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JOE LINCOLN. Borne írom college carne the stripling, culm and oool and debonnair, With a, weird array of ralraeut and a wouderous wealtb of hair, VVitli a la.y love ot languor and a healthy hate of woik And a cigarette devotion that vould shame tlie turbaned Turk.. And he caïled hls father "Guv'iioi,1' with a cheek serene and rude, Wbile that raging, wrnihfïil rustió (talled hls sou a "blasted dude," And in dark and dlreful lauguage irmttered th rea Is of coming hnrm To the "idle, shil'less" Irom bis father's good right arm. And the trouble reached a climax on tbe lawn behiud the shed,- ■■Now 1 'in goln' ter lick yer, sonny," so the sturdy pariut said, "And ril knock tlie college uouseiise from your noddle. mlghty quick"- Then lie llt upou Uie cliappy like a wagouload of brick, But the youth serenely murmured, as he gripped bts augry dad, "Yon 're a clever rusher, Guv'nor, but you tackle very bad;" Aud be ruslied him through the ceulro and he tripped him for a fall. And he scored a proal and touclulown with hts papa as the balt. Then a cigarette he llghted, as he slowlv slrolled away, SayiiiK, "Thai. was jolly, Guv'uor, now we'll practlce every day," Whllehia faiher from the puddle, where he wallowed in disgrace, Smlled upon liis oflspring, proudly, from a bruised and battend face, And wlih ditliculty rising, quick he hobbled to the house, Heury's uil rlght, .Ma" he shouted to his anxious. waiting spouse, "He just licked me good and sol ld. aud I teil yer, Mary Ann. Wheii a ohap kin lick your husbaud he's a mlghty able man." - L. A. W. Bulletin. Elevatiors have boen ordered ior i'he uro hospitials. New appaiatma tío th& exteoit oí $200 win be put, ia Vhe Wosman's gym. The reglstration at the University bas now reachad 3,043. Probably the catalogue wül have 3,300 nanies. The n,ew al'inmiDií wee'kjjy, tllie U. of M. News-, wül be ilssued, the regente guaramteelng expenses íor tflie fiost few mioaitílis, up tia $600. The descriptian and lllustrations in Sunday'a Free Press of the Mechanieal departaient of the üniversity were very fiue and timcly. The contractor for the new building at the Hoepitals, has uot ï-eportel for dultiy lately, and it la feared tliat somethiog has happened to him. Mrs. Hazen S. Pingree, accompanied by her daughter and Misses Gear and Da vis wene up fromi Detroib Saturday, guests at the Alpha Uelta l'hi house. I'i'esidianifc Huitcüiiins al iHie UnlverJty ungea ibs Btuidjanifca ta Joto sonie eïDundh. It te clfeiiinijed thtut last falJ ■all bat 300 ai the 3,000 s'tudwiiis AieiV ctaurch ni.e.mbei's.- Nurihvhle BewdPd. I'iesidMi-t HuitcJiiJna, Dr. V. (.'. A'augihau and Pnotf. ii. Hudaoa a uiiúied the Mldh%an eveniug given by l'nlviuviiy ciu-b af Chicago on Saitundüy eTning lavst, as guests oi4' ihe Cltalb. At the Walker Memorial services recemily Jield in ïhO great Music Hall. Bos-ton, ilass., Wellesley college was repreeeufted by Miss Sonle, oï thia ci'.y. wlo with two otliers were the only ladies invited on the stage. A large coacluing party came from Jacksotn Satturdiay wi;h a six-horse tallyJho, wliieh was decorated witli Vtoe college colors oí yellow and blue. The party was made up oí six oung ladies cluaperaned by Mrs. Sherwood, and seven young gentlemen. All were guegte of the Psi U's. The regeots, in orttering TJniver.