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.. The öounty Pair dates are Sept. 28, 29, 30, and Oct. lst. Please paste thie in yow hiat. CAN CURE ASTHMA AND HAY FEVER. A Noted Physician Offers to Prove This to all Sufferers in Ann Arbor The majcwity of Bufferers from AjBtbma iand kindred oompaaiwts, af ter tryImg doctora and nuaníberless remedie advertteed as posi'tlve cures witfaiout avail, Ihave como tO t)he conclusión bhiat thare Ís mo cure flor tais most dfebressimg disease, and tbese same peraons wiill be the more iin doubt and skep bical when tihey learn through the columns of the prees tliat Dr. Rudiolph Seailímann, the recognized apttorUy who has treated more case oí Oheso diseases tihan a.ny living doctor, has acQiieved success by perfecting a remedy whtoh mot only gires lmmediato relief In the worst cases, but hias posiltlvely cured tihousands oí sulferers wio were consúdered Incurable. These Veré just as skeptiieal as some of our readers now are. Dr. Schlllmann'is remedy no d,oalt possesses th me'rit whiiloh is clalmed for lt or he would njot authiorize thls puper to aninoimce that (he is n,ot only wiülng bo gïve free t,o each, person sufferlng fiiom Astiuma, Hay "Fever of Broncflultte Id hls city, one liberal "free trial box" of hte Curo, but urgentily requests all sufferers tio cali at Goodyöar's Drug S tío-re. Aun Arbor, wittuta the next three days and recetve a package abaolutely free of charge, kmowing tfhiat tn making th claim he does for his Cure, a strong doubt may arfeO i,n ibbe minds oí inany and that a personal test, as he offers to 11, wlll be mare comvtacing, and prove lts merlts, thian the publlshlnj of thouisands of t-estimonlals from persons Tho have been permnnently cured by the use of Me Asthmfl, Cure. ■'Dr. ScMffmamn's Asthma Cure," aa Jit Ís called, has been sold by druprglste of this city everstnce lt waa flrat lntrocTuced, although many persons may never have heard oí K, anl lt is -wlth a view reaoWmar these that he rn.ikes thla offer. Thls is certünly a most generouis and fa'.t offer, and all wno arO Bufferllng froim any o f the above complalnfcs Should remember the date and place Vhere the dtetirilbutlon will be made, and avall themselvea of the same. Persons livDng out of thls city -wlio deslre to test fhe effücacy of thte most wooderfal remedy xvill recelve a package free by wrtttag Dr. KcMrfnwuin, 330 Rosabel street, St. Paul, Mínn., proTldlmg thelr letter Is recelved before Oct. 16fh, as no free samples can be obtalTied after that date. LESS THSN ONE CENT EACH 1 RARE CHANCE SS ÏXSVS1 156 FOR $1.50 An arrangement just made with The Detroit Free Press makes it posslble for us to sava some money for every reader who takes advan tage of this opportunity. We undertake to furnish THE MIN ARBQR COURIER AND THE TWICS-A-WEEK Detroit Free Press Both ONE YEAR for S1.5O. The Wce-a-W Fres Press Is the Best Posslble Substituto for a Dailf Paper. Pnbllshed on Tuesday and Fridar Morning la time to catch the Traína. All the Latest New np to the time of golng to press. Complete Market Reports in each Isssue. All who cannot get a Dalljr sliould Subscribe for this Ideal Newspaper The Free Press Is offering Premium M Special Low Ratea to Subscriben, and jon can easily save the cost ol both papen by takinjr advantageof vv" - THE MANY BARGAINS OFFEBED. WRITE THEM FOa A SAMPLE COPY. In No Other Way rn Tou Get As Much For 8 Llttle Money. SUBSCRIBE H0W. DO NOtTeUY. Free Farm Labor Bureau. In order t,o asslst the thousandH of unemployed men in Chicago, the Workingmen's Home, at 42 justom House Place, has establlshed a F'ree Labor Bureau, and is prepared to furnish men to farmers aud others iu all parts of the country without expense to ei Uier. Employers applylng shnuld state deflnitely as to the knul of work, waaes to be paid, and if rallway fare wlll be advanced. Address, Labok Bureau, Wohkingmen's Home, _ , „ 42 Custnm House Place, Tel. Harrison 248. Chicago, 111. BarrelfSalt at WholesBle and Retail. GET OUR PRIGES. DEAN 6c CO., 44 SOUTH MAIN STRKET 62-3mI7


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