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The Clioral Unkm had its first meet. ing last night. The Dniiversity opeaied in all lts departmwïts last FrMay. There are over a dozen students attonding the Unlversity irom Minneapolis, Minn. Thos. Dudley Taylor, law '97, has opened a law office in the Marqnette Tilock, Chicago. The man, v ornan, boy or gürl who buys a ticket to the Y. M. C. A. course iinvests a dollar wisely. Francis L. York of Detroit, vKl begin hia teaching at the Ann Arbor Music Co's rooims next Thursday. The county fair managed to get along öiis year without a storm of any kind, though ome was very much needed. Over 7,000 pal-d admissions to the ■oounty fair last Thursrlay. The largest atteaidance in the hlstory of thd association. Ohief of Pólice Sweet saya that parties w!ho tack ar paste advertising matter of any kind on tei-ephone and telegraph poles avüI be prosecuted. Before slie appears the moment; seem years, As you sit iu the parïor and wait, But when she is nigh the time whtzzea by Ata ten-mile-a-minute galt The Modern Woodinen are to hold thek first dance to-morrow night. Abraham Van Zwaluwenburg has won tiie Stearns Fellowship in l'liarmacy. The Elks are to hold a reunión vomon-O'W ev'eming attheir rooms on E. Washington st. The anoiual pew renting at the Methodist churcli takes place next Matuday evening. Theire are more U. oí M. graduateí in t.he Chicaigo schools than ïrom any otfaer college in the country. Hereafter Sunday School at the Trini ty Luitheran church wlïl be held at 11:45 a. m., instead of 9:30 a. m. The Salvatton Army opened up la lts oM quarters in t'he city buildings, Last Saturday, for the winiiter campa ign. One couild talk to; Ypsilanti over the new State TeLephone lilne trom fhe Coofc House as ïar back aa iast Friday. The sewer in Dist. No. 7, on W. Lib.erty st., will cost $1,887.48. And the rate is $30. GO on an assessment of $1,000. So-me very ires'h freshmon attempted to clean ouit the dalry and iruit hall at the fair groumda Friday aiternoon. buit iailed ia the at tempt. The annual meetilng o! the Ladies' Aid Society of the M. E. chu.rch, wi.l be heflld iln the church parlors Thursday enening at 7:30, when officei's wffil be chosea for the ensuing year. All people haring bilis against the County Fair Association should present them at once to Becretary Mi'.ls, as the officers are desirious of findIng out where they are at. EdAvard Caldwell has ben appointe,l general secretary for the Y. M. C. A., and has commenced his duties, iiichard Flynn whonn he succclmIs, ha ving taken up work in the University. Cam't some af the sewer (liggers iinJ a ledge of gold and raise a Klondlke excitenient or something ? exea vaUona pa'ove ane thing, beyoiwl dispute, that Ann Arbor has got the rocks. Over one huaulred painting.s in oil and water colors, wei-e displayed at thfl couaity fai,r week by Miss Georgiana Orcutt. Many oí vi v. ere very fine and attracted mm-li attantion. Wm. K. CliKds Iras just settled the acooumt o"f the widow of an o'Hic it wlio was in tlue Michigan ervice, and secured somethilng over $400 t.hat was due her hugband trom the tl. S. goveranient. Ii you have; you want publislied in the Oourier, the proper t'hmg for you to do, is to Wait until Wednesday afternoon or Thursday moimLng-, as the Co'urier goes to press "Wedttesday forenoon. The law fiiiln of McMurdy & Jo'b, of Chicago', has beeni dissolved by mutual consent and each are nosw by themselves. Both are graduates ok" the U. of M. Mr. Jab's office U ia the Marquette Building. Calkins, the State et. diruggist, will fuiinis'Ji the Alopathic Hospitals with supplies the coming year, and Mummery, the Washington' 6t. druggist, wiii perform a like service for the Homeopathie hospitaL Th,e Ladies Aid Bociety of the M. E. cluwch, wEl give their regular montlily tea social om Thursday, tomorrow evenLng, in the church parlBra. Tea sorved at 6:30. A general tnvitation is extended, especlally to t!h.e strangers in the city. Mr. L. A. Pratt, of the Inland Press, has been called upon to perforin the sad dutj' of burying his infant daughter, taiat died kxst Thmrsday at the homo of Mr. Pratt'6 pareóte, in Travn-se City. The remains were broug'ht here and placed beside its mother, who was known to Aan Arbor peopLc as Miss Daisy Truesdel. There are wrtings that oanoot bc riglited, And he olmdders at her face ; For in whil she was hls pirtner, Anü she up and trumped liis ace! -Cleveland Plaln Dealer. Jolbn Lindenschmidt, .ToJin Wahr and Throdoo-e A. Reyer are uow fullfledged R. A. MS. The State Board of Phanua-y, oï wlhieh Albert C. Schiunaclier of 'chis city is a meníber, will co.nvenii! at Lansiing Xov. 2. The remiaiins of Andrew Slavin weie brougnt here yesterday from Jackson, and interred in the family lot at Bt. Tilomas' cemetery. P. GaUutian laft some fine specimens oí potatoes in tihis oifiee yesterday, fhat he braga om as baing the Jrize tuibers of the day. Doctor AVadswoa-th Warren, medie '89, oo.ntributes a paper on Asthma to the September number of The l'liysician and Surgeon. The first four daysj of Osfc. at the Aran Arbor P. O., Shows an increase In receipts of $108.16 over the first four daya of 189G. The first Faculty Oancert of the .School of Muslo is to 'jj hslJ. on Ttrrarsday, to-morrow evening, at Frieze Memorial Hall. On Frftlay night the faculty and students of the Homeopathie departiii' nt will meet la joint sessioa and Dean Hinsdale will address them. On Sumday next at 2:15 p. m., Mr. A. G. Studer, pliysical director oí the Y. M. C. A. will fiddress l lic local Y. M. C. A. at Uiein rooms. Doctor J. S. Johnson, of the University, has an article entitled ''Some Remarks on Atrophic Rhinitis," in The Physician and Surgeon for SepDr. W. B. Hinsdale has locatd his ofice at 314 S. State t., foir the purpose oí engaging in tlie general practice of medicine. Hours from 2 to i p. m.. The Ann Arbor Co'urier gravely ;leclares that "The council agreed to set aa a board of review, oin sewer dist. No. 7." They'll protoably hatch out a tax roll. - Adrián Press. Say, there are no nite in yomr head to hatch. Butter and eggs bring more to-day In the markets liere than they do Ij Detroit, and nearlly all garden and farm producís Idkewise. The coming into ou,r city o{ an army of over 3.000 young peopíe to be ei, is -he o a use of this. The traant law has been amended so as to include all c'hildren between tle ages of eiight amd sixteen year?. Attendance must commence with the fall term and contlTiue. for fcwir consecu.tir-e montlvs. School officers are obílged to eoforce fh law, The poor country newspaper editor is liever robbed except by his professed friends. Well may he say, if held up by a hlghwayman, "I haven't my money with mè ; my tardy subscribers have it. They got in ahead f you !"- Northville Record. It is propoeed to change the constitution of the county fair association so the amnuial election of officers shall o; c durliig the fair week on the ïair groanidB. Thts proposed step it woull'd seem, is oae that is all J-ight and proper and oug'ht to have been made long ago. The University Schooi of Dancing at 334-33G S. State st., ha3 classes Tuesday evenings 8 to 10 o'olock ; Wedmeedays 8 to 10 p. m.; Satvurday and Monday 10 to 12 ; and Saturdaya 2 to 4, 4 to 6, and 8 toll, with private Deseona for those desi. Ing them. Ann Arbor is bccomkig quite citified a lö, Detroit and tihe mayor mid newspaper ones are about tlie Only honest mn left. There's "boodle," "snaps" and "puüte" all t'hrough the air and no business head or taD L.0 the who'je aldermaíiic race. - Nortliville Record. Don't you believe it. Mise I-ouisa Belser, daughter cf Rev. H. F. Belser, of Poirest ave., nnd sister of Fred H., and Dr. M. L. Belser, died on Frlday monoing last, alter an i'.lno-s extendimg over some weeks wlth malavial ie ver. The entïre family have been ill lor some tinne with tliis malaxial 'lever, the fatheir beiïig confined to his liome for a long tinne. MiLan Leader : "We attended tüie county fair at Ann Arbor Wednesday. At the grand stand we presented our 'oomp'limentary' ticket. 'Certainly, Mr. Leader, most certainüy ; pass riiglit along up, you and your wiie alM). The newspapers are our best friendo and we appreciate their good work for UjS ; and we're glad to bee you here and hope you wJÉl come every day.' " Out citizens wouid like very well to attend the Ann fair, but ttie distance is a little too long to drive and the railroad connection is no goiod, so they have to be iontented ana remaní at home otr go to Hi lsdale. - Manchester Enterprise. Here is an invitation to extend the motor lilne. AVlien it reachea Detroit Ann Arbor wiil uot be the iermiinus very long. The first foo'tball game oí the seaKon was played Saturday afternoon at tlhe Atliletic Field. The U. of M'e were pitted agaiiist tlie Nórmate, and tihe game wad a good oae for a starter. In the beginning H looked as thougli tha Noa-mals, which ia a hcavier team than the Univertj-.s, would win, buö the latter so-ou ft-ot ühemeelveetogether and made a score of 24 to tlieir opponent 0. "I love the scet.t oCnev,-r;0'.vn hay," He murmure! lu í yiii on iay. Butsbe. without i thnuvlit or Jcst. Said, "Kiirian violet BQlta me best." -Detroit Vree Prese Pro.:. V. W. Campbell of Lick Obeervatiocy,' a U. oí M. gradúate, llt. '86, is go to India to observa tlie coming total eclipse ■: Kie uno from fhat poirat. Trampa co rameneed tearing down Hnngsterfer's ice house up the river, using the boards to make l'ires with, aind 011 Monday óOficer. arrested a gamg o! eix oí thenr íor the ottense. There are a nu-mber q? enthusíastic golf playera amoiiig the a tuiden ts, and it is probable tthat a godl club wlll be formed, and links laid out alang the south b;ui'í of tb.6 Hurón rlver, below the city. The Bell Telephone Co. is now making yearly contracta wifh poople at $12 per year- $1 per montli- for telepilones in residences. That is a íigure that many people liave been desrrous oí seeing glvea. Elmer A. JIoseley, lit '83 U one o tlxe large bean dealers ai the state, and -was elected vice president &f tllie Michigan Bean Boyera Association at La.nsing yesterday. Mrs. Emmett Smitíh, oí Jnckson, died on Satmrday morning last, at her home, after aereral month's !llness. The deceased u-as a tonner resident o,f Ann Arbor, and ha.s many relativos aud friends here. A "ekat club" has beem t-ecently orgaaiized, the members being Pro8. Heiman Zeltz, Alberto Jonas and il. H. ICempf, and Albert C. Sshumacher. The first meeting wlll be iield lriday nigti: at Mr. Seliunuicher's residence, on AV. Hurón st. Wfll J. Walsh, wbo gradnated trom the high school last June, has entered the dental department, and expects to enjoy tlie tttle o,f D. D. S. in the course oí two or three years. Will is a good student aind will make it all rigiit. The managers oí tha telegraph offices arO bothered about deliveilug messages to students whose addresses tihey donot know. Some of these messages are important. All students s-ihould register at Brown's drug Btore, corner oï Main and Hurón sts. If Henry G-eorge sho.ukl run for mayor here, where hts comtemptrble land valué theo.ry lias, been tried in aesessing the cost oí the uewers, he ■vould oever know he vas a. candidate. Of all ever perpetrated an a public, that ystam has aceomplished it. At a meeting of tlie U. of M. Athletic board Friday evening the treasuver reported a deficit of $1,400, and tíio committee appointed to so'.iiit hiai'ds from the alumni reparted their efforts as nit. Some saheme to the treasury is very much nfeded. Tbe board decided to loen to tli iooit-ball training table at Prettyman's this year. Diere are two vacaneies oen the board which will be filled by the two men üelling the gr.eatest number of membership tickets. Dr. Samuel A. Jones wlio was the first horaorary member oí Tlie itowfant Club, of Cleveland, a club of 125 book lovers, has edited James liussell Lowell's lectures on English Poets Avhich wei-e delivered in 1855. They bad never been published, and ie was omly by accidenJt tiiey were preserved as clippings trom t'iie Boston Advertiser in a scrap book whlch Dr. Jocios discovered in the üniversity ai' Michigan library. The work is in tiie elegant print ot' the l)e Vinnu press. and is a valuable additioja to themght in the iresh, enthusi istie veia of tho youthful Ijowell.


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Ann Arbor Courier