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Business Prospects Excellent

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The trade review of Dun & Cos', commercial agency for Octpber Ist, is ihe most eucouraging the fin lias given out for years. The failnres clurinK the tbird quarter oflSStT, obtui.ued yesterday by teregrapli, were 2,903, with liabilities uf $28,1)63, (il, ui whii-h '-".) were in banking for 13,387,030. Gummi icial failuris, 2,974, with liabilities of $:5,27(i, 192 average ouly ,f8,S!)9 eacii, lower iliau m uuy other quarter for :i years. Tlie nmuuiit of rlefitulted libil'ities w llie. Miiallost in any quarttr for 25, .nul in 10 yt-ars ouly si quarters .ave biiiivvn smaller liabiliiics. Mauul'iu'turiiig failures, 051, whli liiibililips oi ?-ïl,-:;l,l!i!, average uit lfl4,-!87 ettcil, and trading, l'.li4, with liubiiitü-a of $12,825,000, avcrnae bat , 5,1)27 each, both smaller in average of liabilities Lliau in ány [u-evious of wbicli classified records The volume o!' legiliuiate business continúes a liltle largpr than in the sanie Luoutlis oí 185í, íor hile the great increase oi' -7.4 per cent, at New York for the eek iniglit be Bupposed ilue 10 speculaüve nctivity, in .spite oí the establishment aud growth oí tlie stock exchange clearing liouse, }-et payments through the principal clearing houses outsiile of New York exceeded tliose oí 1892 by 3.5 per ceut. for the week, and 2 per cent for September. These evidencies of reviving prosperity are the more important bectuse prices for most manufactured producís have advanced but moderately and are much below the level of 18')2, while speculative maekets are aü declining with curious unanimity, as if the large crops which make graiu and cotton weak would not assure increased business to railways and warrant bet ter prices for stocks. "Turning from speculative markets to productive indnetry, the change in toue is strikins. All industries are pushed to Lacrease working force, with occasional rise in rate of wa;es, by the growing demand. This is largely for repletiishment of stocks, rmt dispatclies show that retail trade at nearly all nortliero points continúes to espand and dealers well knovv that iucrease o( working force and of wage8 usures a large liistribution of iiou is. Anxions appeals for speedy deliveries disclose mor.; rapid distrüiutioii already thau had been expected, and in texcile niaimfacïures the works are hiüdered from taking as liberal orders as tliey uiight by doubls about future prices, tliöngb liaving enou'h tu do for some time. Fuilures for the week have lieen 1!)4 in the United States, against 290 ast year, and '-l in Canada against S6 last year. The current issue of Harper's Bazar eoutaius a paper on "The Uarlibad Cure," by Mrs. Poultney Bigelow ; "Tlie Femiiiine PeUestrians," by Cárolyn Halsted, and a review of the lOOth performance of "Parsifal" at Baireuth, by Lucia Purdy, and a cliarming essay ou "Home Keeping," by Margaret Sutton Briscoe. A uuw featinc, whicli coinmences in this nuinbef, wil! be tlioroughly appreciated : not only does tlie paper present the latest style in fall and winter costumes, but its Biibscribers eau obiaio tissue-paper cut patterns of tlieui at a nominal cot.


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