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The State SiaVtagB Bank is bedng redecora.ted and rencnvated. P;itctok Gibraey, of Aimi Artar, twen ginaluted a reiissuQ af pension. The proper iaúüg ta 'do S' to get somis exh-lbit vently jour titue fouiiity Sa ir. The Ofcsiiiieng'O I. O. O. P's cobhp Taenoed ttie eeasoa Jast u'Jj'.ilt wM -nitiatlon. It hia,s ciosb thi3 city $50j to repair Pacbai'd st., where the circus teams cut It up. The man W{h,o warks wi'ü live to serve as pail-bearer Jiot lialf-a-d'Ozea nier. whio woiiTy. J. P. Ha,mlïlton, tttne blmid, musician, bas rettunned to Amn Arbar and resides at 3Ï9 Mayiniard st. Tbere ape 2,925 cihiidreui in Wils district oí schoi'; aise, an. incfease. of so'me 300 over laisb year. Thfi BellTelephiO'.ae Oo. h&s nöw redaced the ,rates betweon, tihiis city and Detroót to tem csnt.s. I. O. Cri-iffen anU 'O. C. BaitcJiold -r wexe i-e-ciected as miem'bers of the .schiool boartl at, Monday. Clia:li's A. Eisle age;l 19, son oí Mts. EliaabSW Eteele, dled Moaday, oí eominnpt'iio.n, at tihe famKy Jioiine ora N. Filth ave. Fniaemaj thte njjoruing fi'om S. Thoanas chnirch. Said the dynamite crank, "Now yo mu:.t Give me forly-six million or bust." liut the bomb, then and there, Blew theni both in the air, And tiie rich man carne down with the dust. - L. A. W. Bulletin. Bookcr T. ■Washi.iij.-iuii. the coïoTed orator and stateamian, wül lectmre befo're tlio P-. I,. . the conniiii? winter. The cou,nri; imi appfopriabetd 400 to g-iva,dc aad gravel Mai-n. eb., froiu Oa.tlharino t. to Ajm Arbor ):,. R. -■ng. Geocge JT. l-'iistí, of tinis elty, va.s clhocu 2d vico proeaidemb aft tlie sbate meeBing at t-Uo C. M. B. Al. ia this city tast M-eek. Wilth, ite liew, cow.iectiotis ast To-Iedo tihe Ajini ATboff BailiToad is tlic miast U'iirect nad tv, quulefceet to "Waslvinfftiom, J. C. Tlie queetion thp boys on tJie Street are askinv? oaeli oth,er ncnvfldays is : "Diid yiou ,s!e t,lie twp cock iigh.ts in ■tyrwffi ,receittlgr ?" . On Wedmesday, Sopt. lst, Hemvy Depue, or rittsiieM, w,as miariied to Mis? Etidfoc-a Iv. MeOoilumj,, o fG-nass Lake, ■at JaokBOm, by Rev. Mr. Inglts. An;n ArbOT wras not represented at tlie JVatJoniW Associa,tion of Postoffioe Olerks at tiheir meeting im Balttooire, Md., tihe first af tlie weel! Tlli.e pulteic gehaola of Ui e city opon aext, MttdB7, Sept. 13, and the raerohaxita wlin so;i amyithing the fctde a-re imj meed oí aire on daok aiready. Wfcan Mt. Ntawlln Reta thro-agh witli the Oo'Ok Hourse lmprovements, Ann AïtioT win be aible ta say to tlu: worM : "Behoid a, ítast-class hotel." Prof. E. F. Jo'h.iMoiu is glr&g oviWenc oif tihe new proisperitj mat lias struck t:i!,is counitry, by buiding a Wae new additjoo toi bAa house on X. (jlnivoms-ity ave. Pteopie wh,o wen totJhe baak Moaday wü.h, tihe Idea of dolng bustafiss got beeutiwily fooled. Monday was Labior Day, and bamkera iewr ïabo.r ■on Xaboir Day. On Tluirsd'ay iiüWt J,a-st Beck,T's Mütttary baad Sa%-o a coincert at th.e ihhv pa valían at ünlversity 2i,aspital, wdiitlh waa e-;-eat,:'y eaj .v,m1 by fche patl'ivits aind visit yra. Bcv. Wlm, OoCUtoS, Whio hm hem pastof: cif iie A. M. E. ohui-cb.iiu this ÍI.V liol ■ SCHmc timp. hlie h en traruafarr. ed t). IiansSng, and Rer. Ktuid.v Simnnocis appo'iited tío fi;i Ma place. 