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Short And Pithy Facts

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Alaska is two and ome-half "hnes as large as Texas. It i eight times na larga as all of New England. It is as lairge as bhie K-Kit'i. oxeluaIng Texas. It is as lacge as all o? the stat s east oí the Miesisslppl and north o: the OMio, includinig Virginia and West Virginia. It makes San Francisca cast oif our center. lts coast line is 26,000 miles. It has the higliest mo'-jiitawi. in Nortlh America. It has the only focest covered glacier in. the world. TThc Treadwpll is ojie Oí the sreatest giold mines. It has the best yelto.w cedar in the world. It has the greatest seal Jisheries. It has the greatest salm.aa iisheries. It Üas eo.d banks that beat Jiewflaumdland. It h,as the largest liver in the warld. A maai standing o.n a bank, off the Yuktj.ii 150 miles ii-om its mouth oan cjt see the other baak. Ths Yutou is twenty miles Wlde 700 miles from its mouth.. Witlli its tributarles it is niavigable 2,500 miles. It is larger tiaaa the Dauube. It is larger taan La Plata it is larger than the Orinoco. It disciharges more water tiiaa tlie Mississippi. Thf watec is freSh fiïteen; miles fpom lts mo.uttL. It htas gold ia its basin, than any otlher river. lts ootar is beautlSully blue to its Juoction wtth the White ;'iver, 1,100 miles its moiith. Alaska rmns 1,500 miles west oí Büawaii. Yakon basiu gold is estimated at $5,000,000,000. The necessary eruptive íorce íor the forma tioa o( graat fissure veüw is eyei"yw:hre evident ia Alaska. Silk stould be vronn next to the body, tben wooHen and then fu,rs. Citoic acid isnould be ï-aken to prevent scuryy. llhic íood there produces rectal disoases, llake medicine. Lima beans are g.ood portable food. Show gkisses should: not be forgotteu. Jvowlhe-e are mosquitoes so jramerous. TJio:e are tWiO kinds oí poisonous ;ílies. There are no snakes in Alaska.Moose are plenltiful. Tlhie flesh resembles borse flesh. Capital oí stock companies organized do business iu Alaskai aiggregates $200,000,000. It is p:,ob.i'ble Ihiat ii twelve months Iawsoiii will be WtJhin íour day tjf Janea u In cenfcial and noi.'bhiern Alaska the g'r.onnd is fro-zen to a deptli oí 200 leet. Smawfall in tne inteiicur is very íiS'ht - six loches a so. The bearieet rain aod snow are on the soiutheast ooiast. No Uiml coufcajns íiner epruce timber.' In i'te law tempetatu,res old íillInfe in teeta contracta and falls omt. Use amaligam. líen toca in gOTithern latitudes have toecome imsane in the long dark. Take a cness boiai-d and men. They prevení demenjtiia. The medicine chest shduld Iiold pil s, pills, pills. A teniperatme of 75 degrees below zero tas been recorded. Wlheai it gets lotwer thiaa 50 there is no wind. A tent is as poiod as a h.ouse, and ís cheaper. , Ivo slieltr is needed except "when t(he wind btows. At otiher times' a sleeping bag amsTvors all parposes. J-uet belotw rapids ice forms only nine íeet thick, and tíhere fishing ie d'owie. In otihor places it wlll reach ionrby f eet. Iu tlie dark seaeoia twiliglvt lasts six honra and almost any kind of woirk can be done. Elk, carïboo and grouse are commioin and 6aslly killed. Dom't eat snO'W or ice. Melt tlioni. Else quinsy. In tow tem.peratures tlne inside cf tihe tlïi'oat sO'metimes freezes. This is locally called "frost baxnüig." Fo'V frozen fingers use cold water. Yon cíi,i bathe only the feet and face. Sweat luider blankets in summer o" get 1-íheaiimia.tism. In srammer a.11 land not mountahi Is swajxup. Uindeifoot is ice CxTke, overhead twenifcy-twb hour's sun. Everybody gets Hce. Boil imdercloiühing. Freeze eleeptag baga. Talk o the ice iack ia ineard a. ihalf milo. An expert placer miner eau jiaa dry. "dmst" la as ) Ig as wheat gl&ld is jin (-)K,:u,vh tO Wear slik gloves tiieai fur. The Eskimo is virtuoos, the Chilkat i inert. c.Miatlian rapacity will drive tiw 8 int) Ame:ican territory. Canadiflsi pólice are iig-;ily oificionlt. . Reltodèer will be the iture locomo tives. Alaükaii dwgs are womderiully in',eat- the resiilt of selection, and heredity. Tht aatives ea-t mach ïlsli. 'J'licy are all hicwuest. '■""uou.umo uii luijiieis nxion oiyrier jiubjcinss wlll go. A Chicago 'company leads la Alaskan exploratlon. Hay grows as higiu as a man'e head. HaTdy vegetables can be mised. . Ai: streama show true gold issares. Take plenty of flouir. Buy na you fhiak you need, üiea buy more. Last winter a ma-n killed himself because he bad five poands of baking powder and nt flour. Tnder act of coognjgs coanmuniti 'of miners oan make taelr owa laws. No tiaief gets a ïatrer trial anywhere, nor any pro,mpter cxeeuüon. Make oacaea on, piatxonn.s sis ieet liig-h. Wol ves. It will pay to walt a year o,r,twp: It costfi $1,000 aow and wül cosí. 9200 tiliejji. All dtetaaces are gigamtic. It i8 2,000 miles f.-om Sitka to IClondyke, A boat leaving Da-wson Sept. 29 is eüoued the mouth by, jreezing water. All wood in tte Aleutitun fciaads BTCw onglaciers in Alaeka. T-tole fcTests break o the seiU cteÍme St:'eamS ai"G brk%ed by elaSom, wooj te boailtim]ly poJisiie(1 oy g-lacier action Avatanctea in tle fctertor are untuown. OtPtoB to d:yliess there is not mnci f rom tae cold. sL a 40-80 riile teie- One smaii trib mates $2,5fT0 , year tram eiiver fox skins. Th.ey are wor&a $250 each. Exposed portlow of the body freeze In thiree minutes. Ecu library: One BIMe e!hakeepeafe. Smoivreïnoea are iwt needed !n the miae ooiimtry. Buy mines from discouaged miaerg. Tnading compajiies will not carry goods for competltors. Next ye,ar competitioa wü] bring do,wn ttielr prlcee 50 per cent. Meals on tlie botert up the river cost $1 each. Men wtoo have gone this winter to ■MBic tlmi:' living svwving wood, Avili mot hm-e time to nay mn&b.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier