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Ed. Kocfli has somei to Chicago m Marshall -Field & Cofa stare. Tfi'e Hame Forum Benefit order Is belrag recruited by .1 gOOHHy number of gaod citizon". Th Aran Arbor Art School now ocoupies the lower florar ,of the Prof. WineM-l homestead. Traant Oflicer Clark h,as been clO'thed with auithopilty as i sp-ecial policcman by Mayoff Hiscock. These aurtunnn days all: nature Ss putting on her lor-liesti gart) Sust beiore ROiiiKtr to sloep for tíie winter. Kemenïber the opening oí the Y. M. C. A. lyceum course at the Athens Theatre, to-morrow, Thursöay evening. The young ladöiee oí Trilnlty T.utheran cliurch are arramglng to give a fair in the ehurch s'oom, for the benetit &t the Sundiay Sehaol. AVm. Charles, Jr., is managing editor of the Btudeat's Register, wWch miakee its appearance again filled with TJnlvor-sity news. New residence telephones liave been put in by A. K. Wheelar, No. 89, Johu E. Travis, No. 112, Prof. Hughes, 206. Newlberry Hall, S. C. A. ,208 The Political Equality Club meets ■with Mre. Israel Hall, Washfcenaw ave., Momiday at 3 o'olock. AU inlerested are eordiaUiy in-vited to be present . Major and Mrs. Pebbles of Detroit, asslisted by Capt. Calhoun, will coaduct the meetings in the Salva1ion Army Hall oa Detroiit at., next Suuday, tihe 17th inst. Sealed bids are wantod ab the city clcnk's office on or before Xov. 1, ior city sewer bonds, amountlng to $!,- 878.48. Mayor Harding was brough,t before Justice Duffy Thursday {or violating the game law in catchimg tromt smaller than tlie law permite. Plead not guilty. The ladiies of Bt. Andrew's church are to give theür regular ínoothly tea social to-morrow, Th.ursday eveniïig, at Harria Hall. Everybody cordially invited. Strangers especially. Mauniee Lantz, who lias been ín the employ of Sohaiirer & Milieu for a number of years, will go imto business for himself sfoortly, opening a genanal store at Whitmoirei Lake. The Epworth League af the M. E. chuirch is to hold ibs íirsfc general soclftl on Satuxday evening, the 16th in the M. E. church parlors. A uperi&l invitation is extended to strangers. On Fa-iday afterooou, at tho ïair grounds, the high school foot balJ team will play th,e first home game of a series to be played thds ieason. The AdTian team %rill be their oppo ents. The new State Telephone Co lts domg its wark well in thi3 city, having a greater regard ior the looks of the city, aad the i-ights oi individuáis than such coinpanies usually observe. A workman on tlws cornlce oí the Cook House Friday, dropped a timbcr aad broke one oí tlie pinte glass wiadows in the front. As luck usually h,as it, the glass broken was Uie Dnly ome not insured. Aid. Art. Brown says that the order of Modern Woodmem is the best and cheapest insurance to be obtained jast now. But the Forestevs, and Maccabees and otheii's stlll cltog to the idea that they stand at the head. Tliwe are mamy men who are agitated over t'h-e laboi' pVoblem ; that is they fear that , lny ma5r bo eo-mpelled to la.boir, which, is nl''her foreign. to their nature, and campuisioüto do so i;s Whaí agtlbatas tlhtem. There is stroog talk oí a lai-ge public park aad lake in Aan Arboa1. The park fo tliere bint the lake co,ulj r.isily be made fi-om the river. It w ■■■o.uid seem as iï the pi-oject would be a very feasible Oíta Olie Univi'i-sity city.- Pinckney Uispatch. AVU1 the city poliee, kimlly keep an eye on the young men wlio xre tonstantly dieobeying the city oardlnanoe relattve to ridinig bicycle on the sidewalks ? They do it in many panfcs of the city where the streets are better than the walks. And it ought to be stopped. The Benevolent and l'roitective Order of Elks, are to give a vaudeville entertainment of high class BpeciaTties, at the Athens Theatre on Nov. 12, assisted by taLent írom Detroit, Jackson, Toledo and Flint. The proeeeds will ba devioted to the Charity Fund of th order. Ome of the landmarkSi of the cilty, the old hotel at the corner of Detroit and Fuller sts., knowni as the Deihl Hotel, and which 35 or 40 years ngo was a flourishiing hostlea-y, is to be torn down. Mrs. Deilhl will hare a resideaace erected on the site ïar lierself, for which Hanry G. 3?ipp has iho contract. Truant Clark is emupowered uocler the new law to arrest all childrem between the ages of S and 10 years who are not in school, and compel them to attond scliool tor foux coinsecutive months, or clse eent them to tlie refoirm school as incorïi'-iibles. 