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OreoTfxe Kyer is noKv wittüi Wagmer & Oo. Westtey E. Holwe hs been grairted a pensi'Oln. On Thuirsday evening Ocit. 28, .Germianla Uo%e D. O. H., wiM give tihelp anmiall dance. Debt, rtirt and thei davül are sure dcKt.roypj-s of that dea.r domestic deliglit - the home. . Emlantuefl E. G-iioss tor severa! j-ears a salesmia.u --itlh.. Maek & Oo, ie now witih B. St. James. ■ Ca,rl Lea, t!lve infanlt son oí Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ra.ab, of W. Tiiird st., flied Friday mioriitog last. Xe-v toloplïanes : Fraak C. Parker, No. 210 ; Geoirge P. WrJfeiiit Xo. 124; Geoirge B. Kluoad, Nu. 209. Miss IvUH'ö Nic'hols has coanmenced 'ixr private art cia t.!i3 wilii:vv, at hör homn om MaiUisoa st. Dwislu Twütelicil, of I'L-uito-viiL', ."oiin., a bi'oiHcr of Chas. W. Twitchell, o! liiis city, di-ed ola tlio lith. The 7i MldiSgan CavaJry held i..s ffeunion at KaianiaziJü yesfceirday and ttoe day beïore. J. Q. A. Sessiotis ö-f i'his city i i amd w-as re-electol setretóiry oí t'he aissociatío. Mary had h litlle dog. Hut lost it, oli, the pity ! It feil in to Llie nautton stew Way up in Dawson City. - Üinulia World Heruld. F red. I!. Bravrai, or Anu Arboi' toiwn, has boen aippoótted admAnlatirator oí the esitate O'i Jaiva. Hagan. Miss Eva Hilll ha.1 a desk la 'JÈie atftox of filie oí piroibate, ahd wwulld be glad tio do any typewrlitimg. Mus. Tyler has Beaurod as Por tha cojnLiïg eeasoai Mr. Kugcne Saumdieais, a prominent muafcian of Toledo, who te ita the law departniexii of the U. Qf M. At 10 c'cï'ock Friday mofoikijg the thermometer regis tered 78 ín tha liadO. At 12 o'clibck it was 85 degreös, amd at 4 p. m., i0 Jegrees was negisitfered. HVjw .was that tor Oet. 15 ? The Ann Arboir Ooiirier prints a gio.oní picture oï Louils Liieeeoner of tihe Tim'es, and dab-s hilm aa "octopus," becaus he fasteas his tenacles on ten oír twelve diííerent enterprilses. Tha.t's a devil oií a compliiment, hawever.- Adriam I'ress. The Press is deveiiiah cleveir. Doctor Schuo'ler C. Graves, medñfc. '81, amd present dean af the facul'ty ;iml prcifeBaor oi etwigery and clinK-u'ï sufgery in the aewly ioiitnded Grrand ltapids Meditaal' Ooilege, Jias mi a.iu.ic'1'e in tiie Octoiber issue ou The Physlciiau amd Buageon, on "The Abdtomfluial Incisión : Hoiv ilade ; Utw CiOsftl." Ainii Ai'bor has tooi ïniajiy houees ior the Nuanber oi peiopJie lüving in ilie eitjr. The buil'dings keep uoljng ap i'haugii, al't oiveir the cilby, just i'uu same. It iw ïüolt.ibe'd, .liowever, lllrat thea'ia are JWJ m&di'u.'iu Bized or Email h'ooises empüy. The demaind iO4' hionuses jusD larga omougU íor a ..uua'y üs greater t.hian the eupply. The people oi the NoïthaUle feel that they liave made a splendid beglu'niiig wit'h their new ohurch ediiSc-e. They have bemghfc a lot aml liíid ihe stcm-c íoundatton ïor the edilitoe laild- and paid tibe .whoie th.liig. They do íiot proposito progresa amy fasber th-an tliey .are aWe ta p&y, Md wlien thechu'rch ík Done thej propose to dedücafce ib .without a doMar due. G-o-od íoi1 ti It Ls to be hioped that Marshal Swoöt will enJorce the law relattve to buraiuig leaves ani .rubb.s i a .'ter 12 o'clock noon, oí eaph day. Thane te a, meiigliborhtoiod íu ,the he.trt oi iha city that te terrUMy aanoyei by i'lie buraiag oí reíase a,t ni&hifc that mpcegniates the ai)r wíth ,.i vHe smell tlia.t has many timea Torced tho neideiiits' to close theii;1 wlHndows' on lioi nligh'ts to avoidi íiaassau. C. lí. Vaü Giessoui, a ïarmer WaShteLaAvian, "svri'tes fincan AVeatheríord, Texíis, iiemeviníj his Bubecrlptton, and in the letten1 eays : "Pepple hcre are somewba.t stinred wp otw tilie yellonv fever reporta, and some oí the üvisraaiu.s are uiieasy oqi account oi gy iO'3B being tied up by -ie quaarantlne'. Thi-s p:u-'C o tlhe state, liO'Weveii", is toio ítur removed Irom tJhe ooast, anid, too eflevateil to íear a uear approach o'í tho fever ifcself. CicKps ara aixUy oml though priïae o; oo'ttom is low. Tlue wtaatt OTOp br'ouig'ht a. good prioe." A srpamrlng exliJbHiaa U ao credit ♦10 Aam Aribo-r, ani angat not to 1)3 allowed. Tiiesne muy be no iianu a i1.. TiDere can certaiuly be no good La ii, and tJhe very name pi sucli i Mug teting place bese ia Aun A.rboc, in jarea i.: c3tjj im'ineasui-ab.y . itoe niünidd oi parwnta wüo have dhjAdiren lïare iln ouP schioofls. Buch a quiesifiouiable exlulbilctonlti tihe niun.ii resuilt a; lilsplayins the verite pJeturies oí vaü prilze iigii't. ac ih caneca h-ouse. Kvery sport ia ,.mvn wanta to u,iov wüait a Bbdtenbse k. Aun Arbór can íM'u gaand hier nnoraíls toó well, aud L,.;s speeiliïs oi '■enitertaiinmcnts" aí'c doosUdered by popleí üi genera) ns respeataible evc.i. SaniaitoiT Masom, at'UalirersIity lia 'i Lüe o.tlLLir iujj;[u aseejrted that le was .'he duny o eveiry youo' man to lake Uói.i o-, poütioal quésitiooitj, waAisfy u.iiiii iin nis owii iniíiil wiiieü was 1%'iill, aaii tneiu inM,li.e thiii;-s jingVe. man wh'j ííú-j huknfStító up :is :O-j IJILXC Jl LO'J g'OjJ,1 CO t,'J CO tAJr pOAtí lUÜ VO'iS waó timmwrr.iLiii.liy oou.tueü. ís toe ovbK to niivc íjcu.1. 'ihe saieny ut i.-o ijuio.diüoj. iJaí a t..ü L..ima o. iiio JauoMi'oiio oopie, uuu Loa buey ,1-eiuviu uj i.ii! iia.' Ja ;., iiia lea ve , puntuó ooi uj ;'uu. uy tao üoMX üiícuieiii, baoy 'jíerj uioiniuittui a tu'iilmie agavnói; ...iijcíi' cotuiu-y. te .Lio b-lújvei: uaa,t loreiíiera shouia uo oonipu'Müd bo i-eniain m Uiiiá coiiiiry a suattiotent leJigta oí viniu to ou.-umo knowladige oí it la,ws anü vofklmga bewwe beiiiü' allowed iu ote. ín whiijch Senawr Muuu ïj iht. JBvery man boin in t.ue l aate#has to remain htre 1 yeara boíoro hE io cua-.-i.n n d a aaie mam la vi. uc luind.s Lo oiui'ucit. the uacared .. 1.Ö1. But l ltordo O'í Hiláis, Polocks oí anyo'Jiior loo oí pople Wiio iré as ignoranA ol tinte aatioia as Ís i babe a.D tbs b.r'ta caá comw over uaiie and beeonte a legal voter iin ■vo or tlurec yeaa-ti. Xt Í3 noit only .asnee, but a eerlous daager to our republlic. Tlio law sliould be luanged. Y. M. C. A. Baard met ït-vioi' K. Potad, ol Caiteago, the ajrchlltec) ïas: :nl talked uvm plan the new building. na wíil be held FrUlay mlotrotog. The next time the Aan tst. peopl beuotoe respoüeiblie f'or the building ai a sewer tíuey will ujï &a ie tha. i'liiisif ti-eefc ten't put orif uaitiil t-h last que when the-y were entlltled to be iih.e fïrtst Barred. Arrangemesats are bei'ng made io a n toteirewtlng Aulbumaai uervice u the Flfft M. E. elnurch om next tëun day eveming. Autumnal decoración, and muisie wül be (eaiures. Barmou by the pastor, Hiibieclt, "Writtem to Orlmson and Gold." Everybody wel come. The Wareesier, Mass., Daitiy Spy af Oot. 2, conitaJns an account of he olbservanc oí the 95tih bJrthdar o Han. JoiJui P. ManbDa of tlhat place Mr. Marble wisll be reimembered by many oí tih djder iahaiitants o Dextieir, havling beeui clhe partner in ■buelmiess tlhre for many y Oars of the lato Rtoe A. Beal, amd ütLey will be ÍTlad to lea,rn olf hte prolooged lilfe M.r. J. W. Pattibon, w.'ho. Í3 ocund-U)Cting the ar't school beire, ;ave an iniet'eötfng Lectuire bei'ore t'iie Art Lieaguie, Thuirad'ay eveaing last, at Uie honue oï Miss jDougUss, oa K. Hutfoa st. A mora tlian usual intenesit is being shown in this ;ine toi advainicemienit, and it i hiojped that th;e ATt Scho-ol lias camie 'm be u perntaaiienlü t'Hing. A lo.t o; Germana in Ann Arbo.r hare on'gajuized a "skat" club, aooott-ding to the D-emocrat. No ni'aa can be iniitiated wioi is net able to hustle a; pair oi cat3 oíí the ïidgeboiaj-d of the v.oodsphed, without bi"ea.king the wiuidoiws in a neighbor's residence. - Adrián Press. It is poBsible tha.t the Press man has a libel suilt on Jiamd ín öie assertllon above ii he dO'esn't ".skat" it back. The suiggestion of the Ypsikinti Sent:ine1 tlat the monument to the late Kx-(j-ov. Fel-oh auigliit ta ba .orected beüofe any more moouraents are project ed, is a wie one. New Yot'k bad to tapoiPt a Giiá&agoan to ralse the mOney to coimpiete tihe Granit .nionunmn; . Peinhaps Ann Arbor X ,hae to l'otok to YpsffltanitV ïor ,a ftnancifer and liustler to ralöe tlie iu'iids ion' the mooiuoneiait. Ypsiilanti has bticd a persfoaand cfn a man ■ er. Buit siie can accoinipltsli ,thLs obJect ii.' sihia uets aboult It. Mr. Beat th manageir o4 Rao dali's gallery, hais been d .uK-ii; wofk in fitting up tinat payaia.:' pbo aphdc eatabUyliment. The operattog room had beeui traosformed intio a vei-y pJeasaiut apartment, while tlie varto'us woei: rooms have been wouderfuUy iinpiwed. Everyg ife as clean, neat and artdstic aa as oue eoiulrd ask ior, and the '.va' oom has some gfeiminO works oí art upon its waLls. Mt. Benlt has excelleni aritistto taste in tihte line, and t'ajit. Pack la ;u-k:i.j'vieuged oaie oí ; he i in pst ma: 13 on' camera tto' be foiitid in the contiry. The IHnetratea lecture on the l'hilï.jjae Inlands, .nivL-n by Prof. D.ean C. 'i.n.-csiw, in the Unity Cluto course, was greeted by a large audieace, and was remairkabïy interesting and enteitamüng. Soma of tihe. things he toLd of the caadocfc of the Spnish rolers couiild hardly ba believ-ed la thls day a.nd aaid of Uie wond. Jiar.b.ii-l-m is a ts'aiiaUig jewel, and c in wc ba.d compared With wbat these Kpajiish "ChxtetilEMl" rulens and governors do to oxtort mouey fnom the paar iiativeis of those beantirul lelamde, That man Weylear, the bmtchei' of human beliiss in Cuba, was gov&mor there iour years, and on a salary of $50,000 a year jnan■aged to stive up and de;i ilt ia Clie bantes of Spain, over $i,000,000 (lui-ing thai time ! A íiative lí no betler tibian a dog, and is een taxed ior iho pirÜTÜege oillvimg.


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