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The sewr laaoTws are cormang up AMi st. now. New paiat and paper are improvúig the l'OOks of Beal's tíhoe store.' Thie ladlies cl öfc. Thiomas' cliurch made $40 by tbietfr ïawn social last Fi'idiay nïgfat. Robert Staebleir has bonigfiït the reslïdenice of M-rs. Elizabcjtlh. Hyde, a,t Xo. 28 S. Divisiwi st. Regular monthly meeting and clectlon of otfi'eers of the .O E. S. to niglit at Masoalc Temsple. Just tibíate, oí it ! A nèV dirop cuirtain at the opera; hiornse ! G-o anü see it Sa'turday nilgM. B. B. 'Wo'Odward. 1-iifc 72, now holds the chaJlr cf Mechanics la Oolmaníiia Ujüversity, N. T. City. Acoo'rditog 1 fho Beoord's own, etory Nlartihíville has boem) beating the U. of Ml. What a shatoe ! KesaiTed s&ats for opera liiouso entartaiiamonits tMs year will be obtaincd at WalhR's Malii etJeet store. A new Ktairway, wibh a ianiding about hialf way up, hias baaa put la at the On,tra,nce bo t'We Athene Theatre. The Ann Arbor & YpaUaatJl Electric line are repainting and vcnovaling thierr cl'osed cars Jar tlie {all amd wimt-er ru-ns. A social oi'g'anizaittoii known iis the Bnuna E. I'.ower cteib :i,a,9 beeu formed by a numbeir oí thie Lady IMiacci'iliiH's. JJo'-'e naart are wajated tere hü Ann Ai'bar at $1.25 arad $1.50 per day, ta work om sewers thia-n can be fouiid In; tihe city. W.rd & Vckes at tBue G-rauid t)pera Heuse on gaturday nig'tot, wisi be supen'ior ta anyt'hing of the Bort erer seen in Ann Artjor. D".-. W. J. Herdmaai, C. B. Nancrede, and Heneage Giibíbs eatíit hiavo ■an articlo ia tlhie Aiugust number1 öf The Phyeician a'nd Surg'eo'n. r w r w v ■■ i1 i1 ■■■ ■■ - - -v -w -- -■ - He traced Maud's name upon the sand- A tribute to the lovely bud- A jealoiis wave rushed up llie land. Washed out the "a" and left it "Mud." -Chicago Record. ■The Amn Arbor Water Co., is lia'viug "ome of ite boilera at the up river pumpinig station oveilltau'ied aad repa ired. Miss 0:%ma Butle:-, oí Vkls city, lit. class oí 't)7, Ilias beeia appo'inted' tb the phaiir of Ecigildsh in tliei Chelsea high. echopl. A. L. Clark, of tftib city; hns been appototed manager of the Lansing BoiCer and Engine Works, at JackgOB, says the Press of tlnat city. Eer. T. W. Ywuiog, of the. lst Baptist cbjinroli, wenit toi G-raid ItapidB to; attemd tke annimai meeting of the trustees oii the Aatl-Saloon. Jjeague. Tlhe lawn social given by Beckea-'s Mi'Utary Baud Satu.rday evening, was a great &access, ovw wihtehi fact the memiie'rs are very gratefui tío tiheir friwndis. Oa S'uaiday next the cvening services at Kt. Aadrew's chmrclu wUl be held at 7:30 Insead oj at C;30 as hias bsaa the cusöom' duHngi tilie summer. JPnoC. E. F. Jota-ron has soldi the h,use and lot he awned at No. 21'. S. 12th st., t Tlueodwre B. WÜlliiams oí 88 E. WasJhj'Uitan et., who. win remide ttorein. 'Tlic r-eg-uilar meeting of v:he Vonuan's Auxüiary of St. Artdrew's dhittröh wlll be held at thei lüome of Mrs. rr. Nancrede, oa Weduesday f next week, at 3 p.1 mt D'.: W. B. Hinedale, deán oí the Homeop. departmejut, weo,t toiCoruuina last week, to vfeit Regen Oook, and to examine some Indiaa mpiujidp to be foupd iin that ïocality. The 32d annual retwiion of the 20th Michigan iniian,try will be Iield at Laus'iuig on Tuesd'ay, Sept. 21st, and on tlhe 22d AV'ilcox d'ivisian of he 9tili araiy oorps will hold a 1-eunioö tliere Thio S'alviaitioia Arm-y tenit was moved from the Northeide toi Se-üdne kust Saturdiay. The ctatvches in that town join with -fahe anny lor ai two wcok's bombardment of Baiine's citadels oí sin. T:h" lovevs of sacred m-Hiáhc were most agi-eeably surprised at the PresIiytovian cüurcli lust Suuda.y mornl).v i]r' oiiannin. reiuleriTig of vwo sweet nnd pialotíve solos by Miss Oïarta Jaöo bs. A. H. Holmes has í'io rlgtot son of g-ilt. He has stacited up busi agiaia, and any one wantiog hacks or livery caui oall Mm up by ts-lephotie ihich he still holds in the part of the (house thia'.t's lcit. The Sanday Sslmcel picnic oí 8t. Aiid'rew's cturoh will be held om Ehodes's Isla.nd, ThiLVsday, tiluo seeand o[ Bcptombo-. The picnickea'B will Btait fno.m in fnomt of tte ahiijrch a,t ten a'clwk n. m., öharj]. ■Nio yoang man was evef ootaplïmonted for beiug a loiafer and uö one was evo: carlticlsed Dor beLng a gemtleman Thils is a truitíh that all men can take ,io hoart. n.nd a eomsideratloin off it will do thie!m no harm.'.1 flThe wii.a of Ohari,O W. Vogel receïved painíul ináuries last Mobday aftei'n'Ov'Jn at aboat 6 o'cioci.. Bhe wfas drlving hjoiqje Itetroit ttreet, wttien the hiocse beoame frightoned, tíhied and .ttirew Mrs. Viogeil out oí tlhe oarriage. Bhe was taken; ta ter hiome, .aad is Üolng as weCl as oaald be expected. Manager Liesenier, of tlhe Arm Arbor opera. hiO'uee, was ia the city last evemlug ba bis way back frolm Detroit ■ívihere he had secured the two, greateet ligiht ooiraediaina aa the Americ'an stage, viz.: Ward aaid Votes, lo open up tlhe new cpena hofiise on B'aturday, Sept. 4. Ward aad VoJiee are plnyliig a new piece, "The Govermons," ïind hiave a coimpany oS 32 people witli thom.- Ypsilanrti dep't Daily Times. ]f I were usked I could not lell 'lhe color oí lier eyes; They may be (lurk lor nught I kuovv. Or blue as summc-r fiklfs. 1 only met her once- md Uien she wore a bloomer Ruit, I did not see lif-r becauee Her ankles looked so cute.- Ex. Although the Beekwith case is d.c posed of as far as any suspicion attaché to the people who were arres ted, y o th ere is ieeVma, whicli still exisls, tha there is some une who knóws something of liow that yoniig man caine to lii death. A houise belicmging to Barney Morristen, ob Spring st., was partially defiUnoyéd ty lire last Tlhursday nlgïit. In going aboiut t3ne püace, Ass't Ghtef Chías. Edwards feel down Danouigh a hatch'wiay, but was tuot eertioiMtty injured. Tloe oomjMmatiion, of tihe Üd Kaptist cihoirch people with the menVbers erf -LucuUus l'Odige IC. or P. in) a, gnand fu'l d'reas diruae.r paty o a Friday evetiáng, wag a great euccess, soctaliy, firuancilallj aad in tine way oí lueclous tlliiings to' ca,t. Uigtotnimg s truck: a house betong1ng to jfilss Ellem JMofsefc af No 19 N. State et., Stundiay; morniJng last. It was very co usideirate, JiiOiwever, andi onily kmoekedj oef a b:"ick or two and sent a dozaa ur mor slhingies sp'i'iming oe" thie yard. Tbe special premium ior the 'bes't lo'.tr of bi'eiad made byi a yowmg g'L':'l, fj ba awarded at the coming ou;inlfcy fallir, is stirring up liome1 oJ the yiounig gti'yi to leat'ni liow to maikc bröad. The oouaiftiy fatr Is -.d'wlnfe' gome good aüi'eady. It ïü'ote soane li'keold times to see Ü'Oicifcs of shieep béiiig arivea uarough towu. When liesses. Belhifiuss' and "Wallsace d'"OTe several ilocks througto town last week, people ilocked to the dioiore aod windows, tbe same as they