'Parents who have chüdren out of school would do well to observo thte law. "That proverb olil and very wiae, Oh. huve you never been taught, ïhat sure, ax blnls lly In ihc sities, Tlie early worm gts caughtl" - Jesse Lewls Orrick. Ppo', Chas. E. Greene has be 'ii eliosen a director oí the Michigan Engineering Society, wiliieh is to hold its ncxt animal meeting in Po-rt lluron, Dec. 28-30. ' , The regular Y. M. C. A., prayer meeting will be postponed lo-inorrow nfelit untü Friday night beeause o i'ho openiliig oí the Y. M. C. A. Lyceum oourse on tihat eveodtig. K. H. Gübioii af GreenvOle, wlio was sergeant at arms of tiiie House at Ijansing last winter, ha ving died l-ecenttty, W. E. S boeking of tihis ci'ty, as lst as8ii?tant would take lis po sititon tiliould an extra seagio-n be calleü. The Board ai DLrectors of -&lie Y. M. C. A. has employés! the firm f Ponid & Poind of Chibago, as architects for the new Y. M. C. A.' 'bu.ittdtag, and they will mieelt the Board somt evenilng this weeki to present and talk over plans. Tho Holbart Guild will glve a vecrptian to the young people of St. Andrew's congrega tiLom, Saturday evartlng, the lGth oii Oetolber, from 8 to 11, in Haurls Hall. All the youmg peaple who attend the Epiiscopal cJiwch, whether studeinits or resjilcnts, are invited. When the fair, which is to be h(?M at th Armory, commencing on the 25l]i, is in fu11 swoep, it will be a ïime ome. The proceeds are be denoted to t'h-e building fund o-f the new St. Thomas' clrarch, and the ladies of that congregatioji are inaking extemshie preparations for the affair. At a recent meeting of th,e Board of Dürecto,rs of th.e Y. M. C. A. a resotatüaii was passed extending the hearty thanks of tha Asso;iation to Ricluind Flynn, wlno has been acting as general secretary for severa! mon'ths, and expressing kind wishes for hjB future 6uccess. Mr. flynn enters the Universi'ty. One of tlhe best natured men in Ann Arbor last Saturday, was Eugeiu Helber, editor and proprietor of ïihe Neu Wasntenaw Post. His stallion, Flasïilight, had made a remarkable record for himself at the Fowlerville naces the day before, against a field of seven. He won Dhe 2d, 4th find 5th heats, was 2dl in the lst heat, and tlhe 3d was a dead heat. Twifce he ma 2:24. Hurrah for FlashUg'ht. Yestea-day Messrs. R. C. McAllaster and W. H. Butler ,as the proper ofikialis, paid to Mrs. E. A. Cadieux $2,000, the amouJit of the polilcy her husband held in the Foresters. This is pretty quick work, and the Foresters have the satisfaction of knowing that out of four organizatioas they are t'he first to respond. The order of Foresters stands at t'he head of fraternal insurance organizaiion-s and are sio soUd that old line counpanies eeldjom if eve.r refer to or utlack them. The Catholte church, as it ïiears complet ton upon the ou'teiüe, shows a sple.ndid struoture. There will be few fiiner ones in the Jnland filies of tin1 ciinliry. The view from EHzabet'h streefc looping sonta is by far tiae best one, being handsomer iha, the front mi Kingsley streel. The view irim X. Sbate s:.. as ;.uu come trom the M. C. ïl. K. Ktatiom, Is ateo good. Tne Spanieh tile rooi whirii is nuw lai'l, ;;ivi-s the etli-toe a finíahed look that no other kind oí roofing - nót even sla will glve. St. Thomas' people may wiéll teel proud of what Kev. Fr. Kelly iii acctimplishing. The Chicago Mominíí Star, of Vet. 9th. had this article relative to one of Ann Arbor's most proniment ladies : "Mrs. J. JL. Babcock, while visIting friends in Chicago, entertained with song, at the South Bide Ladie's Club, of whir.h Mrs. Jefferson Hodgkins iss president. Some charming musical numbers were given by Mrs. Babcock and Miss Mary H. Btorrs of Chicago. They sang a duett, 'O Divine