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The great iros dealer Ensht o Cl ri of '. , U now har ves (ing ianimal erop tor ■. : lence. Lasl Moinlay he delivered ten Bozea 10 e U. ol M.. anl lias is a:, .1 large .nu to Cleveland. He lias already dfeposed of S4Q (vorth ol rrogs. CheUsea has I'ösl w 1 fti Mr. aad Urs. tr&o:-ge Blai b moved I a Am Arii ■■;. wbere Mr. lïiiiK-h W.ii MinMi;v grocery store. Tlue peopïa 01 Cbeteoa w31 miss thia g-emtal cöuple, but "w.ll connncml thiem 10 tïie poipíE ai A1111 Ai'bor.- tíliei-f-feh Standard. Gen. l'arklmrst, of Coldrsrater, was a piupil in 1841 of Martin Clark oi tlris city., at Oaeida Castle, N. Y. He was just an ordiinary boy of tli village oí bo great proinise and 110 One would have anticipated, Mr. Clark says, tlient he could have tna;le sueli a wanderful success in life. The New Soate Telephlone Co. Si makiog rapid p!greisB noiD owly in putting up ïte üues In th-e. city bul In extieodiiug them thipoughout thjs . 01111ty and tibe bate. Oennectitoui WjJ sooin be liad wkbii Mítan, Whl'ctaker and Willis. Tlere is n'okihiiiï sleept abowt thltj Iiiue, aail wixen .i-i is complete in itoto eioy i. vviJ fcj i'ounid a bJg ome. Ajii5t iwoposiitjoui to allow wiieflmeai tire pirlrllege oí i-iJlag upso ilie Bitíewelltá vrM. be nij; wil.'n bitter opipoisltitom, váiie'dheir tliey pay ;i ïax :or the prívüege ar iwt. Theai agjlo, (. somt? pay far Line privilege aii'.l bomie déi uot iiiow are the priivileged ■ones ïjo be probedtect in ühetr righta and r.he imprïvileged barred O '.' By h'Ji-üii-i a loliioenian Lbr evui-y ■biodk va -ivatcii them. V Ihc New Engltenri Magazine Jor Oetk)ber has a-s x lead'Sng artlcie Booiker T. Waah'ligttoa and luis Tmskagee Insni't.uite ior Coatored l'eoipïe. Mr. W&sBiltagtom is solving tJie race proiblem tSie iotrmei' bltack sla-e, even as Gew-ge Waifiikigtion did íor tíie opppessed colonlbta oí Amea-ica. The frwo Waslhitaytiona wffll. i?oi down ia Mit'ary as aküii to lloses. Those tlhree meii lead tilieir people from oppressiloin w lüberty aad enli'gliteument. The Y. M. C. A. boys will give a Hallowe'en Hocial at tlipir rooms Friday niglit. Coft'ee and cake will be served freely by the Women's Auxilian-. Ice creain and cake will also be servered. A musical program will be given during the evening, and the boys will do their best to give you a pleasant evening. Those who are expected to furnish nmsic during the evening are : The Aun Arbor AFandolin ind Guitar Club, Miss Lizzie Kenney, Mr. J. E. Harkins, Mr. Isaac Reynolds and a doublé quartette of Y. M. 0. A. boys. Al'deranan Artfadr Brown Sï a hnstfler wlhein he geits storted. A few day'.-i sillico he pracliasedf the prnperty at the corner oí X. State hndj E. Anuu sits., of Pres:iHeii.T, AV. H. Payne, ■ot Naabvüle, Tenai., 'iwnbig in two 'Jote j tlhe additton as part paymeat, aml wi't'hin thrce day's ti'xe hart tliO h-oiise soC'd, the Loit divided taito iomir tot facías on Ann ut.; BOM oiie foir cash ; traded the two next to State st., ta Mlrs. Luim toir a buisítajess lot O'n N. Faurltli ave. Them he stoM that lta-b to Dr. Budwiortli. There are few people who can make so many tiirns o.' property i'n ao sho'rt a tune. The Times' picture o! Larkin's boots Th-ursdiay, ivfe very good. But tihte beadá in the saane ;euie were roeky. li Sheriff Judson was mo.t oöe oí t'hs best natuired rueo :ai tihe oo-nnfery, hii womM liave had an aotclon broiug'lit against tlie paper betore th&. A lady wli'oi sa tlie pfctures anid did nou noitice t-lie labels at the bott-oftn oí" tliem, remarked : "We-11, those men lofok like dipi'ers, aityway. Tira one," potat fco tiliie ivuvrüf's' oult, "M it luaks Ivini. WOTI-Jd be .sruilt.v oï motst ;my oirfnie."' Wiwii -,nd hri1 niis'rnki', iJie lady apo'j3;3zeid iar ttor htuty n nuarks, a-n I en] i lauh on luèi-6 1 Tire Aun Arboi' corresponden the Xo thwestern Mlller sa$g : "Our -o;.nty luaa liad, i'or sever;il years, lialí cope of wheat of varyiing degrees oí poor quallty, and mllling baa been anytliiuii bat an enjoyablc occr.ipa'i'on. Thi.s year old Waehtenaw lias gdt'teu back where she belonga- to t'he haatl of the procession, wi.h n ciop of nearly 1,300,000 bai, easily distancing adl ofcber eouotiee lu "the state, according to tlie report oï l'he secretary of state, ju.n Iseued. The quality is equal to tlie quaatity, ::n 1 we bi Heve oiirselves lo be "s.rictly in it" tlüs year in niUling. Have orders on some srides to run us l Dectflmber, and are ulmply uialking the wbeels go roiiiiid every honr we can. We have had fair rains in this nee tiou of late and wbeat i:i the ;rounj i. Lookiag better.' Witli waru weatSid', nu h we are liavi.ví, whea wili liuve a iíoüil gi'OWdl foi1 i lie in'.ie:. Fall crope .i,?e beiii'4' ueiu.r ed." The Slaytoa ;.-:uil COaoert Co. '; ich is t)O ipiu.u' ia ohe S. J. A. co,j:se on Siturday cvoiiia. nest, Oclolie.- 30, U recelving very Itlad uok-os The presa vho-ever tliey tippear. New tha ineaiia some'J.iiuis;. The press may praise a couip.nïy he.'ore tüiey appear,. pavtiy iilnoiïgli Igüorance and .:hiowgli a desire vo help the local oixaiHzation that brings them to the place, bilt wheai o, reporter write,s up a complime'iiitaT.v notioe oí a cumpa ny oí entertainers af ter he lia-i oeard thema, it caü be comnted as a íact that tliey are good. Bo our pio. ple may expect a fine emtertalnment Baturday eveoxing, at University Hall. The Lact that Max BaadSx ís one of fhe troupe is a sufficient guarantee of excellence, and the other members are all artüsts in their lino.


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Ann Arbor Courier