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Time Patriotism Doesn't Mean One

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fciO-u'Jd hiae all afche." If Tom Watsiou is Bawiug vood yet, t lis fair to presumo tlïafl. Iva hias a IBS TViowd pile to fiaw 011. Pwpie luaTC quiüfc talkiug aibout the "good old tlkaee." There are good aew trines tío eug?age putiuü attenttoa. !Wbe s;iy.s the -vay il !?ss out oí üt-bt) is to wioirkiag. Bte h in"t g-ot ib quite ritrht. T;uit's the -v;iy tï epefc kttoa jaU. O;y 3,000 peaple atbended ths rest of the Smiüh famEy ai IVapaek .. th'j-; year. Tii,o:-e must have - : ■ -; j rivtal a I u'.i'-tiou. i E. McLeaii, 3 g M aa a cirj iii.'iliiini. but GO'ntlnueia ( ■ put g.y-jú clauaea ïu all ofl hls cota■ ma.n wh i cufcs ■-! ; d ■teeo T, in or [e of ■a i roibt) ■!■. a il to o ■ t.ft n he who [8 in iiaey. ■.v,':. be no1 deániacnata qr repuWBanra in bisaren. He tiK'.iks the popuíatioh will oo exclms-JV' oí pccliwblti'iui.-is. My ! But iw,oinit ;:t be a Botoesomus place? a;i the new.s Inota ilho Klomlrke i. Oí not going c exoepit ■ fche b-u-nepring, w.iiicJi wtll ecnae ajomg i iiít t.h.e m-i'diKo i: tíi fjummer next Thaít tuairren .ido liUl on, j-oiur íaran. ■Wjhy do-n't yon grct come aco.vas, lú'cko"y ñutí, "walnuts 01: butteniuts and it tíiem tli,are. and have the place so; tih.i'b ib wii'J be a' i.Uab toi y'oú sdidE 'day Sasteiati of !ijig woctjuless,. A IDaasae preacírer says ühp chnsreh thflt fo;i'o:vis tíis praí'twe of fillina; tienes fetioinuaclis Sutl of fce orea,m a.t Boe4als "will gio iatn barikniptty, etarne tha ppeaiOhi&r, and never have an(y íniluence in Uto wm-id." Borne areláis ha.ndler m.ust )vrü t;!Jlled eact in lúa disli'. Itow ttiat Seereteury &h)eriniaai hafi acn;oiuno?d li:.s iutention t sptísík Jja Olhio, toe iopoonabs ceased to intima tB tilia t 1l& BhjOurld haw a giiardiaoi. Wlieu tliey read fhe Secreary's speeoli tlhiej' wfcl be ready to admtt. tih,a.t bs i3 stül an intellectual rut aimO'Qg tilia American paopie. It seeniiS oaCy tol lo; a quostioa oí tfene -n-tiei Great Bni'bata mm?t cease "export a.ny tílro platas to tfoe Ünlit,ed SfJi.teí, and tlLLa-t tim#a mayj'bet)Iy te hare veiiT Boon. - Iran nnd Gaal Traders' Beviaw, England, Julr 3.0, 1897. Vp hope eo. TJJ.s w(as Vi and !puíp3':-t o' tíbñ MfcK'iniey Tariií oí 1890, and st ie gratityiug to leam froni an autilio'i'i.tati'w'' foreigo poiKce, ik-at miich a favivaibCe resiüt ia being.aoi niirk:y acfhieTBcll. ït musí be romiii,l)i'i'.'tl tiiiit 1 i same ïi'ara i ) cotae oniir teíade wittl Wie Vmu.mI Sfca,tes w-IU alraotït ce tainly be gceaüy orippletl by "Cine ne barllff, and as busïaess iuíml i i ís ;i (hvt-y twt eee wh-.ij. expapioini is poe slible i:i oítoer direottona fco m.ike uj tor 1ÖH' patrtial cioisíiag fl ■, i imtxí nia'-'ki'ts.- 'iiiiuaiv un Dnasper, Lioadoii, .luOy 31, 1897. a;i claasee . tflue n-ii i.--'.i iMily. fi naneJii, eo'nunercial and t"rad pa pers are innanimons Ín expllaáning lin-v an Ani.eí-ivan protectiyie tariff doe pnoteci Anirriran labor a-ml lndus try. It wíl 1B hard worfc for th íree t.radws to diaprovp Chase abate menta in tliu campa gin cl 1S9S- Aniwican Ecooomtet. Ib paya t'o seuid fjood nicn and kee Uliiem Ühene. Bpeaki'úg o,f the ad ■vaööagee accrufiog to. a ttate f o soadáns its best men wo. in dífriaiteCy, E. A. Síoaeley, wihoi wa foímeriy la thc Jleissacíiusetits Iras Jat'niw tiaíii to, a reporter ab tlus Sho'-x-ham : "Had .no Maiine eent year afteir yeaf Mr. Üeed a:ild Mu1 Mr. DúngSiey, -t!i.;y w;0,ald iio'fc )w liave ílu.' epeakersliip oí ilío liouse tuiiii Uto c'.iaiLinan.sliip oY vhc Way and meaos CJinmluv. OlalO' feent Majar McKiouey .till lie galned euoh -'i.ii'iu-e in the homse tlie,t hls succced'i .; pDonnabicme Aveto a aauu'aí oomeequemce. , r e nne time tte miui,i; lias beein im na us. Tiio oliï cause Jot shotóktng ;uid eow.ardly crime appeane to be a frowlilng iaa!; to stand advewsiity. Tlhie titoea a:i üa-d and Uw intens.: pres-ur o; mOÜ om Jiie lias Uüderaii'Ued, in iikuij , tJic Btrengtih tiiat ïuituiralij a ííh'iul and chaviicUi:-. Sa it is tiLat ïimn and wp■ir.ifu iind it fe 6nd tftua timigglc by a ptonge ji Uhia rivei-, ut a buüdfc, a doüj ij: paifel gireeax ur Sic acid, tima uï caüitiinu t:ic w,!iat seeonis tiy be ltoipe[ess D'dds. It ÍB vu: be hflped tlhiat better timies v,i'A remoce trae temptati'osi to suicide, tibie iaereaae oL wtb.ieb is tnötfli sad aad aáaifmftng. Tke repuiKüeam party is lucky. Had wlhieat beem scairce ia Uier couatrfes (Vu;ilng Uíe1?laiid'B roiga, tlie politica 1 mblïc iould ltave beun diiieremt. Xeitlier Bryam nor flhii! ■oiioss of (jolü" voa.kl' hsue been luoa'.d of, aiid Marie ilaiuia wornJd be a pla'im buisiuess maa stil], ■vith his ïuatcliiess or.'g'aiaizinlg jw.wers eirtlieiy luamispected, o;utside !iis oma (XieTdaaid ppecinct. Tlliere is aatík a "tíliiáas ajs lack in politie.- Piort Hino:a Heradid. Taen if the i-.epuJbCiea,n party i.s ïDCky, tfluafs tlie pairty te ttej ba, is tt mot ? Yau dam't want to ally yiaumseif witüi a,a ai-gainizaition fehat is al;miay bringiimg disaster 'oo the coravt;:y amd di-stress t lts poople do; yioiu ? "W'lLetluar you eau it luck. .- Miu-ttóng else, tibia Lact cxists : Tliiitt whenever tihe repiuiKicamj )ari y Ilm mamaged tilue aBaíba f tiüs naf:'on, tllie coiiiiuC'.-y liais been happy and prospéreme. Wüicnever our Ji'ieanJs, tüie enem,j', lm v-e nad control ; aíüaín, whaídever thieij iKimp, it lias been tïli.e otttuar way. ïhero Is jiu qiK-s tjn but1 tihiat luok is a. g-ood


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Ann Arbor Courier