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Just tbötlce Jlow sovi'i'e js the puuishmrit b8 a natïou whlch merelj overstnys lts tinne of pronperity. AVe Inave 5a tlic United States and lts wo.udorfud tiplifti'nfeïs in tlio ilirection ■of wealtli special tennptattons, u twe stay prosperous, úu oiu.r mimds at Least, longer tlina Oibhor uations , and tíiie resflit is tliat we swffer miare scvei-ely tlluan they. AVc tire alsO Vhtö last 0i recupérate. We make ix;y abuiïda.ntiy w'lion o ar Bun Is öliinimg land the barns are iull. "Why sünould iwe be careíul abiaut Jihy ? Let the cattle tramp Ie om It and be bedded in it. "We have plenty. Why stoiuld wo wlu ravl ia abumdance g'leau alao tne flelds like tlie pooir ? Ia sucli tAmes wO all beoame lavish emd expecti pennlbe to take o.a-e Oi ■öbemselves. We go om jmoin one folly ta a-nother. We Bpend' capital alncl persuade oaii-selves tilna,t we are anly spemdümg incanue. It is easy mot ooly toi moitglage our futurei but fc' deceS've oiu'selves and to sa y tïnat tihis is tnly tempolary, oniy meeting a paseltog. emargemoy. B-y and by codili'klence pets binolken u'p aaid t'kc clock strikes Sar settleiraent. Nowar days uflh a setötomiaHt is a wo.rld scttiemu'art, and i tlhoiiaaud inillion peopte maiko it a very cotoplicated ftfaCHiGAN Central " The Niaaara Falls Route." TIME TABLK IN EFFECT JULY 4, 18V7. CENTRA.L STANDARD TIME IS : S : Á ie' 4 : : ; sá : : Ú ás : Es SS : : : : : BS . d ; d cd: : : : : a f'i:l2S2S3 :g-5 SS S -9 i : :3gS j as ga' j sa s SSSS3.53=Sg,3. S 8S8583S8ÑS8 O i -ir in iH iri ir: ü -ji t" t-cocJjia.aciOOHiH'i ■a i j i i i ;ss w ás ; ; ; ; ; a J : : aá m os d : : ■ o. 8SS : : :S :8 :ss g 8 Sj 8 : ;5518 fa " " " fr s ss i j ; ; ; isg s s's ; j ; i i ; ; ú 3 i : : : : : : H i :::■:: a i gss : : ÍS : : :!?5 ? 8? i i ■ i :?S . íJ-i : : '-H '■ : u- !5 ó"-1 ■ r.o S áá : : : : ES 9 SS : : : : : S g jd : : : J J i ■.'■■ 838 i i S 9 -2 S2 :S S i i ;SBS a " . 8 g SS . SS jiJmijiïmm-ïöie ,, coco. = = =Nri = j = = j j j Ü Í í : : : : :'Z S :::::::L ::::::: :!! a :::::::: : H f : ::::::: g g:::::::;:: i! y i ij 3 I ! i i I o I : ! S : :::::L : : o : :s_ : : : : :8 O. W. RDGQLES, H. W. HAYES, G. P & T. Agt., Chicago Agt. Aun Arboi Al ARBQR ANO YPSILANTi MOTOR LINE. TIMt TABLE Taking Effect May 17th 1897. WEEK DAYS. Leave the Court House Aun Arbor, at 6:35, 7:45,9:00, 10:20, 11:50 a. m., and 1:20, 3:00, 4:20, 5:40, 7:10, 8:80, 9:50 and 11:00 p m. Leaye Ypsilanti 6:00, 7:10, 8:20, 9:40, 11:10 r. ra., and 12:40, 2:20, 3:40,5:00, 6:30, 7:50, 9:10, ■id 10:20 p. m. 8UNDAYS. Leftve the Court House Aun Arbor, at 9:40, 11:20 a. m., and 12:50, 2:30, 3:50, 5:10, 6:30, 7:50, 9:10 and 10:30. Leave Ypsilanti 9 :00, 1040 a. m. and 12 :10, 1 :50 8:10, 4:30, 5:50, 7:10, 8:30 and 9:50. Cars run on city time. Connection8 with L. S. & M. S. Ry. trains at the crossing. Train leaying Ypsilanti atSp. m. conneets with train froni the west, fare 10 cents. Fare between Ypsilanti and thejunofon, single trip 15 cents ; round trip 30 cents H. M. Winter, President, J. E. BEAL. Secretary. Cincinnati, Jackson k Mackinaw Ry. Time Table in effect Dec. 27, 1896. Of Trains Passing Jacksoü, Mich. CENTRAL TIME. SOUTH BOUND. +No. I, Jackson & Cinclnnati Mail_10:30 a.m. +No. 23, Jackson fe Toledo Express 4:12 p.m. No. 5, Jackson &Cln. Express U;00p. m. NORTH BOÜND. No. 2, Cinclnnati & Jackson Malí 5:48 p.m, tNo. 23, Toledo A Jackson Express.. 10:10 a.ra. No. 6, Cin. & Jackson Express 6:65 a. m. Daily. + Daily Except Suuday. F. B. Drake, General Manager. T. C. M. Schindlee, G. P. A. Toledo. O. . n As-öj , t'ex.E.VRoscomnioa J})))))1I i! ILc f Howtrd V AY CITY Ui TIME TABLE. TAKINQ KFFKCT Sunday, May 23, 1897. NORTH. SOUTH. 8:48 A. u. +7:30 A. M. +12:15 P.M. 11:25 A.M. 4:50 p.m. 8:40 p.m. 9:10A. M 8:05 P.M. i-Tralns marked thus run between Ann Arbor and Toledo only. ♦Run between Toledo and Howell. This train on Sunday only. All other trains dally except Sunday. Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Standard Time. W. H. Bennktt, G. P. A. E. 8. Gilmore, Agt. lnEcTïï'iiïnÉ ivouflO! illfSfl SCHIFrrArJN'SAsthmaCure ■ Never 9 to t;ive instant relief in tho worst ■ Beases, and elfoota eurvs wher otltera f:iil. 9 Trial Paefcag FREË of Drogylsta or by Mail. ■ MánjdroM DR. 1 gPHIFFMAK N, SU Fanlt Mlnfr M Wanted-An Idea SHSi groteot your Ideas; ther may brlng you wealth. Wrlte JOHN WEDDERliÜRN & CO, Patent Attor "eys, Washington, D. C.for thelr i, prlieoffm Qa l!t of two hundred iarentions wanted.


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Ann Arbor Courier