
WISE WOMEN. Those Who Heed the First Symptoras of Nervous Derangement. A dull, aching pain at the lower part of the back, and a sensation of little rills of heat, or chills running down the spine, are symptoms of general womb derangement. If these symptoms are not accomthat mm v=Mh' As a f riend, a H a ï,?j woman f riend, jjrj Vj let me advise vá the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Mrs. Geokge W. Suepard, Watervliet, N. Y., says : "I am glad tosíate that I am cnred from the worst form of female weakness. Before using Mrs. Pinkham's Remedies it seemod that I had no strength at all. I wa3 in pain all over. I began to f eel better after taking the first dose of Vegetable Compound. I have used five bottles, and I f eel like a new woman. I know if other suffering women would only try it, it would help them."
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier