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The Way Toledo Is Reaching Out

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bustoees ta 'Mieüiigan ouglu to exilie tihe cuu'toisiT.y. at Dpast, ei Detroit, ífoer meai-ïiruits and capilto-lfets.. A CalJjorota professor of cheinilstfry "belJeves im the poissifoUity ai 'iuming jsïlvar hnctd goud. IC is uob uetrtaln iTvat a iLLvr}t wcralld consent to be a gokïbug eveu m these terms. Gem. MKieis reimarks tbat tlie rapidïiy wW3 which Tarkey moiiiilïzed 600,000 men asitovtuded Europe, T5ie six powera have not yet recovere;! trom ihe paraJiyzimg ctfnduct oí a sick man Oorea bas foMawed vhe spii-ïfc oíilia age. by ttoo-witog olí the oUl Chinese bomtte and oototóng cwfc as a tutt iledged naton. Suaerahity and modItefl atii'oaoinj' a:-e awfc poput'ar ia i!hEse t-ilms. A Ijonjdoiii piaper eays a womaa Ifbrariam was rejeotei ia that city ihe trustees expïalaiiïg : "We want a Itorari&n we eau swear at." Tba new woman must take tíite congidieriatton'. Or. account oí advance ;mpoi:tat;ons vwy llüütla dttty has beea recèlTed tJmis ar mnder tba new tarief from tugar a,ad wol. Tnese' wvO' i'tems 1eriore many montitua wHI begin to well tlhe receipta. Most oï the G-reeks wh' left the UnlWed States six ïnontlis ago to liglit for taeür country have retumedi. It te tlheiT opiniom tbat, between i'ae Tuirk anid tih-e concert, very Dt;e eao ■be don for Greece. Between tlie yeiars 1892 and 1S96 tihe repubKcan party ai Mioü-i iicreased iita vate 23,231 move o-iaa t.he demiOöPats a.nd ptyp-aJ-ists eouiölned. RapnMtean iOiSjm-i is corolas.- Sc. IjoiuSs GIcibe-Demoiji-at. Oua: Consul at Cantón, Qhú'aa, "vcltcs linat British tradiere títere are selllng imitations of Amarinan :i.ies, cto-Sies, pnoviisiaiiB and canned wjnon. Imitiation is the Bine erres t .Uifcbery, and ometimes it la aliso tae moaaiest. Mr. BreMemtlval, the bank commiiseioaier oI Kansas, Baya : -'Tuiare wiU be relea sed in Kaíisas . ' - :-ea.r, $40,000,000 o.í farm moc-tgageB." Aivl adds : "After tliis yea.r'8 olean ip ibere wSH no.t be O'ver :? 5 0,000,000 ol ïarm moitgages to Kansas." Tiïe accoiuint that cocn.i [roen Berlín ai a yornii maa wiio u'.iler;ook i,b küss hiiis sweetlieart 10,000 times, and Tvras paraiiyzerl ba'.on-e hal:' way tihomigli, says BOiKhUdg'alïoiirt the condïi'wwi of the í;í:-í. Tm laíorence ii tot she was atútlS Ji iba areaa. The "Army and Navy Journal ' say.y ihieold irigate Pre5ide;tó iístill aflcat in Eagland, and 'Jaiab tlie íiguireliead oí Joím Ada mis oin "oow :i Jcepi Tr4gibt by gading. If orar Bríri-h fíriieinids are i'nierested ín rtiips of tüat pcirl'loid, ilii'ey shoaid camo over and ■Jnspeet til Coostiltntiin. A protective tariff nieans higher pnces for f:inn producís and that beniífits the farmer. Wheu the firmt!rs are doing well and making nxmcy, prospeÍPty strikes every clasa. t is rlaimed Üpon L'ood authority tluit la wy era are, as a rule, very poor law makers am! that tlie Suprema Gourts of eveiy state are kept buay undoing and correcting laws passed by the numerous lawyers in onr legislatures. - Hülsdale Standard. PitoC. Oato is Woffktog a new idea, embrtacíng a.n oirgaiiüzattoin caKed ■ The Onder oí American Patríente." Baca new niember subscribes for Uie Oúgan oí the order, aad üiough the recenta are sliffht cotapared yrlth those L Bryan, tíhey a-re BtMl someth'íng toir a stafceamaa with a oolKapèed theofy. , The youugster wbo helped the Cuban girl, Señora OisneroSjfrom the Havana prison, did a good job, and will get full credit for it. He was sent there by a New York paper, and flnished bis contract in style. It is not probable tluit Spain will ïnake much fuss over the matter, as, havingplaced the youngluily in the íoul prison wliere she wasconflued for many months past, lliey are prol)ably glad to have tlie matter off ihf ir liands, considering iiow luatters are going. Still, not many uouiitrieH would care to have tiicir official prisons invaded in the marnier this waa done. But we are glad she i& free, and glad it was a Yankee boy or boys who helped her out. - Charlotte Kepublicau. Marjey Ib so pfleniöifuj in Ute banks iln ICaasas that t3ie banküng cdmunlsstoüver oí tflmt state has Sorioasjy suggestieid tt the baaks "that whece the üepo.saLöir is a regular oustotmer his morirey cug'iit to bí accepted Sa the reaal oourse. Bufc wh'ere a man comes kx witíh a quaultitiy Oí moeey reoeíved lor his cropsí or Uis cattde, and ia iaaikiiig use o.f tíi-e bank as a tiempo.i'ary place oí eafety, ilfc vill be proper te charge hia soimethilng íor ■t!he accommadatilom oí takiïrg care oí 1i3j depoisiítis." Who ever heard of amela a of affaits before lia ;ihe bankJnig bus'iine ? And this lu Kansias, at that ! Anid yet the calam!);y howleír opans hiis mooiith Occas Oiacily even now and emíits a mournful souiffd. When Justice Field's successor is appointed the Republicans will have six menibers of the Supreine Court and th Democrats three. The Repnblican party, however, will neither be helped nor the Democracy harmed by this Repnblican preponderance. Partisanship has very titile influence indictatingthe attitude of justices of the Suprenie Court toward the greatquestions which come before tliem. The part which Republican jnstices took in nullifymg the civil rights act and in interpreting tlie fourteenth andfifteeuth amendmentsadversely to the can contention prove that, in most cases, the partisan affiliations of men couut for very little after tliey go to the supreme bench. Tbis independence of party and social prejudices and predilections on the part of the members of that tribunal constitutes one of its strongest claims to the public respect. The retirenient of Justice Stephen J. Field will mark the disappearance of one of the most remarkable families which the United States hasknown . Thefour sons of David Dudley Field, a poor clergyman of Massachusetts- David Dudley, Stephen J., Cyrus W. and Henry M.- were all remarkable men. Eacb held a high place in his particular sphere. Cyrus, the greatest of them all, had a name which was known in every country in the world. To a smaller extent the other three have had an international reputation also. David and Cycrus are dead, Stephen's life work is virtually flnished, and Henry, the youngest of Uiem, wlio ïsuow Toyearsof age, thouh still coiinected with the New York "Evangelist," is selilom heard of by the world. With their departure the glory of the faniily dies. Kot oue of tliem has a son who can transmit the laster of their name to another geueration. In the Field case, as in many other instances which can be mentioned, the truth of the old saying is exemplifled that "great men leave no continuance." Th,c editor oí the Galena, ilepufolican ís a pMösopher. He says : "Las: "week a ïadly - a bandeóme on.", toe- saiid : 'I coulü hug you to death ■whem I read that roaisto oí oid fStepangitiit.' We met the same. íaidy thís week and e!he saJü : 'I couiü kÜU you ior assaü'üng my íriend, Awfulgood.' We are aot partifcular as toihow we d'ife- whetfhier we are hugged to tieatli or killed iin tihe ordluary way." Hartiand, Midi., gept. 22, 1897.- X hava suífereid a, jgíreat deal' wCich ■l'-Tor and kidaiey touiblies. Hood's mnú Uood's Klis were rocommemided me as good medikiae and I begao taütag theajii. They have done me so mucHi good that I in speak hiigh-Hy oí tlitím lar these coraplhinit. I am a veteiran oï he Date war and! have been iin jool' heaJJhh sihee the battle oí Stoae Eiycr. Alonzo Goss.


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