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i;,. y. amd M s. T. W. Wiaila ;e oj h iTe ,1 nave daag LewLs Kuilil ■ lies eaptured 200 sparrttwti ühis Beasam Waftttateer wheeQmen are t i ñatea rum. to YpelSanti o-n Friday, Hopt. 3. B&le, wí;e of Fred Ri.-lh.ird-, oí Cbelsea, alea 21, 1897, aged G7 yea're. hod a deiegatíom ■: teacli9T8 at tibte last Jacksan? county uxasntoa'tiiOíii. v Guo-ge Sdhiiivr h.8 ívku-usd honne to Saline, ínoai liis vr.-ip to MissanJrl tiJükJ Nelnaska. "Wm. A. Jíeiei-', oí la ivbui'ldifflg so me i)'O,rtioiiá and l'cniodell'mg ottter portions1 of iiis home. Fram tlne bite otf tun ant T. J. Van Giesoa oí Bridgewialter, was laid up two weoks. Btaad poisonjng net in. Ga:'ge Ba'wöan of Bi-idgewater, ixíii;4Ht a Mouitaaa liarse peeentiiy1, a'jid iiiid.s it t3 "i)3 a vaíualble animal. Ctf'Oi.'e ifhia, íybiís usual ajn-omnit of wilivat wÜl be sj'wn 'Jliis üall, ilie gvod prScee gtiimula.timg tiuí fianners to g'reatcr atítivity. &alf'me people ooomplaiu about ranslntt wflueeOmea lidimg' on walks agafawt the' vi'.lag'e o ■i'di-n-iinco. 'Wliy ruot ai'rest a icw ? The next meeting of the SaJiue F'aii-miei-s Xwh will b3 iield at the home oí M r. amd Miis. tí. Jj. Híyti 'in Liüdi, on Priday, Sgpt. 3d. O. $f. FoUjws ís jio.w giraaidp'a, his dwmgthter Mi-s. H. U. K'-es, of Bridgewiater ha ving had a iKiglit baby oome tj' li:1 homs Aug, - t. Wlhen, Wei. Gadd ai Bi'idgnMater, thres'hed his graiia lately, he had 20 meo,, aiid ied tih lnacaine fram bofth eides. It ivas a luiwamec. lite "Was'h. Cj. líutraai Fírei In,s. Co. ■vill tj a,y' Ti08. .Mc1ji:i Df liíiüa, $50 foT ai $75 tnorss, struck t)y lightuiag last Sttaday mioi'ning. Win. Laird, hli Uves Ohelsea, hlas hiad BJ).ne Bheep killed by dogs, amd ís laoking Soir Wuose caninos witih a Iqok tot moaus murder íor tliem. James Bogan of Brfdgewatar went to Chicago recantly and bouight 3,300 slieep a:nd three oarloads af catrtle, whicih he has shippeil lia L- feeding piürposes. Ja'mies McKiiuion, of Saline, died Aug. 23, after a few week's illness. He was bom Aug. 13, 1858 in the hiouse ilu which he dled, and in which lie had a;vay.s livea. The farmers have not had rain eniaug4h yet to allow them to plow w'itih oasv Jíoi.-e wet is needed very nmch. S'a.tuvday nigbt a.nd Sunday's rain helped aat in saine parts. F. E. Jotaes has (selecte d Moodiay aaid Siaturday oj eadh, weok as tíie days Trten he w3jl bu he re tJ ,attend to legal bueiaess may be awaiting him. - Saline O'bserver. "Wliile remavlng the oid plansk walk arau;nid tihe K. Ketnpf & Bro's. Bank tmildimg, last Mouüay, Bani' GuerLn foiunxl $1-85 ia aicinej', a go-l-d, ring, and a pocket knfce. - Cihelsea Herald. "Xli'. aaid, Mra. Chirfetia.a Brau'n, .0 Sn'lem, hiave buen: eutectai'ning vherr d'auíghiter ifre. M. L. Wandertíei &ud dafulghteiis Lilia n aad M'atie, and Mora. .T. Mi'iler, al Jaoksan, Jo:1 tüi3 pact tü-X' weeikis. Setah