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Mantíhester high school chapel has a nww jiano. Saïïne Ls mot buttbered wttfti trampa very nmeh these days. The schooi in Dist. Xo. 14, Lyadon, i being taught by D. C. Marión. The creamery ïv.ri ■Ií-tj; at finline is rapiiïly approadhing completioai. Tli In the Xtirih 1. ike flist. i-i being tauglit by Mlas Lucy Leach. Miss Net i ie H.v.iwr. o . has returaeil. home fro'm lier visit 5:i Detnoit. Tho M. C. Tí. i:. is haring nev telegrap - ■; along tts line In thU couiiity. Miss Mattie L. Gleno loit her home at Norfh Lakc a few days siace t i ' Caliiomnia. Mr. Mrs. A. D. ïacksan are mOYiimg irom thoir farm ío Milán village agaln. The fa.rmers of the emitiré counry have bren prayijag for rain lo-r two or thiree weeks. Thos. "wilkinsnoi, of Chelsea, has gane fcd Aun Ai"lor, whiere he has ío;:íh1 emplnyment. The Ladies Aid Soetety oK the Saline Baptist chiurch wlll meet Frlday wiHh Mrs. E. Hurst. John P. Bixss. who dioil ve.:ently at home in Freedom, was boni there Jam. 30, 1839. Toni McNamara, oí Chelsea, now ■owns tüie horse Frank B. R., haring a record of 2:22 1-4. The farmers gen-erailly report the potato erop as tiwmtng out much better than anticipated. Miss Nellie Congdan, who has been in Salme for several mcmtiliB, has retiirned home to Chelsea. There wil lbe a mission lestival at St. .Tohm'8 chmrch, Rogers' Corners, Freedom, Oct. 17 or 24. Juniors will give "Ta Epi Glossar." at the opera, house on Friday, Oct. 15.- Chelsea Standard. L. M. Thorn of Salilne uses a twowineeled vehicle niow to deliver the papers to his customea-s. Farmers ;m the sotvthern part Of the couiuty have invested pretty generally iitt cann harvesters thLs year. The Jfjymioutu MaM is agitaciug viie electivo liglits agaki. Someitimes those wires are dangeroius ocies vo pull. Salliiine Hive Ij. O. T. II. wlll wansact important business Thursday Octobei- 14, at thg home of Mrs. Etta G-a te?. Misses Dora Harringíon and Florence Bacliman, of Cheisea, have received first grade teachers' certificates. The nexfc meetiug oí the Southern Waethtenaw Farmer's Club will be 'held witli President Boglisli, in Maaicliester. The Xarthville llecard diagnosed the thing eorreetly when It asserted tJbat "the A. A. ball club was not ' the U. -ai M." A hnrvest social ia to bs held at the residence of John Alexander, od Fr-j(iay evening, Oct. 15, by the Webster Y. P. S. C. E. Arlie Leach, Avho was injured eently by a train at Easex, Ont., ■died and his remaina were brougM to Chelsea few buirial. "Mrs. Wm. Cojvert, ai Lima, passet! her 77th birthday Sept. 24, and a nuimbesr of her irinds made 'che occasion an enjoyable one. Esther, the little daughter oí Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Stark, %vho reside at Foster's, died on Friday last, aged 2 years, aaid was buried Kunday. Unity tent K. O. T. M. and Mooreville hlve L. 0. T. M. oí Mooreville, wfll ninite in tlie dedicatioii oï their new hiall, Friday evenkig Oct. 22. John Steele, proprietor of the ïeed mili at Saio, narrowly escaped being killed i-eently, by hte clofchkig catchilig In the shaft while in motion. Olive lK)dge, Np. 156, 1 & A. 'M., ayüI erect and own ttoe Becond story of W. J. Knapp's ïuew building on Av.est lliddle street.- Ohelsea Herald. M. J. Noyes comtemplates the erection of a two-story brick building on hls lot. nor tli of the Chelsea House. The building will be 30x80 ïoet.- HeraM. i Geoinge Staffan of Clielsea, has a last horse, "Jiiidge Hatch," that reoeatïy cleaned out all the o.ther nags at Stockbridge, witli a record of 2:31 3-4. John Sbanten, oí Webster, was ïortuinate enough to grow several bushels of Nart'hera apples iü liis orcliard tila year. He is ane of the lucky sort. The high scho-ol now has 73 pupils in attendance. All ie letters of the alphabet except A, O, Q and Z are represente;!, and we have the colors Green, Wiiüie and Gray.- Manchester Enterprise. At the Universa list eonvention at Lansing yesterday, Mrs. Frank Spafard of thU villaga ivas seleted as one of the delegateí to the general eonvention, to be held ia Chicago Oct. 19.- Enterprise. Down at Dentan's tJiey give cancerts and entertainments, the p:weeeds, after all expenses are paid, going to a fund far the repairing o dilapidated sidewalks. Novel idea- ao entertainment for the benefit af the feet. Mrs. Herman Bertke, of Freedom, wfec went to the Hillsdale Fair, had her purse and R. K. tickets picked out of her pocket. Bhe should have come to the coumty fair at Ann Arbor, where all that eort of gentry were shut out. The game warden tn Wayne co'iinty has erdered a fl Bhute put ia the dam at Belleville. Shutes have been ordered buüfc in, every dam on the river in Wayne county. low " hy ao't have the Washtena'w Kame warden act liewise. ? C'ov. IMrosrree was billed to do nu vet at tlie Aun Arbor failr last Week bu.t hte picture was tire anly near ttiíing tliey had tio it.