woaid to a ei'rcus paiPade. A Chinese war preivails in Ana Ar'bio'". lïing Lee and Weey Pey, disctorged Lee Jíiirng Bumig-Chuing fox lazkueiss, and he Jlnoze to partv of the machiinei'y aoud won't give it up "by dlam siglht." Baeh. side hae liVDisted the dirty shirt, and the courts m'ay h)a""3 to adjudicaite. - Adrián Press. Tlhe queetion of the right oí wosneia Do vote at sctuooii electioms havingbeen su'bmlitted to AttOTney OenearaJ llayoard for an opinioo, be said on 26, 1897, Vhiis : "In: ajl cases In whioh none bat schooi oïïice'rs are lo be eiected, tiiisre Í3 qnestioii as to tlhe r%iht of womieia to vote. AVomïitt iln this (jba,te jiiow the conBtitutional ï'iglLt to vote ïor scliool oa'ices-s a,t all electioms whiere there are candMates Jor s-ae'hi office ba be iected.'' The members of the )"ess generally, w-ill regret tJ hear ou"pam accident wüiu-li happened tj Willard jteariis lof tlhe Ad'i'an Pness. As lne was ailjufetliiig a cionductar pipe to an.eavestii'oagih' a few daya einbe, thei r-ound of tlhe ladder cm ■wftiíteh he .was standing biioke, fchrowing him over backwardB. He feil a dlfetaniee of seven (eet and strack on his head and bacli, ehe sustairaiug considera.ble ïuJmy. ASI his bi'obhcr ediitoirs hope it ' will mot pro-e seriou,?. The new iniania.g.9r oí tíne apeiia liiouise, whioi is to make arai attetopt to gi've Aan ;( only tl ïirst eKtss opera hi3ase. bat ïh-sfc class pHaye therei'n, will opeau "uhe setaeon on Öatuirdia.y nigliit., wiüh. the great Jiuiy.h miaikers Waird & Vokes. This Is ttir H'-'s'L' vhue tihls.trQusie hae ever (beem iu Aim Av'tj-, and toay are füb Uhe head o: the p'diessil'oa iin tbeir ïi'ne. Mt. Lie3emeir hixs been obliged te) pmb np a giuuatiuvi t )' .secxwe flaiím, ajad t'he adttuisemeiiit .uvera oí Aun A;i-bor shiOiniíd turn, 0116 an-dj encourage lum la tbe joíoI oinid; iH'Udable -u-u"lí lie is atbeuiptküg. The ■opera Muse sliould ba pajelied. Thifc anaiiial as eesm-aat o; tbs Waflhtetaaw O.i'Hiity Mibtuai Pire Ins. Oo. has boca p epared bvv Se;retary Cttii.d8 and wtl 1e seut amt ia a day or two. The assessmenit tilüs yeai' Ís ?2.70 on ■pl,OOO, 'beiinig 30 cearfcs lese -Jhaii last year. As usual ligilituiing has caused a, large íniirabar ai Uiie loisses, beiuig t'a bla,uie fa? 18 oub oí tlie orart;ii;-e ,44 tiic year. The tiüitüil losses adjusted amouat to $10,699.11, and itto adjuisted but ostiíaiated, $1,650. ib ia a libtle siungular -öliat the townsthip of Pittsfield lias come just abowt one-üxalf of ttie catire losses. O woman, in your lwuis of ease, Uncertain, coy, and bard to please, We've all been held serosa your linces. Wlien jour baod lel t likea swarm of bees. But wbat ofthal? We love jou stilt, And, what is more, wo alwiiys will ! Wear wbnt yon may, do wbat yon like, Hold offices and r do a bike Be mftrried if it please yon to, Yet nothing thatyou eer can do Will make yon proot agnlnst lile cha mis That come wheu, yieldiug to rnan's arms. IjOve steats into yourheartl Ali, then You're jnst swett woman once again. -Cleveland Leader. N(a:imiain B. Oovert, of Ana Arbor, wfoo was bar.Ta Quafcer, bu backSlid and became a Mettodist, has a-eiKi.uínced Clhiv istia íx doctTines and espio.ueed taue yellow-bellied religiaa of Bnaltuma, an-d no,w beiieiTies tbat his 90 al hiís outer oover busts, will pass iafco soime respeobabfe ongatiism and keep up the mmeSc. here o.a earth, indtífroitely.