G. Sou.tinvick, of York, died liast Thursdiay, fi-om imjuriee received tlhe day beíore by Sailiag f rom tht eca,ffold of a, tíh,reahiiing machine. He wias tcoc-a in New Yiork te, 183i, and had resided at Dimdee and Yotíb ípr tihe past 35 yeavs. At thc Fianne'r's Clulb meetinig to be held at the residence of Wjhi Foase la Mlandhester, on Fridiay, Bept. 3d, Miss Hitdhioock will give the Press cliippiínjgs, M'rg. E. Alien an, essay, and J. G. Engüsih a paper om "Wheat," to be folWwed by dteoussion,. Heilninger, ai Lima reporta a yield oí 315 Imsloels oí -sMhea.t íaxwn serian acres, an average of 42 bustuels to tttLe acre. He alsoí reporta a yiield of 413 bushels oí aata trota seven acres, an aiverage oc 59 buahels to the acre.- Ohelsea 8ta.adard. Thie storm lasb Smnílay laocniiig made coasideraWe tpouble Jar Ulie inisii'rance comipaaiies. Besides tle ítres aoted elsiwhore, the Ooumty Oertman FJre Ins. Do-. S'uiffePad losses by, tihe ■buiíining of two baTua a,nd ane Uouyse in, t:hie westarn part of the co-untyr A tettec has just been received at tihís place {'nom Jlamea Ypurng, who wont -tía ijhfi KliO'n.dyke i-eg-itoia last June. Mr. Y'Oiuníg; ih iiO'w in tíhe empïoy ö'f Frank Berrj-, wíik lias amiassed $2,000,000 lía Aüatska tiiis yoar, atad'oï winiose expDottis tíhia jiape'rs airo full.- CheLsea Herald. The lOflB-1'OOked-for fountoiin for he deiot gTOunids has arri'ved and is now beiinjg placed in p(osítl'0o. tüOfl iïi:i 1 niule wi'hh v'.ie railroad water taailk. The gano-unds are beiug made a líiíiiís oí beauty, and nc tt'u,st vi;i b a ] iy i tnarelers and ■our citdzenB for nïi.ny years li ïrot forero:1. - MiJa.11 lacador. üelo:y gmtxwerfi are trouble iaoBi bit-lhit agiaip, tJhite Beaa in. In iw'ialullo:iuis tonvoe tlhéy la.Te met serlontó lass bat s our growKirs have had but siight ïo&s, perbaps because t'lney h.ave cultivat.'d jêeely ,-i.ud used nieams t-j prerenit it youu spreading.- Enltcrprise. Wmi. E. Bradley oí Fowles-ville, ftu oíd oadie:-, nienntieir oí tilie G. A. R. Plost at Ho'well, left jiis qofiirtears at BüffatD,, X. Y., Aviliile a t& encamip_ment, wttSi the that lie wou.ld 1e back in a half homn to take part, in t&e parade, and iras nKrtt been sean ïisard af efnce. Olin-e' MUas, a litrt.le tjii-1 six yeare old, was acciklen.tla.lly eih,ab aoid poofoably. killed, wlülel at 'dhe haime 01, her c i'astn, Oi.afi. Bi-eiauiiiö-, In Willis, last Firiday nioiniHig. Breiimng was cifaiainig his gan while the child. wat neai-, wton ia ome vay Üua trlgger fiKipped aml the lya.ll 1 )dcd iiu the i'ifht ,f t!ii' little ;;■ i :i . The ikv scbaoa cntoloe'ues ai"e out and Ut ia ploasinig -Ja be able to' state t;hit of Bclhioolis are uow ooan, equal wita tilue heet i;i tfoë coumtty. Ani.itlLor yeair has be&a added, so1 that gnaöaatee can enter the UnÜversity Witawrart atto.ndiiug a year at soine dthar eoh.o'oC. It oug-lrt to n,nd ïindJou'lxbedly win bs -fh.2 mea,ns o-I a larger atteaidamee oí fo-rei'n r.cholaí"s.