'The IöCJ po -i oí :[ip(n-ínt'i(l(iifc Penry, 'u regard t ái w .m-k ■: the puIKic scboola, and1 of Psidat Jac '■-. oí tib ■ u t i-d ot educatiaa, wül :iid u the 3d page o-f this issn. M. Mary :. Davüdsoki, wüoi tesWies i E iza-befh .si., celebráted her ïhhii bïrthday Avlg. 81. Th o erKm1)i'mod aga .; 12 oï h? compandons wnM werO piresen upoim -t ,'i, - , eeasioi] ■wiaa 829 yeare. IFVxreign catúes anmomnee thait ):■. James B. A'mgfej] wiasgfaiiuted aa audlamce wliSb. th,a SaJtaa aa Frlday lasi. amd preeemited oredeatiala ns ü. S. MtntöteT fo Tunkeiy. TJue 111,0111bei's oí ttlie Anoriva,!i togaitAaa acoonnpnuiied !;fm. Tihoa- is gT-owlmg lip in o:ur city o, stPong t.ha,t tibore is to.o m.uvli mioney fooled a.w,iy 011 onr et a,nd ia city .iffait-s gemeraMy. The fli'e (lepn,itimint a nul the ctty poor fuad, a,"c abomt the omüy tw funda that are inuanaiged satisfactiopliy. Aid. Haiiilton at the oouneil meetiing Mionde; evendng aid thab wlhieii te a.ccep'ted the posDti-on of alilcrniuii he cïDcl it wlrtti the understapdlng that thero was 110 pay attaoliod, bo he refused tfa a,ccept of pay iw siltthig or the boa.rtl oí rev%v ior fhe eewer assessrauente, anti turned the üioney over tío the poor fuad. Ir' we !i,d auore such conscicntroiusi co une limen as Aid. Hn milt -on, we nhould liiive a niii'.'c Judtelous exiMmlitjti'o of the iuiids. ,-i,nd a in,"" inioonicaj Khu'iiiisd'ation of city affaire. If the wish Is fatlipr lo the Ihouglit - This souuds n trille fuiiny- Jt si BiiiH as tliougli the latter ought To be a little sumiy. 'There w&p mot eaougfh lije se meeting dlay t keep Wxe taü.v cierta awiLUke. A restoeinit oí Ana ArUw h.xsi 000 acres o f laiad in 80, .10 a,nd 20 acre patches, scaittaretl a,1jiout the sectfca i'a Oanaida cast o Iaba Superior, uhere tíe new goZdifituds have been made. , tWwj. E. Eldert boa golae lack ,jo liils otd love, o,aa can )o ba ioiund a,t the A. A. B'y atavia n baggage agaat. WTfcl ;.s vh.i kind oí'iaa tb&jt giaaJ ageiaita are m(a,de o!i. Dlxtaoro is to have a daily mail, oommenclng Sept. 20, from Aan Artr. rite miail ean-ier will leave Aan Ai'lnor ut ji,O'Cmi of cáete day. Heretofore the service has been. three turnes a week. Jumes H. Ifays, who has beon a ■sidcftit of city icw tlhe past fornr or five, has ano to Iad&anapolSa, lud., umi is pinactdcing law u partnerelhlp with V. B. Brown, Eeq., of ttoiat pLace. 'AN'.V'K'n Lewúj ainippea a tfrotroughl)i:od Ocfeker Bpaynüal puppy t,y ,ï, T. Stewiapt, off tlie ïog New, nt l)rr;it,uf, T.fas. Jfr. Lev(Ji received $25 tlhie puppy and tin; express 'o'iï 'Jt v(as $6.00. 'I'Jio i'dto.'s -vvIlO' assuirac tía bpsa ode] Jobs atoom 111W1.K are buay ust ïisow w3hh tii,f eewefl that is goiag up Amn st)i'ee!t. TUie cut iö a deop oiie, auid stonies tJiat hia'vo totbe reaniaved irom the bremch are pieodJlJul. M-niie M .Ou.'.' soc&ty g-ii-;.s ara flutU-rJ'iife' any.over the colming of Prince CreO'iTg-e, of Teek. ïihey are atl accu,st.omecl to pirfnices anywagr- entertain lihcni; evei'y day- a ït is niO'thiiiig ou,t Bo tilie oTdA'ü)a,ry for fíhem. Tiic lüouse of Rioliard ïveamns. of TV. 