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Athens Theatre

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The Prodigal L'arher on Saturday uirfvt next, will bd prodigal of fua. T t. is a play that o.n liksB bo Ii3fcen 'to alter a hard day'e work. It will toe ome of the good shows of the seaon. I , ( AVhCiii a lail'y roos tai a tlteatre, SublClc liiali or olifher place on' amtertaitomeint weariní a iiat- whether Tt' be broad of htglih-aaud n-egitect o.' nsSoaea vo take 3t of, s'.v.' te pui doiwo n-ti onoe as a parsoa wNuot is ïo-ci conTnersanit wilhh g-od.i manureii-s. In Oitiiir lorde, site ü iill bi'&d. The Three .Guard'sonen, give-.i by Paul Cazeineue aind a fine eompany ThiurSiday eveniing kist %vas pei'liaps as gooid aa entertainment as lias beeu giwn at thie Atlbona this Beason. Many thiiilv Cazeneuie oqual ü noit superior to Salvi'iiii, in tlii3 pta. Tlie hJause was noit aai lajrgie a3 ib slioiuiü at ■woiuld hiave baeo bad the people Xnoiwm Uie strengtli ot tli eompany. The Isle df Champoien; was brdught oat at tlhe Athens last Friöiay eveniing to a gotod house. Tliis comib opera Is excellent to soma ways, and lu thers subject to criiticism,. If any ane enjays tJue portrayal of the anttó oí a dranken man as "exemplified" by the King, or the loemiaktag ot the Prlnoe and Priseilla, they can cer'-■nïnly enjoy the operra to the fiüie.--t extent, for all ttoree oí thoe voles ware taken byïiine artfets. Of eourse the luidta-ous is whab is nouga ior ijn the play, aand! the ludllji-o.ui i-i there. Somet!tnes too indJorow. But taken togettier the perjoirmnnve ras iaürly succo.ssful. Partisanship Rampant - Tlie present baard of uupervüsors, r the demoorn tlu majm-ïty of ihe ftoand ratiher, act aa i!f thils was tbeir last chance and eoosequently üiey aruet gnab everythimf; ín wgiit. ■Whn D. W. Bamry was ehio'ssn Ènain commissïcmar, aind M. J. Cava■aug'h member otf the bttaird Oí schooi temmS-asöoiners, not mach wee tbocghi about Kb, far tihy w&re boith o3J ofïitlalis amd ooonpetertt and -.vartliiy igemtl'eimen. "Wfoen Mr. L'ighthall nis thairraan f tiue baard gave all the chaiirman.51ps oif oooDdiniltibees toi demoorats it rwas tihlouight a trikle iifegish, but acoised on t'taie gpcrand af "party exgediieiacy." Buit tihe climax carne wben ilie elecItfon of a member of t!io eomrty liöapd oí poor commiiisionera wae to "ae chiosen. Mr. Chas. H. lvempf, of ObelBea, who has held tlie ilace foir ïour years, was tih retiriing meimber. lisas been one oí tüi best inembere flie-toeiarid evT had. A bueiaess man ■wStAuoiut a super'ïioir la the eounty ; a anan vhiose honesty and integrifty are its uinquestsiöraeil as the firmoess of the grará'te roick ; a man coimWraes wit'h th abmt excelleat qu alí!ies a kiiad and humane spirit. SucJi a man, wbo hais sarved tliO peDple of thüs coumty troim a fienrae. of duty aot iTOim personal1 desire, was tnrned diowm he was n repubftam .' And romor says because h voted liife wn papfy tilcket laat íall ïnsbeal oí lotfïng ioir the dteimO'íMi'atic candidate tor stLeriíf who it is also rumoreid will 'S a canddidatie a-gaiïi nest fall. If Mr. Kempf has been turned Uown be'üiu&e oí spirte work, tili hurt wB not 0111,6 to hüm bn.t to the people of l'H'iH touiïty wlw w;ll losp hls valunble aenKces, and. tío 'cine honoTalbie poor whiom h-e haa ail-vays a tender piíe, and a khul or encous-agíbk Tvraird. Jiöw thie boai";l iï a:A2rely d-eimoaratíjic.. lír. Masón oi t his city, ïracy Towner, oí Ypsfilanti, and James ïaylior a etiorekeeper oí C'helsea, compose it. Th is the lirst time In the memory of anyoae 5ieire tJiat such a tlhiimg has occiirredL Thiö board kas alhvays been kept dM'iided poöiticalïy. Tho niain oír mera who was ■ weire instrumien'taï in maüng ibbia cliaaiige wi'll íind tliat a vniskate has &eem made, and a huge one, noo.


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