- Clinton Local. The act of the last leg-ielarbure autHiiofizing tihe tcnviisbip board of each tKwaalliip to fix tlhe amoonit of 11oöOSR Ua bs paid by JuawterB and peddlers do-ing bu6iaeBS tllMrein, is oaHinig oufc many Inqntries frocn iuterested partiee. Att'y Geju Maynard has decided tlaait a lieenee canno be issued a Uay, week or imanitihi at a pro :-ata rate, buit must be paid floc tihe fuïl tecrni' of otus ,year. -Ing. Ock News. A week agio last Buuukiy Beveral boy, ïi-'Om. Clintom were playing' a:'annd the eaw-onlU and dam, and ttaugfirt it wa'uld ba a iaa thing to set tte ni'ill in ini3'tioii. Aitef tu.rning on. -tíhe water they became irightened, as they diid u.o:t knonv h&w) to stop it, aaid placed a scantllng between Ilhe coigh, breaklng ühe machine quite badly. It will coat themi a nice little sumí to settle ia: thu dainage dotu'. - Bridjgew&ter oor. Enterprise. On Wednesday morntng Jast, at abo ut 2 o'etock, i;-e was discovered n tfe rea,r oad b:1 tte ceHa,r ia Ed, Ortoa.rkin's cíothin? utore, adjoining Btebtoins' li,oteL, at Dexter. Mr. Bteb:biiüis raakinig the disco very, Aiter an 'mour of very hard, oool-headed work, Ooitttoined with good norve, tihe il&mes were eubdued, but tíhíe umioke and water luad ruïaed Mr. Cr.oarkia's stook, -vialued at $6,000, wltto. only $2,500 insiurance. The building and Jedele's rmarket adjolntag .w-ere dam■aged s,omo $600. Th,e obher losers are E. Jedele, Drs. Ohiase atad Jeniny, Misses Hattis and Shiarpey Üresamakers and millioars, aiwl the Masonic o.lirc. It cara n a b ag an Npens, 1) '! ■;■. .'11111 ODüy gWd :i-nsc aniT hinrd worfe kept VitT losn down to wllLere it vas. Recenitiy ao Ypstíaati fliog nistoed out mkI linod oíf tlhic ealf oí .a Clu'ls,.i 'cycler'a leg. Tlne $ag lúas, just efíected a ecCtlemenít oí tlne oase, paylng $100. It was a very dear dlutoer.- Adrián Press. Usually ttoe r:css ís accurate. This -lime it is ivit. It was a Claslsea día,.?, and nn Yisi unan.- YpsiLanti Sentinel. Well, i't dO,n't ní:i,ke muc'h. (Ufference. The tW'O tomaras frcqucntly c'hew cachi other. 16 will be tilie olthesri way soon eniougili.- Piress. Boto are wroing. Lt was a Dexter dog and a GreeOj aáír. Tlhe Graas Lake News woird-pictures a snii'veïïng onoiwd of oííicers a.nd oxJoUfliceTis at tilifi funeral of tlie Id bo'ttvict, Jo DeQuttte. It clep'icte tlhe fuss amid palaver Cver tlie aged pTfeanier's stïDf, w'hose crime was ■tihiat of plunginig a red-M)'t poker iaito ■Bhe bo'welís oí hfa cryinjj tluree-year oíd step cJiild, auiid trusts "tibat tbe llwlUbr.'aiiideü devil and WOpse than devil, i-? aaw ro'asfuig on tíhie luottest spit ini tto infeilial l-egíons, if thcre is aiyy sutíli tlüng as D-ivtae justlce." - Adrián Pnees. AVüuldn't Uliat be Diviive venigoance inetead of justice ? Oflion Review saya a yioumg lady called at th,e Lakeville postoffice a íew diayy agioi ainid baalLfu'lly in quii:cd ti tiliere was a letter there luir. "BoB4nie88 or Iotc letter?" jökimgly in.quiea Mv. Auderson. "Business !" was Che rcply, íiceoimpajíled hy a bluisüx olí tüe deepest ai-msia.i. Xo Budix lebter could be fiomiid and s'lie -book he" departure. Áiter a ihile s he carne back a,:id saiU i'it íaltertng accerate, "Please, Mr. Andensoiii, would you niind looküig amioing tfhe love lattoi'B ?" Her uerve wias mat justly revvarded, for tihere Nias no letter. bana or E. D. F;etc,lie: Ixt SupeH'3.-, Avas biiiTiïed Sunday marning, ■wdtü all ita eantenta, b&log struck 1y l-iglitning. Twa honsesi and istjacks i gir&'U frdni ten acres oac'h o.f wilnaat, rye a:ad da(ta were alúa 'buTiaed, tdget'lier witui a Vot of íaTm ímpiíememltis. Mr. lletcher wtw owns the farm, and i'he h'O'.-se.--, is proprietor o; the Ferk:iiis boitel, Detiwit. M. Ï. Conikláia, v.-]xo Uves cn Uh. fama and ma ks it om shanes, Jases all bis yeair's -lol.k, and nearjy all oír" liis property Ty the draste:-, with n i iastuíance. The ba,"ai was insurred. Tnurbag the Uliarp tóectxic ütoimi' (ui!Wlay morníug, iJxs residenee oí Mr.--. H. C. i&regory, abltexter, was strucki tiy iigíhtniiing, and set on (re. Mts. Güregiocy went 'to ühe attic w;here the ii'e was, vitih a pail1 of water, and atcidentally stepped tlh:-ugh the ceillng, fiam wlhich she was umable to cx"bMcate herseïf tun'til help came. ■N'eigJiboiris rushed ia arad puit out the fblaze beüoire it bad üamaged muclh. The lllgihtndnlg etruck the chimney of the iLO'use aad kicked lihe brieks abooit 'in a ïively mannor, butt did) ntx particuiLar damage "tía amything else. It unade quiite a stiir anouod in tlie ■neignb'o'rtooiod hwwener-. Thie deoree has gionie iorth tliat sdhiaod is to open Monüö.y .Septeoivber 7th, amd iim smiali boiy is beginmlng ta aesume a suXlan, diawjicaet lookj, He 0ra(?s Jus {eet and tturusts liis toes sarviagely into all theoracks and holes of tato sidewalk, wiltii the, foi:vned bape tiiat siamthinig awïul may ■nnppen tia him va pooüong his' vacatSio.ii, and put ají -lw e vil, liour of hie iretucin tio bondage. He hiarijs stonee v.imdlctlve at -ÜUe $yg.% and is altoigetOner as ohjss as ïl he had lost all luis "mibs" ta his woc-st eaömy. ït te tfliie 'oid ieolinig, iiihei-eiit in the boyWh b east, and nis totJhrjght as much as aire his íreetóies aad his stubby ; bat he will feconTer aiíter he aas lecalted all his old trleks fioir making li.e miserable oc his teachers amd w'ildly exciti,ng Ms Irieods. Bot Witln fhe B'ten cö'rps of teachers now c,ngaged, t'he OheLsea, sch'oiol pinomüses to ofíer so few inducetnenjte in tbie fu.n tJhe sly and, wifcked youtlhi this year, tlha wtiafteree measure of euca unlh.aHO'wed blibs he m&y, xaaiuage to extmct will dO'ubtless, be tlhe sweeter a.nd m'o-re thirilllng.- Standard.


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Ann Arbor Courier