Redeemer.' by Gounod. Mrs. Babcoek's voice is a rich contralto. She also sang 'The Song oí a ïleart,' also a beautiful Lullaby, as an encore. Mise Storrs played. a 'Valse Oapa-ice' by Shubert, arranged by Liizst, very acceptably" etc. "Therie were two eveats in the civil war," saiid a prominent Ann Arbor citizen and G. A. R. man, recently, 'that I caunot but consider miraefej1 and ordei-ed by Pro-vidence. One was tne appearance of the Monitor at Hampton Roads, at the particular time that it reached there, thus saving tdie Natiional Capítol and uo doubt many northern cities. The otiher event was the biirsting out of tlie spir-ing of puro wat-er it the Andersonville prison pen. Had iD )iot lieen ior that mlracte thousands upon tlhousands of tho boys In blue wouM never have lived to reach their homes again. If there is One who watehes over 'oiir destiny those acta wteoo (lii'ectly from His hands." WVien Julia used to mil - ah, me . How leaped mj' he rt Ibfttsmlle lo see; Now wheu sim sniiifs I leur to lotu - It raeiuis shc wants i winter coat -(Detroit Free Press. Boy K. Moulton, o St. Joseph, and Miss Eliza M. Hill, oí Aun Arb r, wr unkted in matrimony at Hrou-ell, September 27th, by Dwlgbt ir. Fltch, jti.-itice o.:' the peace. - Hawell Herald. Mne. Sarah Holmes, a wMoiw IaSy, who realded at Noi sos E. Hurón Kt., dird Monday í pneumonía, aged 79 yearra. Funeral tOKlay Irom the house. Xeiither al Mrs. Holmes' Bons reside in the city. Thjs kou'.I adviu,;; i.s golttg tha rouwte o.' th.a papara : ■The uex Urne that you have a troultle aai feel th,at you must teil lt, write 16 down. ThiSn when your trouble U ovex you can burn it ; you can's If you teil it to a irisad. " Mi's. Seliima.h A. Ilollay, who lived at 224 S. ïhayer st., died Thursday last, aged 67 yeafs. The ïuiiieral was held Saturday, Rev. B. L. McElroy coniductiing the services. XnteTmemit wias lield in the Kpeneer cemetery in Ypsil'anti town. The only mem'bor of the famiily left is one daughter. A negro froiin Aun Arbor witJlv liis bride, who was froan' Canada, were stranded at Port Huron one day laet week, and alter pending a night in jaü star'ted to complete the bridal tour a-foot.- Ypailanti Senti:iel. Thai1 ly a great feat to ascribe tO' omy Ann Arbor graoim. Buit then they must huve been jribty- the ïeet ? - no, the couple. People desirims to enter the local service iin the poatal departiment oi Uncle Sam will taka notite vhat a civil service examination wil lbe held here om Dec. !, co'mineneing at 9 a. m. Applicants ior clerkslhjp must be over 18 years otó, and ïor carriers between 21 and -iO. Proper blanks must be pnocured and íüied at tlie 3?. ü. on o,r before Nov. 13. While wlking along the streeü near the business portton of Aun Arbor last week, we ))ticed a gray sqtuirrel buryilng a nut or aoorn iu the g.roumd between the walk and the curbstone, and t.hen scamper oi'f to t!h3 opposite stele of th street. ■ tíquin-els iin Ann Arbor are very tame, as fhey are Jiot allowed to be hmnted or molested in any way.- ililan Leader. A ïormer well bnown resident oí this city, Mr. Kulus Cate, died at his home in Detroit, on Oot. 7. He was a brothev of Mrs. W. K. Childs, oí thia city, Avho weat to Milford Monday to attend the iuneiral, whden waa held there at a brotlier's lioiue. The deceased lived in Ann Arbor ior many years, and was a man higlily respected, by everybody who knew him. The news oí his death will be learned wit'h great regret. l'.ihvard H. "Waples, piiblislier oi t-he Home Yisito'i1, lias taken ínto partnership Chas. F. Meyers, ïormerly of the Register office, and the twe will f i 11 a long ïelt want here n Ann Arbor by storting a new printing office. The floor over C. J. Shetterley's barber shop, ÍS. Main st., has been leased, and business will be commenced as uoon as tihe new outfit arrivés from Chicago. The Home Visitar will be eulargeJ and editions prioted los1 Jackson and Detroit, and the coutents coiu'ined to o tginal stonies aal special depaftraemte. The Courter wishes the 3 ourng gentlemen success in l'lieii"


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Ann Arbor Courier