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Prof. Robert M. Weuley, who hokls tl ie ...

Prof. Robert M. Weuley, who hokls tl ie ... image
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Prof. Robert M. Weuley, who hokls tl ie chair of Phiiosophy in the University, corntnenced a series of Sniiday lectures at the Presbyterian chureh last Sunday evening. 11 is general subject is "The Preparation tor Christianity in tlie Ancieht Worlil," the fiist being upon "History as a Gospel." The remainder will be as follows: Socrate and Mis Surroundings. 7:oüi ju. October 24 Sócrates as fl Misslonary oí the Human Spirit, and Givek Dissa' isl'action. Noon Meeting, 12:15, OcioberSl. Greek Seli. Ciiticism. Noon Meeting, 12:15, November 7. The Failureof aalvatlou hy Wisdom. Noon Meeting 12:1?, November H. The Mlssion of tlie .leus. Noon Meeting, 12 :i.i. November 21. The Hevelopment Towards Christianity in Jewish Olvüization 7::i0p in.. Nov. "J . The Advent, of the Siivior and the Preparation f the World. 7:in p m.. Nov. 20. The Freparation of the .Spiri!. 7:30 p. m., I)ecember 5. The Preparation of the Spirit aud Ketrospect. 7 :3ü p. m.. December 12. MSsb Beatfha Skinnar is at Ana Arfoor aiJtendJng tihie lic. Thomas conserva Uoíty of muBiic. Her eowse embraces boUU pian a.nd vïoUii lessons, upon botlh oi' ■wlïich i'uiSU-uinents Bhe .ilrculy a remai'kably good performer for a yonmg girl of sixteen, sliiowii herself do be possessed of au tUQusual degi'i&e oi musicaj imlenib siace a chíM.- Xorthville Record A teiephoiie exehaage manager in unton. Va., recently adTertised tot o "tuefly girlfi iHant wp-uld atteod to business." There were aetually 20 wlic applied far the posifcions and conieseed tihemseives qualiüed va iilJ the biil. Hra-e i.s an idea íov .Nier Liesemeir to work on. Will iie do it ? Very dou.bfcfuL He has tod ffoa.l an oye tor tfie beautifuli


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