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retrVJeumi coke is a )i(Cv "nel seint out by the Sta.iicU.xnd OJ; G:C Subscribe Jo,r tlie Cjourter and' pet a firee t'lcket to; the Oouiaty Fair ' Èx-öounty Cjerk W-m. Bamsiingburgtas beea appoliuted depaty eheriff. Tihiere is am r ia th'te nuointh, but it has beem, pnetty hioft Joir'the oyster so Har. Sup't Mfcls has dlitetrübttted about 13,000 copees of the Pa,ilr News airea dy. Or. Wedae-sday evening next Miss Mary Fieigel and Mr. John Bauer vare to bo married. Holmies, t'he lBveryman, iis now üo5ng busïlness at 739 B. Unjlversity ave. 'FJione 106. A flme new caadjr store Iiaa been opeaed Ha the stföre on N. Mtata t., iuext áoor to Ëdward Iufïy's. .Tndge Niwkirk'si new residemce cor. ií. Sta,tie and E. Amn sts., has been tonnecfted by teleptoone, Na. 171. The office of ttw Bohoov o E MnBlc ís open fropa. 9 tol 12a. m, and froni 2 é p. m., to receive app;icafions. Gertrude N.( the infant ilaugh.ter io Mr. and1 Mrs. Praak; lope, of JIl'J street, died Saturday, amdwas buried f?undiay aftemoo-n. Bnoch I!)eterlo, underta.kev iiad the m,isíoi'tuiie to ha va lite horse run ;iT'ny whilo Ji-o was hfflbehing it n precentHy, and snnsli hila canpT It is a pijeaailng Ihhiig to aote ütxe e l)rtvc(Mi tho twiim cdties of Ypst'anti' and Ann Arborto pull togetb.ei'. Ia union tliere U streng bh.. The rogula.r winter isessioa of V.e unda.y School of St. AiMlrew's parWli wil! begin n.sxt Bandïuy. Marks lor tho ye'a.r wUl be commemced the, and it te hoped tliat a.U tlie sclvoiars wla be present. Btfother AVirjs the Evia.ngeliist, was iui town yesterdla.y Watíií lus g wagoa.. If you want au Interes tiing cliat about Atlantic coast resorts aad iislh lag, just omgage ia oonversation vitli Soth C. Itanelaíl, abo ut h.'Js nummei outilngl The indfcatïons all po int ío a i'altUng good county fair t) yaar. The demand ior iulformatiioa In regard io the fair h,as never boen as great as tnjs yc,ar. There lis a greater chance fop a pi_-rmlanoinit freeze Ofut iln the Klomdyke ïoittery ttuan there iü lm the Chicago 'board oT trade, but botlh, are migihty unccAibainThie council and tlia board or pab'iic wörks aeenni to '03 nlh log'ge'riLeads oveir the dumping o'f dl-r.t and ïeffuse on E. Huro'n et., bat'weeii 12tih aiwl 14th. Sta. Coroner Harrfeon. Eall has nhown his popularity siince he has becOTM coroner, by haviing more inquests than any other coroner Washtonaw county has ever li,ad'. Wiirt öornwell eaysi that the, mails lire not {ast emougli: now, far ordere ilov The building papeir they are mantrfactuirimg so the telegrapih !s brimgiog in otdiers aimoat dailly. Eilward Ruffy offars $50 reward for the a,rrest and convictlon o? the persion o-r persons w'ho etoje plaats and Bowera f rom hjs burilal lat) .h St. Thomas cemetery, recentjy. A miau piiving hiü' naone a James Frow was a'Hrested by filhiariiff Judson Saíardiay artca'n,oon fo-r stealAng tl Jot of liaiaoss, etle., in Jacksmi eounty, w;here he was tíaítoa Monday. YasteTxlay thiPee op foar miein, diiggiug in th,e sewiBP knedaiohes1 oji X'. Main st., wrie o;vieirco-me by (?bs ■Ihicih escaped inopn the gs maiai a'Jojngsttde of the tncli they ■vere diggtog iih. Hunters ax in?ormd thatt.he open season on part-pidge, quaii and praiïfe ohiokens extends inom Oct. 1 t Dec. 1, exoept in, the upper peniiisiila where partridge may be killed Tflom Sept. 15 to ïfav. 15. A bonjíare o1! oía brualhi on, tlie top of the hlijl n,eair ülue ío'rla oí W. Haron 6reet, caUed o'nt ti!ii3 {ke Üeppaitment Frklay nihit. It was a long, hiaird drive up htll. Ilhöre ouglhjt to be some way to avoi-d .siich, fakes. ITJie naanly of.d inlands od ;Bav. Ian K.hJar wftl rejonee ta learnthiat he is to, be tila n.ew cliapaiim cnj the tja.te pilwin, at Jacksomi. . T.he 014 igentieïunn. .Wihia hiad occapd Uia place for se mi&Dff yeans, luvs 1-dtóred.' bocauso o;f ocd' age. Tlie Qnicampniinit cosb the jnembei's of Comp,;i,ii.y A $G.5O cacli, o-r ;x total oí ífSO.j.Ti'. lint btiety ar all piea,sedi w.iith It jusb ii;ie aame. At tho iiii'afc du'iU kib Tiiursday ftvianiiing themó were tea new .-ip plica ti ons few jnsMiilio'ih.:!!. Aiid ye'b títere is ruam 'Dor more. Th.c ncw Geiin,ui:;i llalli, a large building arected ior inuaioa. and e j'ciai purposes, o-a W. WiHiam, ut., is being diedicated thi's week. It is i i-in.' buiXMng-, h.aa a largo teil, to be usrd by tlio üe"iui i,u i;oeietiea i the citij-, a,iia reflects credit upou tlie eiiergy of its pro-motelrs. Tbs oars on th,e motor Itoe to Ypsilaati hia-ve beaa i'eptihited and reiiovated lo'o.k brigth,t? aad lilce. It la uadersitocrd tluit Uhe city liuj is to h, ita rodltag stock ni'iailarly im.piroved. A giO'Od iiivestmamt. l'eople wijl oftea rida ía a clean, inviting loC'king ca,r wlien vhey otheryLse wiould walk. At aa adjoumed: sesslo'ii of vh.a oourt Monday, Judige lvimio bciitdneed Frank Bemiott, dhiargöd wilüh Uarceny, to ono year at Ionia ; and Louis W. Pcak, th,a youug coDored feBow wlh.01 enterea A. Sf. Clark'.s re&iiUnec and stoie siO'me uianey and valuaKJM soiu.o taree weelcs aso;, to th.ree years at Jacksion. Uo'ili piead gui'Jty. Iiae sboï'e irm E. Dav The very falrott rose has thoins, The neatest little foot has corns, And so we finü that men aud books Aren't always what the cover looks - L. A. W. Bulletin. ïss Nel'lic Iiacli diued :eccntly willi. the Pnnceas. 01 Itaunirvnia at Wrinuw, in Orerm-any. There is going to le a ïarge sch.ooj atten,(laiiice tliiis year, seventy being ropartcd in, Boyiue rooms. The Jirsiti 'bee sji.ú:i; oá öli e ■ uson wijl be glvea toi-'miO'frow iveming by 1fli; I. O. T. M. ïrive at tflic h;i.'l 'O'ver tlie P. O. 'TJie An,n Broiwos weat vo lymioitttJi yosterdiay tioi ptoy in the ba.s: la;Q toiuiTiiimiant? at t.ho air nciw in ppog:rciss at tihja,t pciaae. Ifrs. Ma.ry Koogcl, cd Aan ArbQr towD, was taken tQf lanLïac vcsterday, Tjy Oificer Oaníteld. ,t limes Mirs. Ivocgel has beeuL MJoi'.ontly Sasaae. Om. Mtxaday nexlti ühai-o U ba be a meetdug liere ia Aun Arbioir o; ühfi Deteo'it Pïeslbjtery. Th-e Ofieujlng serwtffl bc preaaiiod ín tíio evciiiii in, tho Ire.s(bj-terian oliufch. Ex-Proseeuü-ng Attorney EamlaU a battja of o&oaa water tliat ie ftipped up out of t!i.e At'jantio üt North. Sciit.uate, Mas. Ifc is jretty a ■■ a regalar beverage. One -i:izri approadiiiig another a, íC'v day's sdnce asked flhis qu.estfton : "TVIhlch Is the niost faíaj to the human íamily- tlie KWndyke gioitl fcTOi' oí t'iie.iiortli or the yellow rever of. tlhe soath ?" Tlie anawear carne qiúck : "Heacts I win, I yiou lose.1" Peter J. Letumain recehned a ;etter f rom lii's bro(tlier WKliam, at Cli tliis mioriii-nig which ixtids : "Bca-n io Mr, ana Mr. W. 10., Sept, 13, at 8:30, twín (?K's. Weigih,t S and 8 1-2 l"be. Doing jücely." Waiaan now h,as four girls amd Perter 3ias th.ree. There is a Btroag boad ■o f syfcn.patih,y. A general and cordial invitation 'ís ertonded by th,e ü,die3 o f Sb. Mvd'rew's church to afc'tend their surprise social at Harris Hall, on Thursday evening, Sept. 16. As -chis wiil be th.e firs'b of tha eeíason, tlhe Dadles expect tío mate it very enjoy'a.ble and entertaining. Tea wtll be served at 6 o'cloek. Thie(Y. M. G. A. liyceiini eoiK-se wKi be heíd at th.e Atheaia Theatre tWte wi'nteir. 'Whicih anranlg'm.eib is niutual'ly giood for tíhiS aad) for VbG asoc.i'ation. This will har a toimle-ncy to briug tilia .■eputatio.n of th,e the'afcre up, and! at the 'aune time it wKl no dio.ubt help ühe attenidiance up'on toe Y. MI C. Al. ■ ín readfing t'he proceedings of the í'cpublíicanleadiers in Brooklyn, Jí. Y., m-e niote'tliie nam.o of Col' Johiali. Bur. leifehi. He is tlic yame Col. Burleigli whio at one time !.'epresented tbis distritt in thq state senate as a .desa icrat. He is now. a prosperous lawyer and poldtícian in Brooklya, or as it is now termed Crreater New Yort The 'ladlites of H. Andrew'a pariah ■have & surprise ia B't'ore for those rE7 at tand íinst tea social at HarA Hall om Tihtiirsdiay, to'-aruarThe TJinAversïty would' do well vo atlopt standard time anid hold it. ït i but mooseiiso íor tilils ci'by Uo tl'iing to tlhe oíd fogy. idea, of lvaviitig twc t'imes to puzzle the a,vrage travlei- wrth. The oíd gag Ühat "siua time is G-od's tittua,1" Is a, He. God ihas D0 tiriK}. He lmakes iliie diay, and toig'ht, bat) time te aa iiiTOixtton of UK3,a, and as sutíli U subieob to fcuy thange wMcli may ba demianded for aoaja's con.Tenience. Doublé time; fa a. conifus5OTi and fraud. Wlhy 110; Tlive bj t'h-e tanva we h.a.vo to cDmÊutc irom our time piecos wheo 'we ga to 't'ho oa,rs ? The SKÜtoe Ob2e;--er givesthiis item which wiLl n,o dloabfc injterest many of our eiftizeos wlio kraow, the geaitlemait rofierred to : "School: Commis9toii0r Lister was qaite. 'olie center of attxactioa; Wedme-sidny morning wlnii he carne o at with au ambire new _rüg, Uu.iigy, htumeas, horse aivJ luion luster. It i.s a. nwart out.dt hwleed, .mil lV:iy will doahtless ualóe mm-h comfioit wiltb it. Tliere te )lov ome preirjtu'ity cohiuvumI wiltb tíhat ili'a',, Ihe cairrláge has crery appearanicc of h .i biib two, i.'iid in hls posttion wlth bo many schooima'rms liim constantly - -'what -WÜC3 the Iiafvsifc be.'" ll. (i rative justtei (?) lioji-. its Jbinis on aigli anuí' emites peopOe ■wjtili koen sarcasm at timos. EV Instaaoe : Had i't niO't been flor íilaa residente vof E. An.a st., t'te Be'wiT beta buiJt ñ t'hie 4t0i wlffPc! wo'uM uevar hu. ve been bulit. ïlhiey cluiiy to ilue newe" unt i-i tilney gij'b it, amd tluen Um 'sickeii'e of tüiiiï wai'd tuinbïecl aU ove,n oacii otter and t.h,ejas&]vea to yetinito tlie ■r district also. A Eioodlyi por-ti'oii of -tlhem, succeeítod i gettáng in. ul to pay tina B. Aiiiu st.. paopl'a í5? tbioi'r persüstency, the kickers íiaye bad til eerwiers bui'ltpast thedr places wttiiiDe tlio E. Ana i;t. people) will ,be the last oaes sei'vedv JSPot oníy that rat tibie etreet íaffont oí prönv 6es will be toco,' up ;all Üh;jall a.nd -winter pirobaby, aiul made Smpassiltc jast íifc thra 1 b it ;Vrtll makc a gineat dífforeíace t tlyii liíaulcíaHy, ais aearly all on -lv stsneet tepend ujion i-enting t:nr foüuií? to '".p iay thieiir living expem Sobscrclbe íor th.e Cjourier a ad [jet a jrec t'icket tq Cne Cloniaty Fair. FfoT tfoe time tiic Ájaa Artvxr ocho; Baard has a wamap. preat(h'iit, SIrg. Amia Biaeh. being ''lected ;.isi nJgShit at the "ecy-gaiM-zattcji. On ta-king 11u' -iia" sh.e marta a neat speech, f acc&ptance. Tii.o office oaiae tcx h,&r uas ,:;,!! iwit ve;l C'aruod, for.' H-nn ah ■ hAS bseiii a niein'ber slif ]ias ji it bean atoeiat fcojii anj' regTil'ar, special op comunittee meetinii, pravinig n m.OEft va;'uable trustee. Th,e oi:g&niza,tieiai was com.