncoinscious. It was a uarroiw escape tor: Mr. Gloiver. Mrs. Willlam 'We'bb has íeceived a capy ei tlhe golderu Juibilee nuanber of ■tlhii Lioïulon, England, Mail, tfcat Is moit only a cufflostty but a iine speclmeïi oi tlhe jKiiiterN art. The pajier is very clearly priatsd, even tlie jiin'st ltnes and sniallest letters beiiig suiaottlily and perfectly Impressedj yet tlhe iviiole paper i.s printed in gold brriüze. She will caTCfully preserve the paper. - Senttkoel. S'iipi'iii.tcndent Yohe of the Ptttsbivig & Lake Erie railrülul. wh.0' was Mayor.' Harding's guest last werk, and pass-book at Anu A.Vbor. The finder sent tha pB88book o.n to M-'. Yohe's liome add wüience it was foinvarded !iere. He als i kept the $10 in th.e pu"se as a reward ï r nis trou'ble. - Ypsilaatian. Some men never allow a.n ■:- poi tuuity slip to reward their own noinesty, and this mui was evidently oiae of them.


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Ann Arbor Courier