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W. .T. Knapp Ina.s commenced the erectton o( a new stare .at Ciielsea. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Daveaip-ort, of Mooreville have moveiHo Aun Arbor. Frank Smith of Stoaron, threshed 10." buöhéls of dover see-:l from 30 acres. A new hat":i rooïn and ïavatou-y Ihas been put in the rectory M Bfc. Mary'e paritíh, Cheísea. Mr. and Mrs. Artüwir Lowrey o Manchester, celebralted tlie 20th annlviersary of thelr maxriage, Sept. 25th. On Sept. 21et, Mr. and Mrs. Edward SparaDdtag of Sharon, eelebrated the lOth a.nnirersary of their marriage. Gearge Bailey ptóked Boime ripe strawfoerries from Ilis yiines on the 25th day of September.- Manchester Enterprise. Daniel Richards harvestedthis year 22 busfoels of oniions from a piece öl ground, 22x43 f eet. - Pinckney Dispatch. Henee tho'se tears. A. A. Wood and eoo Roíco. of Lo.H. atteaded the Illinoii? Btate Fair afc Springfleiid last week liYom there they iv ent to Kansas City. There are tTvo ways of getting rich - one by ad-d'jng to our possessions, the other by diminishlng our desires T!io natter is mucli the easier and ï'cadier.- Plymouth Mali. Ever trled it? Marrted, on Wedmesday, September 29, 1897, at the home of the bride's párente, Mr. S. A. Mapes and Mis,Minute, daiig-hter of 5Ir. and Mr?. C. M. Davte, Rev. J. H. EÖmunds officia t ing. -Ciielsea Standard. Eer. M. II. McMabon, havmg been transterred from the M. E. elmr.-h at Pinckney, to tbe M. E. eliureli at Azalia, Ms friendsat the former place gatbered and gave hiniself and tamily a pairting party, leaving everal fine presenta with them. A farmer fi-iend presented the editor of the Dexter Leader -vbth a naclí of "'eariy snnrlse" potatoes, but as Thompson don't crawl out until the sunrise is two honra oíd. he has not been able to maka a masih on n hot tuber yet.- Adrián Pros-. On Satuiixlay the farm residente o" Mrs. Henry Warren. 1 1-2 miles ïrom Dexter nlllage, occupied by Alvin J. Prat, ivas buriied to tlhe groumd. A small portion o: t!ie household 'goods ivere saved. Insured in the WaettLtemaw Mutual. Loss $2,000. Sairah J., widow af the late Daniel Sutlierlaaiid, öied at her home In Pittsfield on Thui-sday last, aged GO years and 2 mos. The funeral was held Ola Satui-day forenoon, at the "house, Re. J. M. Ge'Jston coudiicting tlie service-. The remains were iuterred in Foresi Ili'.l Cemetry Ann Arbor. On TÏHiraday evenibg, Oct. 7th. at !i oVcick. a bieyele contest wlll take pC;ace at the rectory oí Bt. Patrick's paridla. Xorthiiejd, bctween several popiitar j-oung 1 aidiies oí tlie neighfborhood. There ,wüll also be music and sünging before tlhe vating takes place. l.iiit refi-eshments wlll be furnished on tlxe lawn. Aii Atlas farmer dravw into Plint Tuesday, so.M his load of wheat, amd ppoceeded to celébrate the high price he neceived. As a result, he was robbed, and whea poJJtics warms up again, wEÏ be in the front rank JiowlIng against the administa-ati'.Mi and fo.r some panacea for better timeí.- Fentoai Independent. September 21st beinigthe tenth ! nh-ersary of Mr. and Mrs. E. Spauldimg'e married life, their friends gently remdaded them of the occaston by suddenly appearimg in tlie serene quiet of theiT happy home. As an esteem o;' tihteir coup'e's worth they pre' sf-nted tluem wiith fowr handsome rockilBg ehairs. Afber a bomntiful repaíit and a social vleit they departe:l as qiilebly(?) as they came.- Chelsea Herald . ïpsilianti hais minereal water oí marked curative properties, and the business men have held a meeting to devise ineans for making knówn to the worlid the high pressure odor and tlie nux vómica ílavar of the fluid, by meajas oí systenmtic aoad judicious advartfeimg. Tliey wijl not fully iH-riMiipIish their duty to that city tiil tüiey seind in an order for rspace to the Press. But it cain't be considered if tliiey have any "top of column" Qoneense ajbont it, or if tlney insist ou hiavimg tha fllavor of the water i:n the ad.- Adrián Press. 1'. .1. Hammond returned Saturday o.on from a 13-days bieyele trip through Monroe county into Ohio, was ia aad tlirough 13 cities and vülages, made 13 visite, ineluding one weddiing, and rode 180 miles ; total expense, oí trip $1.25. F. J. says he thimks liecould now join the "Mystic Shitoere," as he nearijy died from tliiret and esposare in erossing the burn'JU' san, Is of the gre&t America"] desert that stretches frorn Oakvt.le to the Baiisiin river. Had no accidenta and was not attacked by any dogs.- Miffian Leader. A very pretty home wedding took place at thie resrdnce oí Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rteder, lenst ThUrsöay evenimg at S o'cüiock, wlien tlteir eltle-ït daugliter, Misti MLnnie, wis umi bed la marïiiffc wifch Mr. E. H. Carpeater, caehisr o7 the Dexter Sa.vlmgs Timnk. The ceremomy was perfo-rmed by Rev. Mr. Potrtec oí Ann Arbor, in the presenoe of t.lic relfci.tives airal a ïew fanmediate fricnwls oí the bride and groom, nfter whieh refreshmemits were serveil. The eyentog wars passeil 'm a very haippy maiTMier aftd tliom ilr. and Mre. Caffpenter adjounied to their owti home wliich was ailready turaiehed to reeedve them.- Dexter Ieade-. Tlic marriage of Mr. Geo. I. Savery of I.ima amd Jlkss XeElie, of Mi-, amd Mrs. John Sbanton of Webster, (ook piace aifc tlhie home of the brïde'a parents last evenin?;. 81ioi-t]y aft-er fi o'cloek Miss Clandia Btaley sou.nded the wedding march to which the liride and groom marched to the par.or. load by tibie officiating clergymaai, Eev. J. .T. Staley, wihose admüiNi iat ion of the marriaget vows was ecee(lLiigj.v neat an3 impressive. (onS'ratniJation.s and the wedding supper fofHowed and the newly wedded !o;:pc iet fora ahort wedding trip. The guieets were reClatiYes and near friemde whc brought many vainable presants.- Dexter Leader, Sopt. 30. . conpe oí weeks aga we publishe 1 a letter wriitten to L. C. Chase, in regard to the eieatruï rallway irom to Ypsiaantl, via Dansville. S.'incc' tlven Mr. Chase has reeelved several letters from parties who "vish to iurniish money and materlial for the constnictton oí the road. Lnnsíraifí iarties are in favor of the road and no doubt it will be built.- Dansville Eagle. As we mentioned a few weeks ago a better route conüid not be buüt than vía Plnckney and our snmmer resort. at Portage Lake aad the citizeiM of thls ptace must be ready to "strike while the Irou is hot."- Piinokney Dfepateh. Have you an idea that the iron will ever be hot ? On Suaday ["rank Townley, son o; the late Amsom Townley, for :nany years register of deeds in Jackson connty. arriveil i:i Jac.kson cmly -io learn that he had been dead the past twelve years. In tSíit he e-nüstod and at the close of the war he went to Dakoba and from tihere to Alaska. Nohiing was ]ieard from anrl in 1893 hls estáte went through the Probate Court, hls death beiag dted in 1885, and his pi-operty was dtetributed amomg the Iieirs. To-day he vLsited the' Probate Court and looked over the records of his death and the disposition of his propeftj. lic has been absent tliirtythi-ee years and rettirned to ïind his parants both dead.-ChelNea Standard. THE THREB OREAT (iRACES. The Po'üoiwiing was the respo'nse by Mrs. "W. F. Shaler oï Grass Lake, to the toast "Grass Lake, Che'lsea, Manichestei-," at Grass Lake recemtly : Toast Mistress amd Ladies : Grass Lake- Chëlsea- Manchester ! Seats of empko in queenly realms ! more beautiftil for situation han tha enduriing city oí whlch the enrapturecl saaig ! glorious with stately túrrete amdgleamlcng towers - with lofty domes and slender sptres ! vestibules of the of the immort.als ! the abades of fair wniiicn and hi-ave men ! what word of m!jie oa.n do justtce ta thee, lovely brides of otur gadly land ? Dwelltng ninid the splendors of this triutnvirate of marts, ■lieve white wlnged peace abiilos, w envy not the gre&t metropolis of our own lam!, her rush bf Ufe aiid mighty opulenoe ; nar %onflon, tha modern Babyion, wlth her arcliiteotural grandeur and liïlcd sroat.ness ; nor Paris, city oí jialacea and evanescent prayety ; not the romantie glories oí the castle-orowned hciiilits 'Of the Ehine : nor Imperial Rome. wltih her crumbltog trlumpha] a relies mnd mouldering greatnees .' We envy thera not, foir a,mi:l the statoy splendors of these magnlffcent citie there ftow rivera whwse black waters are composed of mlsery and soitoav and teare, crime' and death, n.nd to om1 experionce are unknown. Our fnir towns, vlrtúous and happy, fl1" enthi ojie-d amid espansea rlïh witü autumn's frnitage and Fanned by breezes sweeter tlhan the perfaoned winde of Araby the Biest. Within dellahtral precincts gladness d-weils and plenty holde court, as the graceful but substancial forme of many about me attest. It ii not n'l oí l'ío to live Tinless you liva 5ii one of these three retreats of bitas, and it might be risky to deay that but for the rise oí our wio of imperial towms, Columbue's glovy would be imperfect. Then liail Graas Lakei onver queraily ! against who e oundatlon walls the waters of the mitghty deep beat in stormy anger, or i:i osculatory blisa ! llail Cbelsea : ch arm ing empresa o! the jil;i:is.' with tby thousand graces and a n.oúac o,' emerald and gold stretchin atray o.n every side toi the azure lim of the beodüig skies ! Hail Manchester ! fair bride of the crystal river that Aveds thee to the all embrackig sea and jeweled with vlrtuea as bright as tlie stars in the blue !loor abo Me thee ! All hail, triumvirate of smiiing (ineens : may thy raSIent rctinues gathered here in this i?iad hour, clasp fraternal hands and may the golden bonds of friendship bind us one to a-notiier until the curtain liuips and tlie drama of life is ended.


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Ann Arbor Courier