■p'A'tea ly seloctiion, cii E. F. Milla ïtoir secretar; and Junios B. Beal Dar freasurer. Marfciia Cïiark waa el'ected' trua.ixt a.íee.r. lYesttecday W. and Mrs. Joh.n G. Koet C[" th.5ö cjty, witJh chljdrém and (rand cfcdi-jn, celrbrated the GO'tli aanöTersary oi vh.rtr mia-rriage. Mt. Iv'ula :'.- 84 yeiare C! ag& and llr.-t. XCioclb. la 81. They catnj fcoi aountry ín 1836, Pp ín Grarmany, i;eti!''iy,' la Ijjdi. Lata? ühiey livod ju ■Jrcedio ui, tteen, in l'ii tjc.'d, buit Jötr tke past 23 yieara tlhjey been iics'ïdlonts 01 Aan. Arbo.r. Thü eoupie (bave frve cliijli.'.M living, two BOins nuil tl).:'i da ■ They have 20 grand ■ and 21 gTeat grand dhJSdnein, all oí wb-ona were pres yeslteröay to o;:ijoy tihe day TIn,? coiujQcil proceedítu.s íor tfifi .jr &ep-t. lst,. a oifiteia'Jy ini.l)Ci-.sih,od, ougüi.t to ba put ,iia the JvuhV.s oí every teix-payer tai Ana ArJai'. ïliVJ montyCy report oí Cky Treasavci' BieyLer ï ■): August, publisbr cd tlnercin, sbo:ws amoverdraft iia the l fmul ai $13,871.75, and au IftverSnaït in th,o bridge, euvert and ■crotsswaik f and of ."p3,371.33, jnaking a tobai of $17,248.08 vrfijfih, has 1eeji speurt ooft of these twii i'undS wima thee was uo' mia'aey án táie ■te'easary t:o thoir credit. Wlnat sort oí íiioaBclertng is t!ha.t? Wha.t ido Oia" tespayeia tWak of siich business ? Tliarc eau ii)jt be íi csiit in the street ïuad ttve comijug yesar, .and yet tlie am.-0ao.t pai'd' ou-t of tliat funxi lo." Ilie miooith of August wim $2,491.43 ! Vh&ve tsa-Ü ti tea ona ,twó yourtg nnou in tibis city wllio hire thimselYes out to studeaits - ncw ones especiaüy - comdnig liere to enter our schools - aiad wlio are 3a Bearcli of rooms, to show tfrem nlboufc town, amd lielfp them itnobtaining quarters. th'.'s they asili a co'mauïssiion from the hOuselio'jdcr, aisilde Erom any pa"jr ttiey may get from the student. Th en thère liaive been iliistancea, it iió bs43, YÏlere aitsr receiviag the commilssion, thiey hxw taken the studente Ito othier rooms, and bo made;a eecon-d conunission. It is advisabie Coi' peope not to pay commifesions ■untt.satisaed tlhiat tbeir roomers WiU i'emaün. There are cases eited wtiere rooms remained idje all winter, because of Vails eort of trickery, andit is usuiaL'ly amioing peWplO W'hto cara illy atford t'ho l'oss. ït is a pjea,su"e ta armosinoe t bat Ra'.lplh C. JIcAllafrtier has been nppiointed general secretiary the consoCÖdated ü. c M; Aliwiiiii AssociaÜioia. IMs aotiot was taken yesterday by t)lis boiai'd, and was unanSroiOiiLs. Whe Oosirier coogratitfabes Mr. MeA. laster upoa good iortun?, ajid aso oo-ngratuda'tes the Alunuui Associa.tioo. upott eecuringi a ;taan for the importajit pcittoai of eeoretary wlw Is equaj t tihe óaak. The poraou. wto assumes the d'utjles í líhís posltioiTi must be a puáüe:1, iu'J of days' works, a ad always o hand readty for buslaess. Ia ihis Mr. McAllaster will no.t faü. We beIieiE that under hils guidlanca tlie object of the AssiOciia.üOia seit bafoi-e It w8il be attaLaeKl, and that the alumni of Michiga.n Univiersity will copie to realiza fully th.e diuity tney Qwè their alma mater. A,' batter Belectilon it woiuld be difftcult to,


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Ann Arbor Courier