- Adrián Prees. In o.tfaer wjo.rdis perpetual matioa has been discovöred. Ir. Naosen tibe Arct'ie cxpflorer, wfll lectuire in the Student's lecture eourse at Amn Arfolor uext winter. He ge te $2,000- Ypsilajiitiami. Wlhlaft ! - for tka.t one lectuii-e ? O. I). FiairffoaiLks, ram yeiJ'! Yo-u got witilïiia a tyliaueauid mlifes of Klondike laet year. Get Into tiie lecture bureau rite opih. :- Adirtan Press Tüie Prees ibrgets -tthjat it needs somc grcat effort to do sometliing tltuat niakes a maiu wo'.-th somefh'ing. Iiu see here ! Biipppsing Bh.O oase. Supposlng that Xanseu sULauid talk Dutoli ten his audiieace ? The grand cO'unci'x of tae Catholic Mutual Beneiit Association, af Michigan, will contiene in Ann Arbor' today. The meefchig, sio1 one ol thbe íoeal members infonns us, will be most important e"ea" held by tlie organization. Headquarters wiSJ be at the Oo'Ok House. The delegiates presemt tihis rnoTnimg assembled at St. ThO'mas paroaíúal school hall and proceded to t!he chuich where soiemn hrgh mass was held. The councli will be ia session "or several daye, as tJhere ia mucii, busines-s to 'be brouglat be'flore it, and a spirittd contest is on ovo" the question as to wli o shall hold the otfixses. The wiock of renuinbering the buildings oí the city is goiug on .as fast as the nuanbers are suppiied. The eys,tem is n.0' douibt a gccod onev but but tlhere ig considerable criticison abomt dividing one biock iato several dïvisiions. It is tlhoug'h.t that people will get mixed on ie block system, for iias'baaco, if youi ttieni to 512 E. Washiingtoon, et., ia tilie 4 th biock f rom Jfaia B., ör 613 E. Huiron st'., in tJiie -ibh, Kiock; rrom 'Maiui st. SörictCy speaking flie engtneeir is correct ao do-ulb,t in eudb. a ciompurtiataon, but the fact remaiins tlhat it is oxtremaly ooníusing: fio tlhe average persoa, and tliere ■oujglht to b3 a 'way to ramedy !ti C. E. Mutsche:, familiarly kntiwn es Elígeme, was married Tuesday arterrjoau at 2:30 o'cïock to Miss Anna E. Buck, at the home ofl the f)ride, ■oa Washtenaw a,ve. Tlue Jio-use %vas deoorated in god tp,ste, White and pink astere being principally used, oigether wifh traUiinig vines, all of (Wnitíh were raised by bhe gro oni ,himetílf. Tlev. J. M. Gelstjoa performed the ce'.'enïooy, and O'oty tllie Inimediate relatires were present. The couple leit on the 4:15 tmin for it'he east, expecting tb be absent eome two ■■Teeks. They will be at home to the ir iriemds after the 15th ins. The preseai'ts recei'rod by; the coupie were bath pleatiftil and pretty. The. couple have holsts aad luosts of well(rtslhers Jiere ia Aan Arbafr. Ex-Ald. Eai'l Wlaje desires us to state tthat the truistees ol the Northsl'de ettiuircli wish it iLiïderstiood that thoy have no'thvna; whiatever to do witn Blijode's Islaiïd, wltli the dances being lieíd tlheTe each veeki whitih. are entirely a; priv-ate cnterpríse. A club ■ntas ocigincally formed tío put tli e Iala,mcl ifl dliape tuid hnw raspectable sotí'als anid enterca iameats held th0:x2 jor the benefit oí th( íiew c'.Mir-cii fiuul, but, tkat eVaib íxns been disbandeJ and the cliureh fs no-w in, way? intereated ín the Island oc ibs dances. As there seems to be an opinión prevaleíat -tli,a,t the m.o'iiey real&edi fi'ptn those aflairs go to ie churcln fundí ít is deenied necessa.ry to' let the public nnderstand t-Jiat such, Is ïwb the fact.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier