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The Comers And Goers

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CSfiis. Ir. D. M. 'Fylw lias retamed T. E. Nickel is Sa New. Y'V.'k visiftIng Iriends. W. J. Boiotli is liötae from'his '.trip to Euaiope. aBüa,Txy WC DiOuig-Jas 6poiat Sunday ia Ladiisilug. H. W. Owea is ia Akpoti, phio, lar tke weiek. TVill C. Hiollc%n(is vetanmed home f rom Jackson. Le Hayes, oí, is moving ta Amn Artjor. Hoy Sage i home frora .a week" etay at ttoe lake. Mns. Ma.s is entertaiming Mrs. A. Bader, af .Detroit. O. W. Hiaywood has remoled from HiH tci Ttuayer st. (Mlitss Aiifce bla(S refcurhed (h.'ome from Toiedo, Obio. Miss Bmily Haley has retorui'ed inam her vacatian trip. Pro:. M. E. Cooíeyi Í3 at) Xjes Ch,eneaux Islands foc a time. 'Miss Helen Mturaiiall lias goiw to Chicago, íor a weeli's sfcay. W. J. ApriU and family vlsined fr5ends ia Jacksaa yesterday. Ed. Woeliel bas beea in Xew Taris cu busioess duTing tbe %veek. L. A. Pnatt, nc(w, af .Traverse Ö-ty, !s ia to'w.fl for_a 'weel or' so. E. P. Mtis departed lar New, York last njsg'h.t to punetuase goiods. Dr. B. B. SudwortJh., wtoo bas1 been at Petaskey, lnas returned hojme. iMir. Boid Mi. J. J. Goodyear, luave gioae mJoTüa, on ai vaca-tiün trtp. ■R'. B. PQilllips will bocea be a fullJledged resident oí tlie -ith. ward. ilrg. L. C. G-oodridii visited her sister in Miïan tae last J the -week.. Boy B. SmitJh, of libe Higli SchooQ íacuitty, has reüuirned from Bay View. I: J. 8. Jatmsoiii has g-oae to M'iïw&ukee and ather western cities. FaMoilnran Geojge Isbell iö back (da dtaty agsila af ter a tíharb vacatflan. Hudsoi:i T. M'orton has returiifid frojö hiï triplo the HOTbhern j-esots. Mr. alnd Mrs. Waiu Ta.t-3 vto, had b3en -OiBitmig at Pa.w Paw., are hp:me olga'Sin. Mrs. C. H. Riohimouid i3 tihe guest of .tíiue Miases Douffiass of E. Huxan street. ■M'fes Miïdred Hiasdala is crutertíiinSng for a time Miss Daaaiïdson, of Jetnoit. Olre. E. E. SuadePJand has retumcd fno'm a sta y of sevesralf weeke -in laiaois. fMlrei. W. W. Wiiedioia has gone, ta iri;m-auke to visit her aaughter, Mrg. Bhillips, Ifiss Susie LaiWsM, -w(h,o. hiad been ■visiting here, has retuxned ham to Jaiekson. Mre. Stewairt aatí dainglfyter o:f S. C-ntversity ave., hiave gome t Haaioock, u. p. iMiss Olj&.na Armbruster aad Miss Anna "Weimcr have returnéd home fiom DetnoitMi8 Lil'lie Co-ad'Citt and Httle niecil Etaiel ilacletam, are at Hanöock sar " a few iweets. N ' Moses Seaboït is eaterbaiaiiig his daugfhter Mrs. W. 1. Biavrnders of Grand Rapids. "Miss Mae O'Heara bas been a guest af iliss Aigness Hiawkine, ent lexter, duiibig the week. PilJf. I. C. Worcester, accompaiiicd by We famiiy, luais Rí.taa ti visit his purents in Vernjiaat. Miss HattiÉ Crippea oí E. Ami st., has been the guest Qi friends in Owoss flurt'nig the week. J. A. Kirlvbride tas moived here fiiom FJadDay, Oto; He resides at Xov 33 G. FoartU av. Pnd'. and Mm. Brewstar are oiw occapy'iing the residence otf proï. H. C. Adamis, aTa Hlïl ut. J. J. Hansey, wha 59 empSoyed! tm tlve campus, bas moved fnom YpsiíaiLti uo No. 31 E. Univereity ave. Èllss Belle Sperry ha ving eecured a poeitlon in the Ghioa&o s ehools. leavos fa" that city Frid'ay. Mirs. Fllatt and daugüxter Pearl, .af HJazlcton, Pa., are guest oí Mrs. Reduier af 310 E. Huran ut. (Mns. Jdha T. nnd Miss Ldzzie IíejiHv, iMhc we-e yuesto tui . Detroit fd-onds, ha're returmsd liio!në. ate. ScaúionL, %hoi h.a,d baan) the gmeSt of Ifiss Gaffaey?, lïis retvunued rito hie(i' lïame at Ut. ,njeaíSaat. Prof. and Mns. Levi I. Alinea Wave ■retumied Hjumj froun a e tía y di severa: (laya wJoii DJfcruit frieads. E. A. Garbee oí E. 