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Fair Suggestions For The Future

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The ■wedding was wliab flrew the oroiwd to the county fair last week. All otlier attractiiocis were throwa iin the sliade by that simple novelty, and had the authorüties arranged for a wedding eacüi day al the fair, mo doubt but Uhat a big crowd wöuld have been present each day. County Fatrs have seen their best days. Ofher attracttoins hare come into the lhneb of the people to take their place, and the big vegetables, fine cattle, and struttiing fowls no longer attract. Tlie general, verdfct of those wlw were at thïs exhibition was : "There was nothïng to nee." And yet there was a great deal to see, but the reasan they lelt that way was tTie faot that the wv-elty ha3 worm of! and they were not ilnterosted in w]i,at Avas there. Many gx súnply toi 9ee the crowd amd meet old frlend3 ; in fact that seems to be wh,at most people go for; the exhibitian af ltself being of littlo value or attrac-tioo. Somethiimig else must come to take ita place. Somethtng novel anddi.fererat from the set ways and exhilbWs of the ordiniary eounty fair. The latest thiing in this line are the Street Faiirs in clties, which seem to be qufte a fad just uoiv. The tmggestton has been made. by some of om1 busüness men and farmers, that next year the county fair be dispense J ■with arad the new idea of a Ktreet fa ir bo tried. In mány vi'Ilages and cities the merchante are discarding the giving of trading stamps, as it became a burilen to them greater than tliey coaild bear. One Clielsea merchant says that one-half the cost of the stamps spcmt ta jiulicious advertlsing ij wor-feh more tham doublé any extra tnide brought by the stamp scheiue. If thtre are any of war merchante wlu) do nat belfeve this let them try it. Mr. Echvard Augustus WKlis, a gradúate of Holt Normal Institute of Vocal Harinony oí Boston, Mass., and who has had fou.r years expeiience iin slght reading cl'ass work, Is organiaiiig a peopl'e's singing class, and a ckiss in sig'Ut reading and vocal harinony. The ïirst meeting will be to-niglit at the Aan Arbor Music Co's Hall, 205 E. WasHiington st. Mr. Willis is :v very energetic and sucii-.s.iiil teacher, and those. wlo patroniza him wl'ii be pleased, we feel guire. Th.e fact that Jt is posslbte foir 0utsklers to pass things in to the jn-isonir.s ilu t'lwí jaíjs is one tliat vlie board oi supervisors at tïlieir anaiual meeting, now to eessloia, ahomud uive attentiion. It te a deíoet that iieeds ï-euuMlyiug. Ii ie board wtU also see to it tliat somie ealety vaults ave put In at tlie court house toe the public records there, tliey wUl also be doing a deed tliat may save the people of thiis coun'ty a great deal. -V ih-c oovüd easily destroy every record ia tliE court house, and that would cause untold litigation and disaster.


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Ann Arbor Courier