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Fowlerville Fair. Oct. 5, 6, 7 and 8. Irwin Cisark has moved from Moorevllje to MÜan. The SalvatJon Army has closed iis work at Saline. Mïan has boen putting her lire depaitmont ejstern in repair. The eoumty I!. Y. P. 1. wlil meet at Saline on the evenlng of Oct. S. Frank Mclntyre is now a sale.smau In the Aan Arbor Music Co's Store. Miss Lapfham is teaching the school Jn the Thayer district. Salem. Amos P. Taylor is building a new Iliouse for hjmsclf on Wabash ut., Milán. There were onilly firve teachers who took the special examination at Saïime. . : ; Ruina H. Thayer,, of Washington, D. C, has been visiting relatives in Salem. Ttoe BellevMIe Dramatic Club are to gire "Rip Van Wlnkïe" at Mllan in the near future. Fred. Sober, of Salem, has been appointed an attendant at the Kalamazoo Insano Asylum. A car load oí Oregon horses have been disposed of among farmers In in Brldgewater and vicinity. E. A. Hauser, of SaJOne, returned from Chicago a few days siaiee with 1.500. sheep. whfieh he is pasturing. There has been on an average a car load a day oí Wheat shl'pped from Dexter for the past two months. The Soldier's monument at .Dexter will bo ereote.l at the point o( the park facing the busttiesa portion of tówn. The Dundee failr was á success tisis yra.r. The total recenta were $1,r.lL'.-lO, and the total attendanee 3,956. A U'ttle girl called at? a Milán bóok store Monday and wanted a tablet wïth a "China oyster" on it. -Leader. ■ Dr. M. K. Guiñón, a former Dexter boy, has been appointed .assistant professor in th Jlieh. College of Medvclöe, Detroit. The Cbeleea Eastern Stars had luncli and a prood t"me a the installat.ion of t,heir new .officers last Tlnirsday even'sisr. The next animal meeting of the Detroit Presbytery, which was held in Ann Arbor last week, w;ll be held in Saline next Sepitember The red bridge ia "Webster township has been repaïred and stréngthoned so that threshing engitaes, etc, may iass over it all right. The Ann Arbor R. R. wXl sell -tickets from Daridee to Ann Arbor tomorrow for 50 cents for round trip, to eee and hear Gov. PJngree. A barn belonging to Alfred ;Moore of Lodi, was bur.ned last Saturday night Incliifding two ar three :horses. Insured in the Washtenarw Mutual. The Dexter Leader states that the membere of St. James' pariah contémplate erectiag a new rectory upoo tlie ehurch grounds at a near date. Ed. Lawton, many years a salesma.n in Dextor, i .now manager of the dress gooda and slak department of a largo store im Muncie, Ind. A number of farmers in the county have raised sugar beets tliis year as an experiment, and will ,send fche same to the Agricultural .College for analysis. Mr. and Mrs. Edmudid Rowe, of sliaron, had a large number of friends gather on the occasion of Mrs. Rowe's 50th birthday last week Tuesday. WaBhtemaiw county pays into the state treasury $G6,TG0.59, amd draws out $280,833.23. And yet some of the people in the county do not ppreclate the fact. Miss Carrie Freeman, oí Miller ave. left Momday for the northern part of the stante, vliere she gor.:s a a travöitog agent iar tha AVor.-ld lüble Iloiuse, oí l'hiladolphia, Pa. Chas. Davcnport, said to hail from California, and wanted here for breaklng an Ann Arbor R. R. car at Milán, tunneled his waj( out of jail at Monroe last Wednesdaj' night. Thie Y. I. S. C. E. of the Comgregational ehurch, Dexter are to f;iive a reunión and bi'rthday party at the tuome oi Mrs. ;E. Jedele, Friday evening, Oct lát. Bupper ,at . M. J. Noyes unloadei two cars of stock here last Saturday, mostly two-year-olds, which he will feed on hie farm. He now has over 100 head on lus farm.- Cheflsea Herald. The Lima Northern R. R. haa had lts name changed to the Detroit, Toledo & Miawaukee R. R., and the link tïuat ib needed to get into Detroit la beilng eanstrncted via Wyandotte. You see Ann Arbor and Ypsülanti are not in it. It cost the people oí Plymouth $4,305.22 to run thieitr schools last year, bui wIumi the year was up there was a balance In the treaeory oí $2,032.75. A rare record. Does the Courier mean to insinúate that foo.t ball, base ball, pushes, gyms, a few eo-eds and a minister to Turkey is not tlie U. of M ?- Xoi-tliville Record. The Cowrier never ii sinuates. M. S. Cook is movlng his cottage at Base Lake, back from the shore, so tbat he will have a yard ín front. Grood Idea. Others should iollow Iiis example, and raake thalfc summer setttement the finest on the chain of lal es. At Saline recently a tramp dropped into the Salvatloai Army tent, listened to what was sald, feit the thrill of goodness enter His soul, became a convert, and is now iosing as a specimen of the power of 'he Army. Eugeee Koot oí Piymouth, M-as held up by a quartette near the cüty tlu'i-e. one ïiiilit liistweek and ro'bbed of several 5'ears' growtli. That's all Genie liad with him.