'WtiííhUag'toin st., 'has leeta ha.via W las giiests IX Zine alnid oui, af Napoleon, O Jas. Xnisby, -vvüia has beaa ivin(g oa Asllüey ,st., his (?oa3 to Laporte, Ind-, far permajieait resiüence. Mns. Gardmer-Smith amd Miss Gardcei-, íormer residents oí WiïlaTd ub,, bave gione to Detroit to reside.-' AVill Fraoik, Jr., of Etetroit, -.Ta& to towa Manday, on his way to Jafckson to attemd the bamd taumainient. Jtohm, Boed, of Oregcra, after an, absence of twenty yeare, Is visiting. hls agod pareats oq Forest avenue. Mc. and Mits. Ed. Eberbaoli nnd daugihter Edith, have retur.ned trom a ni'Oitttli's etay at the Keystorae. , Síes. Thoda Y. Beardsley, qf Ho-ell, fe Tiísitfag hiW daagMter Mrs.vE. A. Kelt at Moi 17 S. Th'ayei.-, st. Tli-eadore J. DePareart hm l'ii ito Bt. Paiuil, Mtnntf as a, .delégate to tb,e Natioö! Farraer's Oouveatton. iM'isses Maïigaiet Cariïarb and JJVüOfence Popaeroy haAie returaed home fcio-ui a trip to tibe nortíhjerm reefctt. Miss Gertrude BumderiaiMl left yesterday Lior Fiiat, tff assume tel duties as teatíher ia tliie high scüdo1! there. (Miss Niuia, II. HJwlett of E. Arm st... bas returned jpad a tay) of a week bo -sv&hi friads in Detroit F. Vf. Hemiinger, tihe famons U. af Si. fojbtballist, -n-ais Ia tonvn) ïVjday last, idokiing ae hale aüd heartyi r.f ytxre. Miss Susie Palmer, di Wm. Goodfjnear'is etope, -wthiOi speat liër vacaticu In. rtetrait and Cleveland, is tuarne ■agasia. Mm. L. t3. Pryer ofi E. -UiJveriMtiy aw., ie vlstting at Bay View 7a sveek ar accoanpanfjed tyjr ire. BaxtJett. llliss Ada Liesamer amd Mies Luiu liiesemer 01 Aun Artar, epent SundaS calliiüg on frteada iu tawn.- Saline OtieerTer. Bfir. and Mrs. Jb;i(;i B. JoiMieonv v lip mere tlhis eueaüs af Geo. Johmsook. of JB:-o:oks et., hiavvj retonned home to fcia.'itoiA. Mre. A. J. Sawyer and soa Aiidrew, of Aan Artjor, visited V. B. Gildaxt-V iamily Moaday aud Tuesday.- Stockteidge S'an. At Ocn.-'iuuLa ais week. Miss Nora Cio.lliius &a--vi a. tea; jiarty ioi uoncr Of the M'-tsses Dtuïty and K.eapa&ji. (Of "Ühiks city. AV. H. Butler is ujw residimg afc 30 E. JeffersJa. st., ha ving removed froan 20 E. "Wïiliam et.- X. B.- These Nos. -are toCd etyle. Mrs. Dr. Geoirge H. Graager of,Bay City, his hien flae liOJMt oii, her gister, Mts. ITlihi !is 0 Archer, st.. duritog vkc week. iMrs. Jenriie Robarte, wto aas beeu ttoe guest of her aister, Miss Mary A. Olia-rk, af N. Main wt., return ho'me to. Cftvioagic to-day. Mffae Martha Hurd, of A,ni Arbcucarne Friday. act har wlieel {or n te-v dajns' vUit witltv 1., _S. Kianbaiï aad ïiamSjy.- Cliiítün Local. W. K. Cttiilds had made all preparatiuti uoi gj to Buüfalo lasti week., Uut was taken i'U on. Bo-biirday and, was obliged ta giv ta,e trip up. Prof. B. 11. Tllampsan wjribes. home tliat theil:1 trip acnoas the Atflantic was deliilg'hti'ul, amd tfoafc they ware ay j.-ry wihea it wa oadadi lil'.-. aAid Mre. Deaig'ler mf Chicagio and lírs. Jacob Deagier Kf Ofwioaeo, wihia luawi beau visi'tinig i.'elatiives in tihie city, iiave .'