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G-uis Wals of Freedoini, rafees ponían] a ii.l a baflií )otatoies. M. A. Comdiee, orne of Une pioneers 0i[ Yolrk, lied on tino í)th. Mise FDora UpUnauB, oí Sbaron, lias pone ta Aun Alabar to vork. The Wagmer Quartette ave to g'.ve a C'Ouoes-t at SajUae Son'. 2. falta at both Brighitaa apd iiMvkTviiac weflre a eacce3s thia faJl. XoiiD i'. ■ carne to Salima iu L8S4, dbied L9U aged !ü years. Mis. Ixmása nai'ii;i iirt OÍ Yoi-k, i her 90fch bJrthflay on the . aOöh iinst. J. II. & Sdu oí Saline Iiavo aet.ually made a Jew barrels of eider t.lvvis yoar. Geioi-go Sohmld & Sen have boughi out tlue meat market oí Seckesnger Bvo. ai Siluio. Gii-as, Eogai-s. dé BaÜae, a valiwible bSrd dag tast week. Tlie bïiicls aro men Jdckjog. Mus. l't I i hits beern visrting Mi.-. I.ury ;'üdiiiug oí York, iiais returned l-.o-me to Kansas. .v bi'uv raeer was killed mear Sarine tfiite otln'v day by Guia House, measuiring six test lo-ng. Mts. Hemrj Warren near Dertèr ,la ge Ü3 rebuildiiig heír residence receaiïy clestroyed by íire. J. T. Honey, at Dextetr, has been iir.p: ovjng ili-e 1'cfaks o? hJB oífiee by tihe use oí paper and1 paiut J-d'an Briosa caughfc a plckerel !)a Bortiage Lake rec-entjy, wfrteh. weighe,l 14 lbs. Tina a t.ake.s the patee. Burglartos and runaways and íixes h&Te given the people oí Dexter so:nft. Uiing to talk aboiib for a week or BO. A. E. Pntaam, -of Jlïïaii, has invontied a maciliíae Soir printing cloitli ehiai-t.s wMcU he mamufac tures and se'l'Iis. It is wüfcli gn-eat regret that we leann i1hot omr dW íriend Hcm. John 3. Riobisom, of Sharon, IB quite seriousliy ill. A Hallowe'en Social by Epwamttx League 'm t-lia Dexter 11. B. thurch Saturdny cvv?niug, Oct. 30. ChWkan pile. The na míe of AVbitmoire Lake's new mereantille fiirm is Iautz & Tayl'oc. Tlmv wlill oipein np neadiy Jar bjisOaesa r.bou.t Nov. 1. The senitar ciass oö the MoocevÜle íliiaai aninionince a HailOAve'eai socïal Fríday evemíimg, at tía ve-id. -n-.-e (rf M. M. Dillon. LewJs HcClear of Gregory was a;lmltted (3o tlne bar Ín. ttoe siipreme cwurt at Lanisiliig on l-'riiday of last ■wenk.- Pliic-kn.ey Dispatcii. Ir. woulti be dilficullt tK fiad a peireon wüio can remeanbec a íall wlieti tfflie fnost hOl'd off so loag and flifl is l'Jtftl'e dinmage ais ifc has tliis yeaT. Mfs. Amasa b-JSbert epeoifc Last week Ín tba bospitel' ait Ana Arbor, and v li'li' there had ;i íive-piomnd tumor removed (rom híer bac'k. - Ohelsea Herald. i Traotiton eagiaioí! that biiírn wo-o.l aro dangerous a.nywhere, and espeíi'all.y so on T.he roa.d wbon, even-ythiag ii3 as dry as ib ha-s 'beem thl'j íall. It -as quite a sighlt Moinlay wheo .lie mil'k oans Jor tlie new creamery 1egan to go out by tfne. wagon loal .tato diffeireint neiig:hibo.rhoodB.- Saline Observer. TMveare wil'l be a calió eoeii&l at tibe h'0im af Mirs. C. Pearson, of fctony Creek on Fridiay evening, Oc.t% 29. Ttoe Sahiatioa Army bandl wiü fur■nlish muBic. Thie Yptsillanti Concert Company vil) give au entertainment at Belleville, Satwday evanlnig, October 30, under tlh atiepices oí tle JIacca.bees, far the benefit of WHíiam AVestfaJl oí that place. - Serotiniel. SpeakUnig of his experiemce during t'.he strwet faïr, "Raunjder" in the Katam&zao1 Teleigraplh ejaculate;-, "Pamdon me, bnt. it, was a hdt ti-me." "Eoander" ahvaiy.s takes peppersauce 8n liis'n.- Grass Take News. WoviM you belliieve it ? Tliie editoc o' tllie Grase Lake News eats cCmínan ptanic victuals. Judgiiig by his editoi'iais onte wouM tiii'nk he feubeisted on i-azottTK, needSies and i?iih and o'ítier tiliau-j) tíbSags. Messre. Wm. and Jrtliai Cannmgham o." Sc-l'O, hiave düssalvedi partnership and divided tlwiüi1 pi-oiperty. WiHiam takefi the J-aliinsan fa.rm and John the ald Cunminghiam hOTnesttead.