- Xorthville. Iteconl. Tlnit Item shows that its writor was nat at tliis fair ar ha woulia known tihat tliere -vere others. Dan. Grage ha.s boen shlpping caullflovrer to Detroit a,nid' tlhey are fine ones too. He öhilpped foor dozen ttoat averaged seven poiwids and four ournces eacli. iíancliestr has the iwil to ralse good stuf and men vho know how to do it.- Mancliester Enterprise. Mr. and Mrs. John Curtía of Welbeter were married two years last Sunday and, entirely unexpected by them, a party of thivty-five of their irlanda and relativas assembled at their home and very happily commemorated the event.- Dexter Leader. Mr. Bogarduis, of Hilan, received a letter Monday from the attomeys whio have charge of the Anneke Jans estáte, wtuo report that the Holland bank wis'hes to Bottle with the hetrs o-t' wliom Mr. Bogardus is ome of the direct line. The estímate is $800,000,000.- Ypsilarrti Sentinel. A barn costing $4.000 was "dedicated" iiecemtly by a large mimber of ladies from Grass Lake aad vickiiity. The edifice is located a couple of miles sauthwest of G-ras3 Lake om t'he Bolaad Homestead. A number of speeches were made by the ladies, but we didn't nobice any fram the News editor. A deer was fovmd grazing with Horac-e Doan's cattle in Westfield, Monday. Art. Ranny and Wells Skinner tried to capture liira but hij (U-,ippearance was as mysterlous as his coming.- Dansville Eagle. If the law is enforced there will be more deer in a few years. Keep dogs off their tracks.- Stockbridge Sun. Th.e township oí Plymouith lixed the license foï peddlers, under tlie late la v, at $15 per year. Th&t's wliere tuwii makes a $15 fooi of ibself, toward moinioipoly.- Adrián Press. The pnoiper thinig to do would be to ImpoPt outsiders to do tlie business ig'itimately beloüigimg to its own citizcais. The tooi part is ïu not makfoig it $30. Owosso cows have appetttes like goats. Recently a lumber dealer oí tliat place left hts coat vlwre one Of them could get It and wlien dlscoverod tJie cow had sueceeelorl lu devourtng that part of tho coat Qoift&tQlug a pocket -vitli $75 in greenbticks, the cow supposing ifr was coa-n ioJgder. 'J'lir Western Waahtenaw Farmers' Clnl) will hold their next ïnëe Tliursda.v, Oct. 21, at the homo 0i Mis. Jloward Everett. The followIng questlons will ba diseussed : 1- The Blossinjgs of Hard limes ? 2- Would moro Educatian be oí Vei'y Great Proiit to the Farmers ? Who i Lvoüiig to beat in the quotation contfst ?- Ctoeisea Standard. Ir diirl, flebt aud the iluvil are kept out oS the liome ilt will be n little parádtoe. A slatternly housekeepér wdill sooia bring debt, and 'olie two cQinbiinod -vill raiso ]iis Bátanle majesty most auiy time. Put up with himple tliiinus tül you have moiney in haiiKl, tlic.n bny .soime'thilng g-ood, inid you -viil have .i sense oí satisactïon tihat wiilcoane ín no o tirar way. - Pijmautli Mail. The blcycla confcest at St. Patrlck'e elnu-ch, Xorthfield, Thursday, was a lively one. The prize was wou by Miss .Sarah McComxt. The piorrds were $400 and upwards, wihich goee t o heli.) swell the fuiwls of thO churcli. Amorng the distlnguisbed visltoirs present were Eev. Frs. Kelly and DoDiling, al Ann Arboa-, Keomedy oí Ypsilanti, and Cojiiuierford, oif Pinekney. No ta-uer words were ever writte:i thau these irom the Pi'nckney i)ispatch : "Kvery farmer, every mechiante and every laborer for mile-j aroumd should be a subscriber to his home paper, not only siLbacriibe for it, but liberally pati-onize it. "We sluonld all go hand In hand for the upbuilding oí our town and county, our own homes and oux business and ïnanuiacturtag enterpiises be they lange or small." The Ypsilanti News 1- ota our. tablo aaid seems iwetfcv -pil t'U1?".'T witüi ren ding and ads. Witihi tlu-ee paper.s in t'.h'Q field tire re airead}', ,ind the duily end oí.' the Wah!tenaw Times ldoated tliere, we doti't exactly coinpiietaul blom tlie new jjaper eould strike "paying dlrt," biufc fchia or.üy proces t.'hat Ave doa't know ib all. EithMr we do nofc road straight, or eise we are recelylag Kve of six jj;ipere fpom Washtemaw t-cnmty, wlücii lüave such a similarKy oí coiatents, that au editorial trust i.s suggested.- .Vtlrian Press. Tlie stockholders of the Saline Butter ind Cheese c-orapaaiy met at the opera lnoüse 8aturday foremoon for the purpose ot complettog the organiza tiom and electing a board oii ten directors who wiil superintend the working of tlie comcern wlxen ib is readiy for bustoess. The electlon oí dilrectors is as follows : Gottlob Mann, Freodom ; Geo. J. Manu and Ira E. Wood, Lodi ; Giltert Hurd, l'ittslield ; Chas. Burkhart, Saline vffllage ; Geo. ï'eldkamp and John I-iiitz, SaJIIne townsiliip ; Jerome B. LaiüWiier and Cliarle3 EUis, York ; James Harmon, Leinawee. At 2:00 o'clock i), m., tha same dïiy the dir ■ 1Mt rectore meft arad re-elected from their mim'ber t'híe followitig oíficers : Presi. dent, J. B. Lasluiiar ; vice pres., Gilbert Huird ; seeretary, I. J3. Wood; treasúirer, Charles Burh-nrt.- Observor.


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