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Hoy Ghijde, whJ'íe o:ut huuiiirj at (.vurtney's Iako, Hamburg, ;ast week, secured wJxat is a are ispectmen oí bird. Ibwasa G-reat American Bitteini. Being a ; i j-.I vaxides-misi . H y lus thi ■ bird u OLOnnted, and wül toep it. Swvetary Joceyn is beglnaittg vu :ve aiiHvf"s fpoia th.e thiO-asaads ui cireujai-s sent out So Uiiilvorsity grad'uatee, !., h.e flaberest o thief U. u M. áJanuni ímul. He receíves $5 and upwards pr dar, and reportB tüw iv grad nuare onbh.nslaflttic tii.o luis. E. Evi.:VU :il.)r. autiiiir 01 "Break O' Pay, aml otltor akort sboríbe, lias causad hlnkseUf t.j be lo'cted up ir.i 'the city jaU at líanefaig n a c i uuion prisiooer ïo-r tiij. purpoaa of etudyáng tfoe prlsoa&ra U order i bbtain material íor a n..-v boot whLyh he is wrttling.- Ctelsea, Utaadii.vd. s.. ,í .'. -' parlslá o IS' a happy hiJbSjiy itö Jjaibjr Itey ve.ebia.iioii, aml ite treaaary is better off ly $300 or more sixereby. Kev. Pr. Goidriek c;i,u aot be unido, tío tluok thjanj he aiways' by -a oí xliAi-, b;u )j:'.,.i), !i,i nay that way a öAtle uuru t:i,i tisana,!. a: t'h.9 examiaati'oa um Monday - Jojiee, Brnest Ely, and lii.c two wciuea, 5Jib. HcGoy uad lur dar.g'aier, for oC'm.pitct'by ia :aM)ing Spatkeli's raeat market Date oí $80, reoeatjy, all Were aeld f i at tae circuit eJart. J-cóia Wh st was ■ as jj it b-'-nv; ooanected witih. it. Kji'ctricity a.s au, AidtJSiu-gierj," : -,.;i i itj. oí a; ín The ühy.siria.n. and Sarg-aan fwr Mig Ia -tíba uaone nujnbjr J.-. Oiias. P. Najicrede tsCls "'Wïiiat ia -i'.ie Best -Mtriïid of l' the Intostines Aitter Tütai EesectiiOia," an,a &.: Heucage (jib'bc5 lias a papar na "CJaromc Parltojyltls ; Lea4 Poisomiiig, ; l'ocu,ia:i- Eruplíioa Oauedi Viy Oiil oí l'eiipcúmiat.'" Prof. Graves, oí Vte peto&key síihoois, welt knowiii iiij Aun Aribor, va,s o. 0iiciago last weeto an.di as a p:sent to his wUe bi-ouglit honne a pa,ír of Italiaa sbeel faociog íoils. They a"e not ued ia plaattng. steel öiico postts, by any' ruaaiiB, bu tí are gula.r inog Btiolsers. Ib wlll uot e Stnajigie :f i'iiu two are at "swords Kints" d:i,y ii -Jha week jiow. - Adirilajc Press. Harry Alten, Of at. Johns, wh.o was arresbed a few, day's aince for pie kin g John Keamey'á pocket, caused quite a comnro-ttoa ;it th.e Jaü .Sunday, by swalüdng a lot of soap, mul as he claim,;!, gome jowdered glas, alsj. It made Jiim awful sitk, and tfo.ough reloaed eatfance ut Wie Universlity hospital, he was attailtted on Monday tothe Homeop. hospital thi-ough thé elïoTta of Humane öoodyear. ■ The Waifliteaaw Tfanes firies bo di-aw a prosperlty lesson' witih a puncitaae of ehipped bael, ior wblch ihe liutchflr domaüiided an. extm ilieta tel, after tfiie Time. man Itad1 laid down a dirne ior a pouiii'J off the stia.ved mat, clainiing that "prosperity has coma and maa,t' )iz." The Times should hn,v ti'ied somet'hinig ele. Ohippeid beef hos tsold ■aU along ior 20 cen.ts a pouad in the markets here.- Adrián Press. Tte rlch. men o; Uve Uaitedl States are the mout genei-ojus girers ioi the wcirid. Iuring 1893 toeiy gaw of colleges beneiojent purpoíses, a Taund' $29,000,000. Duiring 1894 they ncieased it toi $32,000,000. iu 1895 they gave $32,800,000, and iKitwi.this'tiaiiding the hard times e;f 189G the glfts aiia-Hun,tedl to $27,000,000. Tfae comötant whine of the iagratitude amd greediness oif jim rL0)n,aires can be bast uiïderstood by a ötud:y ti sux.-h facts.


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Ann Arbor Courier