'Mia'in et., was emteired by buTgiars ;ilsL lllmirsU'ay uiigililt, awd some $20 in nyoney stoken, besides a lob of Oatables, ïllie tliáeies coiíered by cultiiug out a soreaii ia a. witdow. No p;ac ia líieli,]giau U mJ-ei iutenes'tied üa hier sotuoiXs tha.a is Ana Aïlhar, naid ye in uo otllwr pLacc we piysunne, was tliere so' ibtle interest manifeeted. Oraly í.tooiufc a ílozen peopie to iote $33,000 in taxes. ■The Ji'.-sit social oí the seaiioa fc.y Uie Lad'iles Aid Saciofcy; cif t!ie. M'. Il C&u'rch wi;i te eivaa oa Tliursdiay eveoisog In th eluvreh pariors. Teia wi'.l ba eamed at C:30. Everyibody ciormo and Inaike tiho ftasfc a good one. TJic Oiit-n.i Miïta oi Aan Ai-Uor fidwitiiso i,or damp, musity what. Probiably to iill onctera tor owhhts ol boardlog touses tlxene. Musty ■wfhedt is wood oaaogi: studente, nu til tiliey are well bred.- Adrim Pirees. Tiiere Ls a saiepicl .i moog house owneis tihia.t 110 a;l tlie lionnses in Aun Arbar avíii be occmpied üiula wiater. Tb,u ei-.-cttóju of resldences !ia,s been Boumeiwhat orerone, and uow jie cUy wia lua,ve to grow up to il belU i i to spea,k. If yiO'u want to biwnv wA abo uit the cdunty a nul t.lie ntumiaroiua and valua'lilc speciial prennüuons, procure a ciopy af the Counity papar of Secreüary M'ïite ai.ttl réa.d it tJirougli. It As intreainB, aud y-m wijl want ■tío baow ail the faiots Jt) oontalne. ïla rate of assessm?ait in sewer disU'itt Nb. 6, the Aan, st. düstrict, is .-"J.87 oó eact $1,000 viai:uatL!oh 8o) miueh exbr coaalng; in a:t tho Sast ■nii . (nie-n.t, made the raite !i%her thau at iist oxptcted. ÏOa knonv thí peopie d'Jd 11.1t want the sewert In this íHetricit. Rut they aj.1 bustled t. ) get iln at tlw laist. ÍThe elty oí Ana Albor put lts lia.nd dnyii ín its pocket durlng August a.nd) ii.i id oat $2,491.43 for woo its Bbreete, a,nd $'911.24 íor vrork done on Lta brldges, cuiverts or crossv:i.;us. a total oí $3,402,67 foaoree ttnonh. It oasts uomel ting to teep our etreete up iiu eleg'a.nit sliape, fl'creaa't it ? E. Wm Balch. edüibot." of the Plyin :iit,h, MiaL, Beada the editoc of the C'oiiuií.T djwl" liuly a Ddmjplimeniiary tácfcel adoniittinig t ail tbe sidesíhnws and ail t,h,3 otbor shows of tlie great l'ljiivo'uth. Fair, Sept, 14-17 lucluSWe. Ií aot there Ín flesfli -ve Bhall be iin spiiiit, ana Inope timt it wlul 1e the g'i'ea tcs't BhOw om oartU - ours i'i'iw's aft'erPwards, yom hajow. TlieTe vi-fiare h.utiii.lred.s af jtanil bi'.ls dist:iliuk-cl last Thdia-sday readlmg : "Lectarc Ïto-Nighit : Th,e Kloadyke Go:;d Cure, a,iwl AVh,at I Iont Iúiuiv A1onit the Queattea, by Oh,as. A. "WsU'd, EdièOff of thi9 pomoci'at. Oaurt House Squaxe at. 7:30. JXusic by toe Wa.sktona v, TJimes ilaml." Of Oöorae the last urn.teiwo giavu the thlng iiAviiy aa a íako, fot; w band Aviomid evar get a caace to ilay ■w",h,i;e. "Wa.rd 'w&a tioüsüiog da thoi tilver queistio'n. Xevertlheless there -viere h,aiulreds O'í people Vli,o didnft cafcdh, ca to the i?ag, azud acUially tJho'uglli.t Ohiarlle would ba there and adxiso tlli.pni novel' Va let BÜver floreada intermíagle with. the iv-i'id, a.iul especially 1 i keep invay from. Hli,e ivio'ndyki1 reglón durlug tdie winter geaffO'o. Have yo i had ;i ktndnesa shown? lt-S it OU. Twas nol giv( n lor y u alone, I'aK 1 1 on, Mei t t ruvel down tb Lel ii wi e Hl) 01 her's tears Tiil in lieaven the ilei I appi ara Pttsg 1 1 on. Tiht 1 iu:e-va,:-d p ut to beconwi ome o; -s -ií an Arbor, but a,s ;o;l'í as vil ■ li uilcvanl is aaouv'd faa k w. deutnuctóom, what wyouW beeom ■ oí a park ? Sitaüoa Agent GKmare toll-i us dhxit fhc passaniger tnafflc bet ween Aun Ai-bor, Tüledo aiüd tlia lakee at Hamburg Jumction, aad al Whltmoire, has beun gjreater iliLs year thao ever boflore. He also i;tates toot li 'freigiht a,nd passongar txaffic is pteking np TJie Wonaan'e SVrreögu M'issiouiary SocStety cií tihu Preííbyteinaa ehurch rwftü meet, om Friikiy aMarnobm witb 'M'"s. J. E. KtehaPde, X"m. 713 E. aron st. Mm Wi&lw and Miss Otva.ce AViidfcr, inissiüiiiaries ïoïn India, Wlll address the meetdag. A;i ladies are ïavlted to' bs present. Haxry W. e jurk, anperJlatendeiMt oí ttoe Ulni)va:sity HotspitaJ, has puir"d a ïot tu Ciitlifu-iiiie et., directüy oppotte :ah,e soatlln front of hiOBpftaá luildine, and luas alï'cudj- ooininoiK-cd t.h.e erectioai oí a hjo-use thereon. Doos tliis mean eometihiug ? lint tüem, he lis hls motiher t keep house for iiiiu, of oOlKs.'. Uhie Iaclic.s AM S-JL-iüty of Sr. Aur xlrc-w'-s iKuis'ii are planning Bor .their opn,ing eoeial next week Tiuursday, a surprise tea. Oae wttl i!it .bo go inp.cli surpilised a fhfi tea as at the n.aniror o? obtaiiiiui? it. Trcun -lIic srigh.t hint glven the Oo ariër repprtor lue is iaeliasd 'o bslieve t!ia.t lt ,wHl be a deligilLtjully fuiMiy.and en.t?ruriü'inK auair. " ThLs eTeming at 7 ö-'eiock, ut the ï-esldemco of Eev. F:-. Kelly, Miss May Wlng of this city, a,nd James B. Murnain, tbe po pui; ar clenfc at the öook House, wijl be uiiited' in niiarriage. Atfber thia ceramioniy the conupie will repair to thi3 home o; Uie bride, where o v(.'(lil:ny iusaab wül serred, to faimiivy and a very few inimediate fricnuïs. The couip'je will leave oa the 10:05 trato lor Nw York, and win be aibseat a mcnth. It n3 1 dnly botiliuï-s ]ia,efc d'rwei-s tb finul wJue'i-e a,ayfboijy ji..-i nw under filie new numibeins, but some cf our cïtdzcns gat raixed Iru tfluslr miiids .is ha wihierÉ they ane at. If a perron löres in tita Boooiad hoase ii'oiu l'Jie oormeo", a.nd ttie oaraer house is mumbec-ed 30', oac woiuid na.tuPadly Hhiiak tlwj ïiext houSie wioauLd be 304, but tune ctuswieea lus % wouijdia't. It mdgSitt be 308 o:' 312, accoi-dina to ilif dl-títeQce. Of oounsp ifs ad rihit buit ::t wi'J take n. long, loras to get msed to -Jt. nummer 01 peop.e vwo kfcckImg over t(lii3 way S. Kvteiioin, süroct lias beoii ti'eated, are numerous. One man, said to tttie writar yesterday : ''Wliy (Jon't you newspapecs take np ilie questioii af sWeet iniipiovement a.ud give the oaancil sfcreet coiaiiuittoe, av whaever is respoasüblb ior mach. W'vk as hals be&ii iloine oa K.'-DivSeion etreet, somia kiind(?) worda of attvfloe. Tiie gpeoidlng: of truo peo ■pie's möiaay in smch. a foolisli way, ?w eUD jiaib:-aee on tJie tax-paj-ers of thin city. Thti.t Street will uever be ■■uú aaiytUung. It will 1j woa-se wjien spring ooines töaai it is wow, tuwl ilb is ftuMiaed uw hy eviryloidy v,hu drÜT8. It tois hereiöoiitore bpea 1ixe p.r,ïdO oí residenlta ta tlieiir íriendB oiit riding aJoiug t.liait street, l)ut iioAv ! Why, ït"s warse thajx the oew oo "diuroy trad over Cliilkoot pass." Thait wa ouily pan'ti oï wliat the gierittiemiau sa&l


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Ann Arbor Courier