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The Comers And Goers

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LeHoy NdWe of B. - is tome tlvis week. Pipí. F. M. Tapiar left tor Nortfc■ville this m,o-.-.aiag. O.. Dee M. Tyle, is vUM tüen&s Ín lBfiig■O F B1aeftler has retiannea t,o Wfl üom( at BaylteW. vis Mis8 Scplúa BievuKV. wmt to Bnítaio last Sarturday nxornmg. Mrs J F. Avw-y Has returncd í ter trip V Ia and Coi. H. S. Dean and O' - Satuirday fi"om a tnp to ai Tille. eay. tuomie. are a-niong the BaBa O. A. B. men ühia week. Mr. al Mrs. F. A. Hwleb left ■sveek's stay. m M-iv Udermaja, og Müan, lias Simonas in the. city durbug the week. w ,T, presiden o the State 8CW Baak, ha salled Jnom Barone folr home. Mire G S. M ete aaOghiter Ethel and m Bogar hay gane cast for a two week's stay. Uve Wnt BMer aad oto. Harold, ivaTc be gucsts off Jackson Irteads áurinig the weck. E Ii Seyler wliecled ta Detroit Oatuffday, remaiHins r Sunday wiitUi his mMheT. raines Binl al t.liis ))lae, liafl leen visiting frieixds at Gregory duriiig tte past week or so. FTcd Haaflaon oí tfhB U. S. Expresp Oo. is tliroiiííh Avitli hls racaticfli, and ■back at wolk again. (Miss Emiaa Alcxa.nder of A.nm Artnoir ■has beeft among NtorttwriUe friends íor a -week paist.- Rcocyrd. Hefbert A. "WilH'ama of the . & M. Bank, bas gone to Itetroit to spend a twio weok's vacation. Prof. and Mms.' J. A. C. Hildmer nnd 'iamAly lett yesterday lor Burope, to remlaini ïor a; year or so. ■Miss EioBe Galligiair wiuo ha beeo visiting at J. A. I:mialdson's in rinckney, has retiirned hotme. Prof. Cari Iirtwem, WttO Juas Deen at Bay View teaching in the swimiict cCjbcAOl, hag retutfned home. ditas. E. H. WeMemaim Jiae returned lo tibe ci'ty atter a yea.r's absence, ftöd is living at 23 etaurelii st. Albert C. is atteadinfe o meetiing of tllie fútate Boiaird of PliaTmiacy at Samit Ste. Marie. iliss Maxy Tuoimtr, wlhio has been risitlne ber uncle Edwtud G-oirmian, of Lyndom, hiae returned home. Mtb. A. M. 1'ino'lilT.m. o-I E. Unlurersïty wc.. U the ;ucst of lier 'daughter, .ter, Mm. llcOmiber, at Petoskey. Mts. Kiziab Rogere Thjompscm, of Jackson, was in the city durtag1 the week, th,e gucst Of Mts. Bathbone. Prof. W. H. Pettee and faraily Irave arrived hiome {roin their vacatiom. trip on. tlie Atlantic coast a-nd New York. Mts. W. W. Wetmtore entertained t%e ircfa.nti clas af the Presbyterlan S-umday Sch.oo-1 last Tlvnrsflay p, m. TVm. Fïdber, W. .). Oiurk aiMl T. L Hetvitt are in Buffalo ait the encampnïeint. .T. Q. A. Sessione hae ga feo Huífalo, N. Y., tt atteod the Gr. A. R encampmnt. Prw!. W. Iv. Ciomaiift., o( Mdbcow, lila li '. i-i n g?oest 0Í "nis (a(lic:'-i:itetw, D. Onamér. iMt. and ilrs. F. W. Otiickeriiig, wlio guets ol Dr. Mrs. Hoifli ttare i-iiü-n-a to Ohioag ■■ Dr. and Mrs. K. !?. Copeland are U une agaln atter a iuinincr'.s uiitiug at ttae Northern Michigan res :. .-1.11(1 Mrs. &tewiart Millea, of Bíempliís. ïfiin.. ara ginesta of his párente, Mr. amd Mrs. Chas. I?. MHilMÍ. J. A. LeRpy, oí the Detroit Free Press st.aif, was ia the city yesterday, atttendtng the C, weddin-. V I iMJBe Editli NjOWe tiaa pone ta ChiOEKgOi anü wül visifc with frtend nt Xálos and Riichanan belO-re voturning lome. íMary L. Hinsdale, oí this city, is ,Tsistitfc' la oaiT.ving 011 this state Teachers' Instituto at Farwell, Clare oouiiïty. f FroC. Asaph Hall. Ji, Oí Wie w" v.itorj-, has rel iiraed (rom 111. wïtih bas bride, focnnerly Mte8 E. peil. Quincy A. Turner, superintendent of thie Homeop. hospital, ia in Baf-" {aio, N. Y., attemding t'he G. A. B. encampmairt. Miss E. C. Allme ontertatoed a i):u'ty oí twanfíy oí bar frieiwls at