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The Comers And Goers

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S. F. Peckham is in Detroit Mr the week. Ernver Stofflet and Guy Daviisoo ■vvere over froin Teeumseh SiMtday. WiTl Hayley, of Jacksoii, has been visiting remire here :'or a few days. Mrs. Geoirge Dengler vrho had been yfeiting in Owosso, returned home Tast week. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Dajiiels f Gregory, spent Sunday with E. E. Beal and family. Mrs. A. C. Niehols went to Detroit this morning to attend the Eastern Star grand chapter. Mrs. Toim H. Corbett has been visiting her mother in St. Joiins during the past Tv-eek. Mre. A. E. Mummery is entertainimg her nuother Mre. A. H. Coleman, of Battle Cneek. The Needie Work Gnild spends This aftemoon wlth Mrs. Perry, on E. "Washiagton st. llrs. B. F. Watts and sister, Mrs. ChsiS. Jones, are spending the week wïth DetiioLt friands. Dr. K. S. Copeïand wejit to Bay City Monday, to give expeKt testimony in a law snit. M. M. Seabolt of the Aun Arbor Music Co., is In tiie northern part tof tihe state on business. Dr. C. P. Kuiyon, the netw member o-i the Homeopathie faculty arrh-ea in the city last Frida.y. Mrs. Jas. L. Babcock arrived home last evening from a two week's stay wlth friende in Chicago. James M. Cook, of E. Univwsity ave., has been under the weather for a time, is out once more. Mt. and Mrs. Ross Granger ga a complimentary dancing party Saturday eveining to some sixty couples. Mrs. J. E. FMá and Mrs. Artiiur Hopper, wlio were visiting relatives kt the city have returned t-o, Alpena. Mrs. Chas. A. Ward returned home -with her father, P. Curry, of Po-rtland, yesterday, to remato, a week or so. Mrs. W. B. Williams, of Lapeer, lias been In the ciity a few daysl the guest of her som wto is im the University. A dancing party, in honor Of her son Lysle, was givea by Mts. M. 0. Pcteráon, on Friday evening, at her hom on S. Fiith ave. Edward J. Aston of Codumbus, O-, is y feirt ing Mr. Josephi T. Jacobs. He has chairge oí the thlrty-two school buildings oï tliat city. Alderman C. H. Ca.dy of Ann Arboi-, is at the Sanitarium, testing the virtues oi the mineral water as a cure íor rheumatism.- Ypsilamtian. The Unitarians gave a very pleasant reception Saturday evening, in the church parlors, in honor of the new corners to lts congregation. Mrs. Maclean, who has been vdsiting her miother, Mrs. ïïm. Condón, retuimed home to Hancock Monday. Some 20 ladies wore entertained at tea Thursday, in her honor. Miss Catharine Seymour, who is a clerk iiu the pension depai-tment, and who was a gueat oï her mother here tor a timo has retumed ta her dutiles at Washington, D. G. Mrs. Juidge Kinne entertained four tables at carda last Saturday evening, in honor of Mrs. .1. G. Maclean. Ftmrt and last prlzes were taken by NJ[rs. Dr. Vaugtan and Mrs. Ferdon, SaffalO', N. Y., respectively . Fmed C. Eunra, the fouaider of the Daily Times oí t hls city, Is npw managing editor oí th,c Courier-HeraW, at Saginaw, e. #. Pred ís like all ot'hier newspaper rnen, once in "he ;r;iees thoi-e is uo contentment in :my ovheir line oï business. We welcome Mm back to tho iiöld of his firstlove, and congratúlate tho CourierHeraiüd mpon its choice, for Mr. Brown has the true journallistic lnKtinets and th.e news never escapes ;Kim. Miss Nina Paddoek, Mt '96, Is teachIng at Wyandotte. Corneare foot ball team has a surplus of $2,600 t.o ite credilt. The operatimg rooms oí the dentai school are now ready for patteoAs. The University oí Norfch Carolina has at last ope-ned irs ftoQra to vromen. At i.go l'niversity credit is givem for proper Bible in SunÉüay School work. The fall tenate toamattent will open om Friday, ia Onbrites ror the game closing to-day. Dr. Calvin' R. Klwootl, medtó '95, is to be niarrieil on the 19th Inst.. to Mise Harriet Spies. Both of Mcnominee. Dr. Harry ti. Williams, dent '90, svho is in practice a Chicago, wafi married Ott. Cth. to Miss Antoinette Eddy, oí that city. Aaidire Marión, lit '98, has baen called home to Elgin, 111., by the terloaa llliess of his mot her. It Is doubtiul i: ho returns a sa in. . Tracy McGregor, Oi the Helping Hand Mission. Detroit, addreesed tlu erstty Y. M. C. A. Sumday, ai 3 p. in., ia S:vekett Hall. The oiliclal score carda for the V. o: M. root baü gams are t'urnisheil bj E. È. Beal and supplied gratuiiou.