- Dextor Leader. Farmers are clubbi'ng t.ogebher la fomc places bavi'ng montlilly auctio'u sales. Tliey l)ring in wha.tever tliey want dísp'osed oj a.nd ghi3 an anietioneor a.n agreed por cent, for BtílUng them. Ir. Sheader wias called Friíday to . Hhe lióme of Geo. Avery souíth of ttomn, to hold a post-mortem over tttte 14-year oW daught-er oí Mr. A. wihirii i:ml tlie ras 'jo' be a vary serio ue ane oi appeadtettis. - Saline Obsei-ver. Is jioc tCie Observer a líítle mixed on tih&t gome 'vay? Ou Tuesdaj' af torreo oui oí Mi3s week, Jacob SíJmaner olí Lima., liad 0.11 exhibilion at The Standard olfioe a quinCe of Ule arcuige vairJety, tiiafc ineasaired arouuid üc 13 3-4 Jncflies and ■weiglied 1 3-4 pouiníds. Wiha caní beat tshiB? - Cheteea Staaiidaird. Oveir at MunJfch soma ieiltows who are Mke the olld. EmUan, got up u wiood-sawing bee for the womea, gtv:ing a prize vc t'he ou sa,wiug tfhE mKxst uu a day. It is needless to say that tlie iuëhi tliere O'iuiy have to brfng in the woad now. O. S. Bostwtok reoehied anot.her tollection oí curios from J. G. Tliu-rsloa oí Caiifannia, among wiiiUh are sO'ine fi'tte specimens of gaM, silver, (lu'.ekisillVer, rock quartz, ba.ttle rock, deai' liOH-as and ín oHd kniíe whícih 'did servitoe in the -10's.- Dexter Leader. ín sonua oí ilue, gatlneiri.ngs about thu ('lOíiuntiy it te anrasáin-g to' hi?cir the ritijctenie oí peiaple ia respect to our sclilooiís and varicwis thiugs. Thtese crittos are usumlt'y gpowler?, and Artiilie tJuey c;ua tell bnw t.o rear (to.Mn, but few oï tllusni. can te'.Ü !nrv to bniiLd 11p. So mauy traías, no ímicfn. transíeri''.n'4' ti' freiish't írota ome brancdi to Vhe ■oHüiier, so many gooda being ehipped Criom arad to tMa títattai, maikes iively fi,mes at tliitv JaeJia braneh stak'Éia.'i i'u tliis vi' Entec.'ivrise. Eefpecifcfrilty referred tía t.he calara:.ty l.lowilar al the A-rai Arbar Bemoerat. The ifeaUh oi FranSc TrasseM, oü the 18ih, at híü ho'maj ín, 'XIMain, was a siiddem and sad afíaiir. He was 40 yeaia oí age ; tea-s-.s a wJlte aiid one (l.-inn-hi-or ; was a miember oi the M. E. oühWcIi, m:;;:;ui Liadigei F. c A. M.. and Ka..síiem Star : and a man who was we.ll kftown a,nd liülily teepe&ceá idiitauíarbont thö counity. One oí erar oitizensi went into. t'ne [lounury and flndlng a well-loaded hkikiory tiree, proceeded toi sbake úlown tina mits and put tiietn into n -ba-g. Wlïeii he had ïkufched tlie ownei" f tlhie tree appeared' and sa:d, "mutíli obi'iged far tjatfliering thoi--e ñute." When that jjarson goes nutting agaün be wild ask íior them.- Marndhesíer Bnlbea'prLse. Tvo íarge bañas aa the íarm of Jhn V. N. Gregotry, o,f Lima, bumied o-n tba 15bh inst,., destroying 1,350 'buslhellia oí graint ajid 40 tons of !uiy. Loss $3,000, iïisiwance in WaetStenaw MiDtual $2,000. But ap the Ure . CTiived by re.astn o!f tiliresS'hing Wfth an eiigine mi whWh vo(old was used oom fuel, it ts tíaid, t:he ciampaaiy 'vill dieiliiae 11o pay th-e TkXm. A weH-kiiown s uooesísrul farmer, w'hio ís very ínuch imterested in good hiogis, writes : "My pigs consume the skim milk from my heird. ThLs, with mldyJMbtge and ground barley, makes more nxusote tlnan cora can d'o, and there is none af that heatimg so, Aetrimarttal w'hen corn fe largely tlie dílet of gpowing plga. Cl'o.vieir pastuTe is anothör good accompanimant."


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Ann Arbor Courier