Jtuiper Hill coittívge, Island Iake, test l-'ridaji-. . . Mre. tí. H. Scliueide:-, wlïa had beau the guest af lier sisten Mrs. D. F. Sctoalrer, reburujad hicme "o Ohicar go, Moiwiay. Prof. amd Mrs. Henry C. Adams tena tlhcir twio clittdrea Btarted iloiiilay. alter ma.ny delays, foir tlieir JBnropeoin trip. MiB. Pan-ris S. Daniield, aud moher lirs. H. Biovee, rturned Monday CTr6náng a stay of several yeeks ■at Big Bapids. ■ Mr. and Mrs. Joam I. Boylan of X. Filtli ave., left Satu.rday for a visit witih. fi-iends in Buffalo and western N. Y. F reef B. Sturm, Wli3 bas beem In Grerniany flor the past year, is a guest oí Miss Kdrr, of E. Jeffersom et., tol" a few days. "SVm. N. Bro-nn. Esq., leit Priday Sor Elk Baplds, t? visit Ilís íamily far a few days befare they retara from tlieir summer outing. M-re. Julia Sbadford, lliss Hattie Wanner and Miss Allie Russell have been Ann Arbor visito-rs t Bualo, N. Y., du'ring the week. The Missen Ella a uil feaotofl. Schenk oí Ama Aríbor, wlw have been visHiiijj Mm Cbas. Geye", bave Vcturned ■hiome.- Chelsea Stianrtaril. Waltet Ilamilton, S'tm of Aldennao F. W. Ham.iltO(;i, ha,s been appolated ta a fine pasitionaS teacher of matliomatics at Mo-line, Illinois. Siilas P. HUI, tite campus jiight watcfa, lias sane ta BuBtoJo., N. Y. Befo ve rotnwiïns he will visit his oíd home at Jiamestcfwn, N. Y. Mr.-, and Mrs. A. K. Whoeler, olí NewlbeBTy, are in the city, intendlng ta resido liere ia the fmturé. He is a iwem'ber oif th.e '98 law class. B. W. Riolberta, af Clhioago, stopped in Aun Árbol' over Hund'ay, t see his wife -vviho is a guest ol hr sister, lites Mate Clark, oí X. st. , MiBsee Bcvtha, C.vrie and Mabel diristmam, and Coira Bpüwh, have retoamed to Aan Arboff, after tiliree week'.s speat wifli frfeodsln Jacks.oo. Mlns. iitairy Bowdfean. wiho toe been isn San Francisco jar eoine time hae rotunraeö tome. Her (3(an, Dr. .T. B. Dcwdígaiii, oí Owosso, visifeed lier over Suiiday. Heman M. "Wcnoids, accompanied ?)y bis sorna Walter and Geoirge and diaufgihitfit Miss Jftasüe, left fia.turday Toir Batavia, N. Y., Wluere Mr. "Woods joirmerly lived. On Saturday aifiterniooin Mrs. Burt Xrwninn, of WHlhim st., Ria.'ve a tea tu tomar oí Miss ïdin, Bliss, who is fco bc marrted oin. Wednesd'ay evenimg of next week, Sept. lst. Guy Stevenaooi of tiie Daily Times, D. C. Stevenson, Bert Latlirop and Peter Gearing have been. pruests of I lommodoce Conule Cook, at tlie Pïinter's Asylum, Zukey Lake, during the sveek. drew's parish Sat;irday, eaeh, one p'reserat ccmtritmting 'txw&rd a íund for the parchase oí new ves'tmcnts ter? l'he ch.oir. Ají informal talk on XiMlia, and a piano' noio by Miss Bcttha Hill helped to pass the time pleasantly. An occastanai letter A. A. Peareo'n, in the D-aily Times, inrticates ttoa.t hs is ÖDing1 Encope wltfa a rush. tihat only au American: can appreciate. He g-ave a delightíul impi'essiiO'ii of Heidellberg, tlij uuivcrsity city. 3:ü;. W. S. Perry writea J. 'J Jacobs from Ies Ch.eiiea,ux islands, that lic is gettitttg oa iiaely, epending the time boatiug and fishing. He pays tke only troluble wit1i this is that tthey catolií míO'i'e fisli tlua-a they' can eat. They wlll re tima Keptember 2. Jlr. Cornelius Donoyan, Civil and Hydraulic Engineer, is visiting his father's liome on the north side. Mr. Donovan lias for the past 21 years been in charge of one of the most extensive harbor improvements in this country at the mouth of the Mississippi River, and was recently appointed a member of the Board of Civil Service Examiners for the engineer Department, New Orleans, La.


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Ann Arbor Courier