-ly to the patirons of the game. Alfred White, lit '93, wlio has bee.ii puisudog studies in Zurich, is now asIstaot to Proi. Edward Campbell, teaching cliemical technology. The philosophical dcpartment is better patronized this year thau ever be'ore, tShere bekig iully ane-third more students than last ,year. Dr. C. H. Ntana and Dr. Georgia Smallie, both medies '97, .vrere married at Independence, Iowa, O'n the 5th of Aug. last. They have a nice practice there. Thie Woman's League, oi .whdch Miss Julia Butler is president, jiopes to do more this ,year than ever beer before. Already it ,lias a memborslhdp oí 297. James Hogg, oí Knoxville, .111., has been dhosem captain oí ití íoot ball team Ín place of Joü'n Wombacher, wl isunable tcattend college this ycar, being knoeked O'iit. by ÍU healtli. The U. oí M. Alumni rastöing in Jackeon, Toledo, Detroit, ote, have mude arraeigemeets to i-uu au exurion trata (te tJiis city Oet. 30, to witmess the Alumni) íoot ball gaine. Dr. "William Diwnn oí As'hville, X. C, coranected wi't:h tlxe Tan Kook Kanitarium, and formerly an assistant.of Ir. Nancrede fe vtetting his olKl alma, mateir and his hosts oí friends in Ihe city. At tlhe athletic masa meetmg held at tSie law lecture room Friday evening, the deficit of $1,400 vas raised by subscription, Ann Arbor's buslnesi men appearüiK Cor handeoine amoun lu the list. The Sophoonores and the Freshmeu indulged in a rush afber the Athletic meetiiag Friday evening, and altliouigli the Freshmen were the mosi numeaxjus tfhe Soplis appeaved to be thd best mshers. Thie íoot ball game Saturday afternooin at the Athletic Field was with the OHo AVesleyans, and no with the ïliami-s, and resudted in a draw. The Metïnodlst team were .evidently admirable kickers. During the past year Bowdoin College has received gifts anno uut ing to $5G7,000 ; Penneylvaaia $80,000 ; Haivard $10,000 by the wlll of Col. Theo. Lymaai, besides a fihe library. And these are only a íew of the nuamy gifte. iliichigan i still in the I poverty lisr. FTank J. Stanley, a Dartmwuth student writes fi-om St. Jliohaels thafc thcre are in Ms party two each ircnni Dart.miouth, Yale, Letórnd Staniord, Konyon, one eacli from U. of Xlichgan, Harvard, Columbia, lowa and several irom Berkley. Enough to organize a University ABSoclaticm whea they the Klondike. AcccHi'dmig to the la test arrangement ühe faculty ladfes will entertain tilie new co-éda in groups cm: vej twelve, at taeir homes, 'Una Those WHO patromzea iionie estaulishments were happy once agaiíi. Moral- wever go out ot town for .whiat you can get. at homu jus-t as well. Prof. B. M. Thompsoii arrived home last AVedmesday Irom nis t-hree mo'iitih's stay in Europe. He. reporta eujoying liis trip very mucli indeed, auil certainly tooks tflie picture of health. Mre. Tliomrpson aad Miss Ei'iuel have gaae t Switaerland, ac Uuinton, on Lake Thun io-r severa J nionths, "vvhere Miss Ethel will attemí a ladies' seminary, after whlcü they will go to Parte. The old footitoall playera ai tbe Ooiv.Tsity nul Wio ijroHiglUt. g-lory 'M the yellow and blue o-n the gridiTOa are noxv scattered from Ala-ska xo Ci nmal America and fiom the Atlantic to tli Paeüic. Moint. Seater ti in Ceiitral America ; Count Villa anJ CtUEurlee Parker, in Alaska ; Jimmla Baird, Penney lvania ; Charley üaird, New Mexico ; Bucky Hall, Montana; Pa" Henninger, New York ; Bloom[ngffton, Clijcago ; and Druraheller, Montana.- Daily Times. Dr. Fitzsrerald, the instructor iu athletdcs, has been travelimg about the diiierent iïiistitutions this past suiumer, endeavoring to piick up points beaeinieial to iustruetion in ihat line, and ha tinequivocally expreeses himself iln regard to the excellence of o ur gymnasium. He saya there are one or two o Miers that have oost more money but iiot one tliat can equal the gymnasium here In outfilt and facilities ïor accomplishing athletilc training. Dr. Andrews oí Browm University, practically admitted the same thsng. President E. B. Andrews, of Browii Undversi'ty, ivas in tïiai city Jlonday, tlie guest of hls son wlio has ontered the law dpartmieatt. He speoit a portioa of the tiimie with Presideut Hutchinei, and at the Alpha Delta l'hi house. He went ïroou liere to ihe Uuivea'sity of Weat Virginia, to take part in tiia inaugural services oi i'roif. Jerome H. Kaymoad, as president of the University od AVest Virg-iniia. President Andrews tJhinks the law diepartmein't here, now it U a th ree year's pourse, tho best in the svoild. He aliso, expressed 'ïimself as pleased with co-educattoü' as it exists, but says tihat prejudice ís still too great in the east to adopb It. Presideot Andrews, in speaklng Df ihe work accojnplis'hed ia wealthy undversrties voiued wihxit has been in the inin'ds oí maiiy f ar a long urne. He said : "Xes, tt is true Dhat vliey have money with which to. induce ablc man to eonii; to ïliiem, but ïny ob.-íervatiOíii has boen that the (ame men. When tlvey are eettled in a great imstitution do not work as hard or keep as weLl posted "in faheir branches as (to the younger men in smaller Instittttions. Take botany ; the best work in botany is not carried on In the weal'thy univörsity ot' Berlin, but :u the smaller institution oi Bonn."


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