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CAN CURE ASTHMA AND HAY FtíVER. A Noted Physician Offers to Prove This to all Sufferers in Ann Arbor Thie maJoPïty of eufferers from Asthma iand klndred eoinplaiinits, alter tryiuig doctors and numberless remedie advertised as positivo cures witiuout avail, tiave come to t)he conclusión t.luat. there is ia euire 6or thdfl moet dfefcressing disease, aud tliese same persons w$Ü le th.e more in doubt aud sk-eptJcal when tihey lea.rn through tn,e columns oï the prees tdiat Dr. Iludolph 6cKiffinanii, the recognized apthjor.ity who has treated more casei ai Cliesü diseases tihan any living doctor, bas aöhieTed succesa by perfecta ing a remedy whiteh mot oiily gives lmmedíate relief in the worst cases, but bas poeltively cured tlhousands of sulfen'ers who were coasidered incurable. These Were juat aa skeptLcal as ome of our readers now are. Dr. Sehlllmaan's remedy no d,oujbt possesses th meirit whdloh is claimed for lt or b would njot authioriae this paper to amnounce that toe is npt only willing bo gi-ve free t,o each. person ímífering from Astlhma, Hay TTever ol BroudhdtlB íd tlhis city, one liberal "free trial biox" of h,ií9 Cure1, but urgently re'quests all sufferers to cali at Ooodyear's Drug Stiore, Aan Arbor, wltfhln t,he next three days and receiTe a package absolut-ely free of rjiarge, knowing tlnat tn making the claim toe dloes for hls Cure, a etrang doubt may arjse in Wne minds oí inany and that a pers'anal test, as he offers to all, tïill be mare conviincing', and prove lts merlts, than the puWlshlnf of thouisands of testimonial b from peraoBs who have been pei-mnnently cured by the use of iuis Asthma Cure. "Dr. ScMffTnann's Asthma Cure," a lt is called. has been sold by drnggist of Obus city everstace it was flrst Introduced, although many persons may liever have heard of it, and it is wlth a view to PeaöUmg these that h makes th-ta offer. This is certalnly a most fcenerouis and f ai offer, and all who are sufferilng from atny of th above complatabs Bhonld rememlwr the date and place wiiere the dltrilbntlon will be made, and avall themselves of the same. Persons living out of this city who deelre to test the efftcacy of thte most wondertul remedy wlill recelve a package free by writlmg to Dr. Bthlffmann, 330 Bosabel street, St. Paul, Mínn., providiing thelr letter is recelved before Oct. 16fh, as no free samples can be obtaioed aftr that date. i ■ . __. .-.


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