- Northville Record. Wun't that eaiough for the o.casion ? It is a very anusuaS fcliing for a watcíh sprjng to break into more tlian two or tliree p-jeces, buit one of H. J. Ziimmerman's watch springs broke into iifteen pieces yesterday. - Mil'an Leader. That KprLng liad some snap to it. George Sherma.n lia.s act another ball TOlling. He lias purchased and received from the factory last Saturda.v, a Molme ((hio) Leader threslijng outfit complete, which is now in operatjon and having all the work ït can do. - Mila.ii Ieader. The Baptist people have a movemetnt on faot for tlie erection of an addltilon to 'ttoeir church .building. It will be desügned for a prayer meeting room and for otlusr gatherteigs tltat it i8 not .always conernieut to liold in the auditorium of the church. - Dexter Leader. Seeding time is uearly over. The late ralos piepared tlie ground for those -vvho had not begun, but 't packed the grouaid badly where :t had beau seeded and many are sorry they did not walt. Tliere is a large amouint séeded tliis season in this sect ion. -Enterprise. Fathei líoss.wil.ikei, Uu; aistinguished Jesui't pulpit Oirato1 ,from Detroit will oificiate in St. lary's church, CheTsea, on Sunday, Oct. ,3. There wi.l also be on the "same Sunday a pubr'je receptiom af new .members into the ladX's' and g.entlemen's soilali'ties of the church.- Standard. . The storm oï ïasfc week wa.s on ie tbat seint terror to the heart of most of o'iir cltlzene. The raar of the wind and the dash of the water was in keeping with the maddened elements that uprooted trees, moved hciiiscs fiom their foundations, blew down fences, and Ieft waste and ruin in lts path. Straw stacks and hay stacks swept past each other In the mail race of the wind.- Willis cor. Ypsirnntian. The Sta.ndard is iniormed ,that there is a good , chance of Cheteea havlng anotliér farmers' insti'tute.the coming vrtntèr. It i-i toi be hóped that this matter can h: earried tlnough and that as ntéreatüxg a moeting can bc was that of last winter.- Ci eisen Standard. Joe Gauee, a farmer living near Satine, had the officer laoteing everywhere for a valuable norse which was stolm from his "bai-n ten days ago. Friday ain odor as of carrion was traced and the hioirse found, dead, between a straw stack and a high board fence. - YpsHanti Ht'iitinel. There is always danger in operatIng machine? of new inventiou, ae Geoa-ge Kargher of Superior learned to hds sorrow Tast Saturday. He ivas h.arvesting corn with the machine, whon his les go't caug'at and was badly lacerated. Dr. Hueston nttended him and ho thinks he wlffl be able to save the l;mb. - Ypsilaiitian. Said a promitoent traveJing man the othor day : "The farmers are paying debts, making improvements buying wagons, implements, clathing, furniture and all commodüties. Kesu'lts in good collectilons and good tra do all along the Une, froi the comntry merchant. through the wholesaler and jü'bber, to the mert-liain. The barne oi Lydia Hewins, of Augusta, burned Sunday afternoon, entaillng a loss of upwards oi $1,000. The famfiy were away Trom home at the time, and uo one knows how the 'ín-e eaughit. A horse b&longing to Mr. Fuillington was Iwirnefl up. The iienso.iia 1 property in vhe b.u-n in''.(i.nged to J. B. Bimton. Insured In the WaÉihtenaw Mutual. A faiiKius poultry remedy :s mado as follo'ws : Dissolve a pound of copperas in two ítallons oí water : then a (hl two OTinces of sulp'hurie acid. Tut in a stone jar and keep weïl coj ked. The dowe is a tablespoonïul.1 to each quart ,af di-inking water. Whein handling the sulphuric ,acid be careful, as it is jjoisoraous. It is valuable for roup, cholera ,and other aüments, but must ,be administered with great care. Miss Margaret Blbsser has been confined to her home since Sunday evening, as the resuüt of an accident w'hüe wlieeling. Aboat 7 o'clock Sunday evening she was riding on city road accompanied by lred Bloseer and Charles Younghans and wiien near the unión school building, was run into by Rolland Lefor, who was on hia way home from H. Kirchhofer's, and who evidently did not see the approaebing party in time to tui-n out. Miss Bïosser was thrown from her wlieel with such foice as to render her unconscious. She was taken home and it was found no bones were broken, although she was somewhat bruised and suffered conaideratily from the shock. KoSland escaped with slight bruises.- Enterprise.


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