-Éetuniod 'noanei IMm. T. B. 'Wiilifa.mis, Mí B. TOaííh inigt.oa et., is cntertaining Sier inter a,md tusband, Pnoc. and L. E. K. Cüark. af Colorado tipriqgá, 'Coló. Mas. Mairgaret M. Hadsoa and da'ugftïter Msss Mary, vnho N eided on 12th, st., horra Seft for Pittsbuiiglh, Pa., fo permanent residence. James Blrd retunned to Ajmi Artucv Meuday. He is sopin to go to tflie lyorthrwestera Uaiversity, of Minn., to, teach.- Gregory cor. Dispatoh. Pnoi.". D. W. Sprinfeer and {amily tLavc retanied ircxm their vacation. 0. "W. tasnl't gat the bi head over his ehort-lived elevatioia daring Me atieence. E. Morris Bristols of thie Bclioolior thv! Deaf and Dumb at !PjiQt, was In Aain ATfear Mandlay. He was on nis way líame to ïliat Jrom Tesumseh ork his wtieel. Mrg. Uautee Minor aaid ison Joton Kice, aind Bister Miss CJiara, are guests o.f Mrs. Pitkim, on íí. División st. They expect ta upand t'he wïatei- ki tlie KJuth. iMc. ajul Mi-.s. H. E. HaaderöCVnj oí OadiJlaf, have ic-tjitied taheir honnjf íter a, dharb stay wltoh íridnds liere; He is ttoe aíiicia.1 caurt steliograivher Iot t&e llth judiciB,!! diBtrict. Miss Jessie ftmiüh, lit. '97, ís the guegt Sor a day or two oí Mjfs-. .fpainte E. Ohiaever, of Paoklard ft. She ïs i:i her vay to Pantiac, wherc Bho WÍÜ toaohi íor thie coming] yaar. 'Mr. and Mr. Gkno:. Va.nidaíwarker, of Oí N. Ia?alllS'st., leít Sa.tujrday rciO'rntn(g a foiw weeks va-ca.tion) trf, t.akling in Miackinac, Las Oiteoeaoz Islaíwis, Sault 6te. Marie, ote. ■Tbe Misases Olaffa aoid Xüta IV by. are Vteitlaig írtenos iu Defcrplt for a few da-ye. Frpan ütare Jfiss Xma witl g-o on, fco ta.kie her podiftag as preoept-ess of 'i'be H:li öcluood at Vasear. iMr. and Mrs. Hom TribbleoQx have aeturaied fpom Am Ai'tnar dinero vhey had been a caupte df weeks afctndiuig a sick 01 Mrs, Tribtieoox, wlha died last lrtday.-ÍMilao Leadie:-. C R. Btvwges, t'lie adva,iice ageiA utf the great Ward & YJkes rtUea.trkal Ocmpa,Dy wüiicli ,is toi here Siifturday n'ht in their uw, piay, "Tlie Gav-ei'ii'Ccrs," Wae 1m tlie -city, öa-tuiTday. öfiss May TaylJ-', wh,oi luas beed etttdiog music floir :Oh,e pat yeafl in Ohilcdglo, wili Pi-a. Oalv-ia B. Gady, wf;l be tiie tjaesti' oj Miss Jessie Gregg, 'ai ■Poijin.taAii Stu, for a oupte of wekis. prpbate Keg'ister P. J. LeüinïaiL was ipaesing the cigars Monday moming Dut lie didtt't hiave the air afeout him fae would have bad, had the youiagster been a. boy, wfajcíh he. oojníidentlyi expected. 'Mrs. JH. J. Iirovi:i ?;iyö a tlhimbie party past Satiwd'ay, some 25 ladiee ■of 6. Aittdrew's ctareh attendïing, and phe íaites, daaated giolmg to pwrdhaee p-estiaeiit-s for the cteo'lir of fclua-t chuTch. Tbie Kev. De. Cardley ajud grandson of Kansas, wlu have baen Ktayin at J. W. Placeway's ühie past, tUree wteV, lejt fo,r A-rbKW Mcynday, altere they expect tjo ■emaia uniil tttLe first of Sptemtoer.- rinckpey J3ispatch. . Mns. WaldrOia, Mrs. Slioriaaii, Mr. S. D. Demmo.a and Miss Tessa Demraan, of Ama Ai%oir, v,1ho are spendttng the siummer at CharlevQix, came ip to the IsDand Tuesdiay cveffluing and lit yesterday mo,naing för tihe Sioo, they will remain uinjtil Fridir, visiting Mackhrac aaia oa their wtu'ii trip.- I-lí-.n.d IvOíea in Thur.-day'd Daily Resorter.


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