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CAN CURE ASTHMA AND HAY FEVER. A Noted Physician Offers to Pr ove This to all Sufferers in Ann Arbor Tke majarity of eufferers from Astihmia 'and kindred oonipla-iinits, after tryling doctors and nuinberless remedie advertised as positive cures wittuout avail, Jiave come to the conclusión bhiat there is no care for thto moet dfe'bressiing disease, and these same persons wÜÜ be th,e more la doubt and skeptical whon tihey leam througb tbe columns of the press that Dr. Rudolph ScMíímann, tlie recognized apthioirlty wlio has treated more case oí Chieso diseases thaa any living doctor, bas aöhLeved success by perfecting a remedy whitoli nafc only gives immediate relief in the worst cases, but hias posilblYely cured tlhousands of sutferers who were considered incurable. These Hvere jmst as skeptiical as Bome of onr readers now are. Dr. Schlilmamn's remedy no doubt p.ossesses th meirit whátoh is elaimed for it or he would njot authoi-ize this paper to atunoimce that (he is n,ot only willing bo giTe free %o eacli person sufferinj fpota Astlhma, Hay Tever of Bromcfliitis ij tihis city, one liberal "free trial hox" of h.i9 Oure, bub urgently requests all sufferers to cali at (ioodyear's Drug Store. Ann Arbor, wiitMn tie aext three days and recei-ve a package absolutely free of rjiarge, kmowimg thiat Itn making the claim hie dloes for hia Cure, a etrong doubt may arise Ln ifibe min ds of inany and that a personal test, as he offers to all, will be moire comvllncing, And prove its merits, than the publishlng of thousands of testimoniáis from per9oos who hiave been permanently cured by ttne use or hite Asthma Curo. "Dr. ScMiffmaan's Asthma Curo," aa lit is called, has been eold by flmstf o f this ctty ererslnce it was flrst lntro-duced, alth.oush many persona may never have heard of it, and It is -wtth a vilew to reacMnff the=e that he makes thia offeir. This Í8 certainly a most genero? and f a offer, and all who arO enffertng from. amy of the atwve oomplaimtis Bhould remembef the date and place where the dllstrilbution wfll b& made, and aval! themselvea of the same. Persons HivImg ont of tíhts clty who deelre to test the effícacíy of thia most wondertul remedy wüll recelve a package free by wriitlmg to lr. Bchiffmann, 330 Rosabel etreet, 8t. Paul, Mirn., provi'dtng thelr letter is recelved before Oct. 16th, as no free samples can b obtalned after that date. LESS TUIN ONE GENT E40H 1 RARE CHiHCËS!gSSINoeRAB"s 156 FOR $1.50 Au arrangement jnst made with The Detroit Free Press makes it possible for us to save soine money for every render who takes advantage of this opportunity. We undertake to furuish THE Hl MOR CÜURlEfl AXD - THE TW1CE-A-WEEK Detroit Free Press Both ONE YEAR for S1.5O. h Twícb-Weé Free tas Is the Best Possiblc Substitute for a Dailj Paper. Pnblisbed on Tnesday and Friday Slornings Ia tlrac to eatcli the Karly Trains. All the Latent News up to the time of golng to prefis. Complete Market Keports In each isssiie. All who ennnot get a Daily ghould Subscribe for this Ideal Newspaper The Free Press Is offering Premiums at Special Low Rutes to SubscrJbers, and you can easlly save the cost of both papera by taking advantage of THE MANY KAUUAIXS OFFEBED. WKITE THEM FO8 A SAMPLE COPY. In No Other Way (an Tou tiet As Much For Sa l.ittlc Moiicy. SUBSCRIBE NOW. DO HOTTeLAYT Free Farm Labor Bureau. In order to asslst the tliousands of uuemployed men in Chicago, Ihe Working men's Home, at -12 uustom House Place, has established a Free Labor Bureau, and isprepared to furnish men to farmers and othurs In all parts of the country without expense to either. Kmployers applyln' should state definitely as to the kind of worb, wages to bc! paid, and if railway fare will be advanced. Address, Labor Buhkau, Wohxïnqmen's Home, 42 Custom House Place, Tel. Harrison 213. Chicago, 111. SALT BarrelSalt at WholesBle and Retail. GET OUR PRIGES. DEAN& CO., 44 SOCTH MAIN STREET. 52-3ml7


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