
i fa T$ Eowever sweet, may HBVÉ w look repulsive on account . nw H 2 ofa blotchy sldn. So may aLJM i awoman. Most facial JBEK9 V íiirurements come from a flBSAH Tát disordered liver and may o .3 S be permanently removed n l)y tlie use ol S DR. GREENE'S UT LAXURA V CATHARTIC PILLS w the catnartic that does BflBH not debilítate, and the 1 W ideal remedy íor I T(f ness, headache, I Sí tion, torpid liy er, dizziness, I sallow skin and éeneral I 1T disposition. Price, 25 ets. BÊ Tg Made by the dlscoverer of J 5 Sr. Greene'3 Hervura.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier