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A Philanthropic Firm--in Business For The Good They May Do

A Philanthropic Firm--in Business For The Good They May Do image
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Chicago, Oct. 18, 1897. Editor "Aun Arbor Couirtw," Dear .Si1!1 :- We are JuSt i.n reo o! a oopy the Couri:1" oí October 13t.h aml are mot ;i Elttte aimii-ed foy yiOTiir arUcde, "Enforce T'he Law or Wipe i: Oat." Assuaning öiat yon are, lite aM newspapems, wiBlfimg to (Vo the fair thSng, we wxSte tor the paurpo'se of showing tbat bfiere are two ds bo 1 tïaa. As to ljoense, CaBaglhaa & Comicany are wKUng to pay a ü-easonable liil i; ii rhe cuistönii of '. lie clt.y io bhe same oa otiver peoplfe wiho oome thne to .do buslinss, bivt i tbc Ann Artwr offUdalö impoee a tax of $10 a day tliey ndiait by thetr actïon tlïat it is au attenipt to (Itive CallagJian & Compauy away Bnom Ann Arbor. Yo.tu say ín the arricie, "ihy not lelt Callaghen '& Oompany make hall bllnif good?" We adk, why does ob th Ann Arbor OovunCü complete Sbs buü-doaiaig sc'heme ? Now, JIr. Editor, the Cacfbs ihe MJchiifean Univerelr.y i3 buiWing up a great law eelioali bu yoar citty and ytou vi.t'li'o.u't a law book fc)OU0e. The nietfopoiitan. schools o; o,n, New York, Bb. Lante, Baïtlnvore. c:nc:nnait. Cliiiialgii, anil o1wt ciíies, ha-vie acceae to a pa-o.:VssianaJ tew booksoMer. CaUagham & Cotn, 'm viit of eix weeks oaabtes fhe stfudantts oí yornr law eetoiol to have aecese öo a sfcriüt pd-o.fessïoaal law boo.k mam, ana it yorair bmhwmw a.uu I'he facuiity oí tíaa l.iw ucliaal could see f'h e orders aL the Aam Arbar BtUr (ienitis the. y wo-uiM appreciate the mrvftee we are dfoíufg Ami Arbor and yiouir law schooi. There iü no a aay buít what ouir agent, either telegTaphs or WEltas flos books that we do niac have in brancSi there, laad Uwftddea stíatuite law oí uearly all the central sta tes, books oí Practice ii.ii'd oáó. vod o f Repofts ; tliese boolis enlhaace ttoe valué oï the stuid- les aaiid ttliey oanno be procure! iu Aun Arboa-, nar Ís tíliere anyboidy i'heve OiUtsld our agenit wlioi could give tttieni any intormatlon -svha.tever torKcerniug l3iese books tliey are iniMDeiresited im. Our agent there nérvea ilie parpóse oí glTilng yoiuir uOiool ilhe benuíic, o; a meto.opoUitan law !,. ok house. JStow, as tío otur motive. We could nuike more meney by remaintag away Srom Anm vlinn. we oau by going, as we doi üiab seU uny m.otw oí uuir publicatioftiiá by bjias vJiert; ttoan we woófid tlr'oaigh loual ageaits. We tome Ín penwoiaal cooiacc wfcöh cl e s-iuideats and make -JneJr acqua'-iat.nce, wliich always has a ijropect.vj valué thart we appraaiate, and Ifc i tliib reasoui ínou-e tiliani any otlier t,hat ive g-o fca Aan ArtKW. N'ow, as to iw etfeafc oo the locaJ Iwok u-ado cm Ama Ai'bor,- it i-i a. bene.Bo tlitiiU an injuiry. The wilt oí tJiis artdcie lived in Aun Arbor befara an!y Baw.1 booJí houise ati.eniip'ted t:o ujppl tune tstudeius ilmougJU the madDum oí a hraoiCii house, and the BtudenJte ware aJíways ül-jsatis.ied, ieeliiiiK xliat 'clieiy weire be'kug over-oharged -Jlhoir books ; ithey wyre oonJÜnuaBy cporreapooidljis wdluJi ouiteide booik houses and as íuany büioks werne tilitippeJ) Auu Ajrttóir èkkM by cai-respomdieaice, as "ve uü'w sell tteouigh ouii' ageaoy vhere, and ï iwwlay %ve sluoiodd coaclnide to lycxse branca houde xhai'e, vlie swidants would. inimediatly íol-ui elulbs and buy xher bodks ior tba tnlüre year thiroungh 'ch medium ou ihietíe oiuibs ; as 'JlD is wb cmiy iell booto tlieiie íor a short ï.jine ; we S'.ve alï oï ihia book aellers ui Anm A'ihijot (w'íüi caie exoeptóonj trauu rafes oa puuikiaaous ; tney can uMjppJy liuesc coi Vuie sLUiJeiits a.ud u. Llïe.y mi ve a,ay oÁ tilo OOiOlíA lOt We exneiail va ttoein tbe( puiirtlege ai reuuinaiJag same to us aai we credit Uiiern wiiüh fuiil amomuiD ; tuis iU'iui'e Lbiem agaiint cairrykig trtock aguLni ou' valué.-; by new oJïtioiis and iluey make more momey fchte way Uuan ii we remaiined away ïrom Auu Ai-bar. .ow, as to. tbe One oxcep'tioa. We aiouein artJcle time one oí your boobBeOtons ís asjessei iou: $17.000 and caujnot buiy a boiok ïrom Caltagluan óc ConijKui.v io,r Má customers, and ask, "H6w in tinaD ïoa1 mouopoiy V" Tbe booisieiiler reíerred to lias aíways beun able vo bay iiublicaticwis at tirade ratea atilli lie accepied tJiie excinsive ageoey oí anotlie;1 pulbliWljiJag lrüase wlio, supply Ana Arbor wítíh a graai mtiuy; ijüav, süiouöd we iiL'11 luim oua" publkaivo-uis, wMfcli we certakii'y sball do iï we wi'Ulitdiraw ouji' Aun Aibor branch? Ilife gienilejiiaii wo-ulü not only have ,'li(; mio-mopoly wMth liO now enjoy.s ui iJiio West l'ubllLs'aüig Co.mi)aiiy'.s boobs, bu,c it wou.Ivl enlabie b&n to mouuporize iJio entiu-c tradO oí Ana hoi' ; hmv woald your ocal book6e1tere AVii'O are puncliing tlie rilba of ilho A.1U11 Ai-iboir City Oouncïl' to drive os oui, oí towni, enjoy tBuis ? How wionillid tihe stadeinits and ia.culty of Aiiii Aríoir enjoy it ? Yon can see by i'hi.s thiat the nuanopoly yon thüak iïow exisÖB woulld ba a very smal! atfair i'n coimparison. In oomcliuisio.n, ibliie íacts are tha the Aim Ai-bar eahool' Is sappltei wlth taw books wïtli less irk-iio and less protlt tlian any sahooi i ttie -oantiry. I CAIr.AGHAX & CO.


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Ann Arbor Courier