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This Year's Unity Club Course

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Umity Club has its course of lec„ tures and enter talnments for the coming fall aníd winter essentially pleted. There will be eight lectores and other enfcertninments- twelve evenings in all, and the cutiré eourse will be offerei as usual for ?1. Rev. Janktn Hoyd Jones, of Chicago, editor of New Umity, extensión lectiirer of tlie Ualversity of Chicago, will give hla famonifi leeture oji "The Cost df a Fooi." Rev. "W. AV. Foiun, pastor oii the Ciiuroli of the Messlah, Chicago, un 1 poclal i)reaalior for thla year, oí larvard Bnlverelty, will leeture on Dante," witai a full of Dore's plendid lllustrations. Prof. Nieliolas P. Gilman, editor Of he New World, Boston, will lecture on a living subject coinnected with 'he gcoloigioal progresa of the counry Rev. Eli Pay, D. D., of Los Angeles, Cal., one oí tlie test known anl ablesj speakers on tüie Pacific coast, will give hls lecture on "Soane Obstacles to Individual and Social Refornis." Rey. Samuel M. Crofchers oi Cambiklge, Mass., oae oí the most brilUant men in New England, wlli speak on a fhemie noit yet announced. He is pastior of the church attended by President Eliot and a large part al the faculty of Harvard University. Dr. A7ictor C. Vaughan, dean oi the medical dep't, D. of M., will give iia account oí hiá visit of the past summier to "St. lJetersburg, JIobcow, and tOie great fair of Nijni-No'vgorod. Dr. Samuel A. Jones oí uüis city wül lecture ou "Thoreau," bringing out some iuteresting ïacts that liavc never oerore Deen nia-ue puiuiiu. Prof. Dean C. Wareester, U. oí M., wil! give a,n illustrated lecture on 'The Philippine Islauds and their People," incluiding au account oï vlie Spanten rule in Islands, and the social arad poiitical cosuditions whicü have led up to tlie proseiut revolt againist the Spanisli governinent. Ome evening wül te devoted la part to shadorw pantomimes, and in part to readings of line selectioms of literatui-e illustrated in a unique manner by meaos of stereopticoai views. There wlil be a most interesting evöning of "American Poetry and Song,' 'and anotther equally deliglithil otte of "Iriisih Poetry and Song," in which the besb songs oí America, (including those oí the south) und the best songs oí Ireland will be j-endered. Finially, there wül be a "Heine Kvening," wlth a 6liort address tipon tiiat most brilliant of modern lyik poets, and the singing (partiy in Germán and partiy in English) of a largt miimber of lus finest songs set to mnsic by Schubert-, Sehumaim and otlier famo'ins composers.


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