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Opening Of The Athens Theatre

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On ftafciwday rigihA the ! -jrniiitl opera touse, niiv the Ai Hieatere, was oplaad ftw the seaeon by ïli1 (! . ii icd i . ,:j - , ',!is .inl 'Wavd, ,tk "Percy and Hanoid," in '"Tlie GoVClinOTS." 'Tihe compaary was an exoeptlpnajr ly g-ood one. Titó iuin iit.i."te-d li.i wi,tüv i bie H-ni'-i of tUe ea 't lin, aml il luïtül it v,i.s yolled djwn on Uhe Last act. 8 Miie oii tiio ïulx wtas ooi tfas medíocre order, bat sit waa mostLy. iresb and good. Evieryt4iin)gwia8j9ataTlzed and fcn a way tihlat pcovoked mirth. Waird and Vokes wene wat a.s good a.s some of tihie compaiaj-, bat ttoat was ]K:i,baiKy owcag to xilua sort of tramp tinat tliey assanuj ia iSasit ï'oje, wWch) Ls nati eaicala.tedito be excesshieLy cili:w'm,in!g, bat .w attivvit beoarnse of 'Jte gmotesquaaess. Ie waa toó gTOtesqoe io tSie a■leago fun Lover. J'Oha Iv&ete' as Xay Ott, wfea the best eurttet of fcli.s lot, tliougü .['waii-rct Daly Vokes as BdBa Ott, Was t-'pt:op. Joliny Page as Rubber, the Betl Bjy, mast U'.ito bseui made of Rubber, for h3 cauüd! ■'eolute" hömsölf iato any pasition po.ssiible to thinlk of a-Lmost. TVrhále his e om pa ni'.ii In van Lucy DaLy is a capital fun maker. iTlie yiomilg ladEes oí t'.w brwipe w-i: all g-naceful, g-jod dancers, high ldlckei's, pretty o a tSii3 litage, and attractive ia tttoelr pirts. 'Tlie Troubadioui" Four, Wfcsom, Poweiis, Jo'lmon and Page, were itae. The ettitoi'tai'n-niient v(as aZl ilglit and tivst cLass all tlie way tlu-oug'.i, the onty tteng to b3 iTegr0tted: was tluat t)he pepple of A,im di'd aot show thie'lr appreciatio of whia Mamager Uiesemer is attemptiing, to, do, by 1Ui'ing- the lnD,use to wiwfiowing. That ia what Uluey oag'ht to tuare (tone. Thiose whio weoe tliere Baturday niiyhit iuuiid tune lvouse all and oii'oe. Th Ovd dustt v.liít had accum,u4a,ted Dot nges luad beein rarr d out, aew paiintt, new cuJtains, new caroatpets, ïiow liyiuts aml ïixtures, all ftee&i and tövltlng, greated thè eyes. M'f. Lüeeeaner has Oais She hiotipe cii1i pf,v out m táie olds ruS. Tile ns o-cUnestra, wiifch a ;uie uew piano, and ■vtchi L'jom elioai. to püy ln made gu-od mus'ie, viudi. la í itseÜ a gmand vmprovtMiiettt. Tim rtage, too, is wry muoiï Largar, aod sconery can be brougtliit besre inow and' put on, tihat is warth Uoelng. Oí oounae.aU ttuase tliings cost mon?y. f.'iid Xíamager Ueeeaner has wade a spieadÊd bezinning Ín tflua Une oí ■g'HLug Aiwl Arbor w'hiat lo has &J mudh, desiired, B íünrt csa theatre, it wihieih. exciuBdlrcly t-st elass Uro-upea wírj be allowed to appear. Iii log.ardí TO tlK eoaduct J atteiil' Heretojore tto ro.wdy eieiueut tos mj pn-edomimated !íq vlie gaitery, anü bean aJ fude :ind boisterous, tinat pltiy goug peopte hve Piteo ieix tilia t the yleasur-'e Oibtaítaed 'lirom tille Btage was inore thaia oiíeet by tibe bjaekguai-dí-inanid rowdytem o-I t4ie gai'lerlee, aad' confiequeolty íiumy liax freqaenitly vemained away. TllLeie was liDtVe o vhait element present Saturd'ay nlgliit, yet tliere were s-oniío present wliiO Btucfc v'aelr dffi"ty feet over tiv,i raliing, as an adveri.tsemient DI tli:'U' Indfeeent manihts. Bat? they wfe made sí conspicuouB by easop oí being so lew iu numbec, illuit tliey weire asham■(! Di a. and coejaded to respect tlio piuicc aad t h.e wul' CTHE NEW CU'RTAIN. Ia regard tn tühe tt8W drqpi nn-tai.ii we quote fram tlw house jwograïn : T!h,e picture oí Anclemt AtSienfi i P ttus drup eiwtaüa W(a paiiuted hy Mr. W. A. l'ew, af tJlijs city, and pre.-viited fla ani;vn.;i!ri' ' tbb tlica'tre in coiuïltiiom tai,a.t iiie ba adlowed to give tivi opera. iLause a, jiew, aajmie. Mr. Pew c'hpso 'Atliöns Tlioatre' as a.ppropdlate la view oïth,3 act tbat Aihj Ariorair s.s fcnoiw.ii as tiii2 Atiheu-s of jriiclitga.n. The imaoiagemeKt aceepts th,e ouTtain iwwl naane ■ivitli thanke.",


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