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If Debs Actually Secedes From The

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Union and Spain recognUës him as a TeHgereiit. it will prove the greatest opportunity of Japan's entire life.- Grass Lake News. AVhen tho banks heve reduced ihe rate of interest on gold mouey from 4 to 3 per ceait. frtend oí the Deniocrat talks about a money metal that appreciates in valué. AYhat irony ! Tfrere was a little matter of $20,000 diserepaney between the books 01 the connty tveasurer and state Treasurer In favor of the state. Connty Treasurer McLeod and Auditor Lawrence went to J-ansing and soon Found errors enough in the books to make the matter straight.- Wayne Review. Isn't that a qpieer gort oí an Item ? Or is it all rigiit ? The state authorIties aro tisua'ily pretty accurate. Those who really have an idea that the spirit of bimetbailiam is dead should put a,u ea-r to the ground and listen lor the echoes o{ the silvor camp meeting which licgins in Bpringiield, Oliio, tíiis week. The grajidest Eoman of them aill, Wffi. J. Bryan, ■n-ill be there and isoimd Vhe keynote of thie campaign in Ohio.- Democrat. Yes, if the telegraph didn't lie about it- there were some 500 people there all told. The people have had their ear to the ground. They liavo heard about Bryan and Billver Tjefore. Judge Kllgoi1, fami'liarly kno'n as "Buick," when in congress, and who made himseli famous one niht by Kicküig in the doors oi the House oí Representatie es at AYashi'ngton, when Speaker Reed Jiad ordered them locked in order to count a quorum, died at Ardmore, Iud. Ter., Sept. 23. He was a Gewgiam by birtli, and was a of the 50th, 51st and 53d congresses iromi Texas, as a democrat. of courseu He -fvas appointed chief justice oí Indian Ter., by President Cleveland, and and made a most admirable and just udge, comniandiug the respect of all shades of political beliefs. The fact that the farmers are enjoying a temporary vise in the price of their producís on account of the [allure oi eastern harvests does not lessen t'ne forcé oí the arguoienfc in favor of a money whose purchasing power will nat constantly appreeiate. In time oí peace prepare íoiwar. In tuis brief period oi proeperity the people showld take steps to prevent the recurrence oí the conditio'ns which have prevai'ed for some years and which must come again when the wheat fields oí Europe and India blossom fortli with another bountiful harvest. - Democrat. Tlié constant appreciation oí gold Is simply talk rwthing else in the wrorkl. But supposing it isn't, what of it ? Wauld it not be bstter to iuive money that either hoids its ron or geta better, tiaian to have a moiiey that is constantly depreeiating and getting tess and lesa valuable in the hands of its owners '? Do the working people of thia nation waait ntoney that is continu illy depreciating ? Hardiy. The government proposes to use the reindeer in Alaska to get Good to the people'át Dawson C;y. The iïo i'vnment owns some GO oJ tlicse animáis, and lias ordered l' sent to St. MÍcnaels bo make the trip from there to the Klondike. They can travel 1(K) m'.les a l iv oaslly, each onc flrawing 300 lbs. The October issue oï The Atlantic Monthly is the -tOth anniversary number. For all these years the AUa.ntie lias glven the students 'and educated people of the uation the very choieest literatura of the day, the cream. That it has withstood the rage ior cheapness in monthly periodicals, and held its ftivn agauifrt the storm, and kept on with lts high Standard, shows how firmly it is rooted in the minds of the readlng and thinking public of America- partlcularly the latter. A speaker in Iowa, at a recent democratie free sülver pow wow, stated tflint it was untrue that Bryan receivod $500 a speech whfie in that state, and said tlfat he received nothing ; but that H his speeches were wortli $500 a piece, he, Bryan, should be credited wïth $9,000 com■tributioii to the campaigu fond, for he wlll nmke 18 speeches in the state. On the streagth of that statement, the free silver papers- the Detroit Trïbune,. for instance- have great black headlines, readïng : "Bryan Put Up $9,000 ïor the Iowa Democratie Campaign Fund." Carrylng t'he idea of course that Bryan was rtch, for oinly a very rïch man eould give $9,000. The democracy of Michigan will view "vith satisfactio.n the ileparture of Jolin J. Enright from the Detroit postoffice. Originally a scullion in the Cleveland establishment lus democracy was co-incident with his opportunity to pocket the proceeds of a fat office. When there was no longer opportunities for men of his stamp in democratie ranks, he quickly deserted to tlie otlier side.- Democrat. Tliat's all right. The more such men the so-alled democratie party kicks out of its organization, tlie less brains tliere is to run it, and the result will be as with any other inaclúne : Avheii left tO' ifcself, without any brains in command, it WH1 runaway with itself, just as it did in Chicago, with Tillman at the helm. As the result of the developnient of our public school pystem and the cheapening of tlie books, tliere has grown up a large clnss of men and vromen wlio seek broatier aducation, or desire to extend their kuovvledge alougspecial lines. Their duty in life, or lack of means, exclude them from the universities. The Cosmopolitan Magazine lias undertakeu the tusk of bringing liberal education, in its broadest sense, witbin the reacii of those who have the aspiration, but are deprived of tlie opportunity. Doctor Andrews, late of Brown Univeraity, has undertakeu the Presidency of llie Cosmopolitan's educatioual movement. The work, thus beguu, is not intended to take tlie place of regular university work, but to supply a gap in existing educutional facilities. Those who are reaily in search of knowledge will önd direction and aid. It can donothing for those wlio have not the desire to study. An intending student sends to The Cos mnpolitau, Xew York, his name, occupation, previous course of study, studies desired to be pursued, objects and purposes for wliich course is designed, and the nuniber of hours, daily or weekly, study which can be given. No charges of any kind wil] be made to the students.


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