-i.y HiJil iieseated witli madera ehatos, liavc dlojie a deed that hundreds u.pon lmiwlredts of people wi'U risa up and oaH tlhem blessed f ar. All the beincihes betow wiE be removed witihin 60 diays and 1,500 opera chaiis will tJake ilaee. The best news we have prLntei 'ar several days. There is som member of the Woman's League in constant attendance at the Woman's Gymnasium, to meet ■and talk with and help tlie female studente who are attempting to -work thelr way through the university. Over fifty girls have alreaidy been helped to obtain positions that will aid them in their work. Tlue Wonxan's Leadme U toi gire a recept-ton at tive Gymnas;.uim. cx:i thie 'a .De::'iaoiom ■ h' )::. :0, Ii fconor of tire Jïatiwno! Association o Oo.:iegiiate Alumiui. Vne, receptioo -ommiii?tee wili be comp'osel o: the ■ - - i i ' i i - i i __ , . - _ ■wlves of the dearas of fhe several' departmeirts. The League wiïl hojd an At Home oniae eacih maa'bli dwing the college year. It Is hopea iivat Mr. Alxio Freemewi Paliner wÜI bo present on t'he 30t)h. The Asscrcia titan al CoGüeglaite Aliun,id;io, ■'ïU meet in Debtfait to-monrow, and it sessibn will aomtinua ior the talamce oï tlie wieek. An interesó pram wBl be oarriadi &ut. Salay nvarniliig tflie entk'c ODiivrntiüon wWl coiivj toi Aun Ai-tü):1. an 1 itt 10 o'cHock wffll assemiljle in. Newberry Hall, wihene Prastdeni Butcihins and Dr. EKza M. MosHier wHJ a !- tJiem. A ïiuniciliieo'ii ivill bo serve 1 fcn the Womaa's Gymaaalim. The Walla Walla, Wash., rnnm, oï a recent date publishes an artlcle In refereaice to Frank Vttla, known here as "Count," giving infonnation recriveil froni Mm by his motlier: Tln-y had an'ived noar Dawson, aml were encamped outsider the place because 'of f e ver that was ragitng thsre at . lic time. It was tlioilght that Count Villa would use the kinowledge gained'by. his two years -at the 'J. of M. in Che medical school to practi x med'icine. One oï ifiie gneatesit football games of tflie &eason was wütnessed at the Itegeaitis' Field Satui'day afternoon, between the OberKn team and the U. o; M's. The pfeyitog was fterce froin tart tio finish, and the Oborihis were ailot o-nly confídent of winning the gamo bat determi:nelto uo soias wel. ■They Üaiad however, and theiir hackers who were offerwig two to one Miloi success wenlb lnome crestia'llen and prfoorer in pocket, wille the boys t'hemaelvies were fouimbleJ in Itiedir pride. The reau'H in Ann Arbor was tiiat tlie U. of M. yetl resouiiuded wiWi g-l'04'irous rkig, uaiftili intoi vlie small hours. The score was 16 to 6. Alt'liough tlie lit&rary and engineering departanents have been divided, ye't th studemte hold themselves together aod on Satarday vhe senior claiss melt aind! elected ollieers as follows : Presideuüt, Framk S. tJimone, of Detroit ; vice president, Miss .Louise Stickuey, oï Grand Haven ; secretary, Leroy II. Haa-vey, of Oak Park, 111.; treasurer, A. B. Wren ,of Muskegou ; foottoll manager, A. A. Webber, of Jackson ; baseball manager, Fred E. Leefe, of Detroit; track manager, Howard Felver, of Batavla, 11:.; class poet, Fred G-aiiss, oï' Aam Albor ; historian, Charles H. Farï'ell, oí' Dexter ; prophetess, Miss Floreaice I'omeroy, of Ann Arbor ; claes orator, Cliarles Blmonfi, of l)etaolt . KEGEXTS DOIXGS. Aside ttloim wUat has bLea stated, the ïegeiit.-i ten.lercil a vote O'J tlianks i-o F. Steami ..t' C. i'txr tlieir :?350 leKöwislllp in pliarniateurleal tebe ii-h. A nerw offxe, assisuaaira secreary oí the U'Oivereifty, wtus w-eatted, and (i'Oi g 1). AV31vi(.'X, o.' Detroit, appo,.luH.ed to tlie olUob at a saí-ary of .S750. Hite (Imrtiie.s wlï be cmitkcliy cferfcal. L'a:. Nilgte, the oM maji wha ha,"Daken care al the anatomizar laborfttwry tor years, wa.s prajtüjaKy pen!-3.-iiied o;f, hU duniea being cuit do-n fa t'lie rJingüng oí a beíl aft. eacb hauir. Alberti Jlarsli was appoüatied janilitcu' ín hia Ktead. Ttoese additilonal appodniümeintte ware E. J. Ander.-ycwi, aaslstiami to Drs. Doranoe and H'oU ; Jeajüne C. Bo'Bs, demoaistra'tor in anaiflomy ; Herbart B. Bargeant, 'o.' Olie DewuiJt lüjuiseuim on' art, ass.stant in t-ive mmseum ; Notrman Woo.d, taxïdermiBt ; E. C. Bourlaind, aiSBlatiaint die monstra to.r iix anatomy, Gramt A. Dunnhig, B. S. '96, assistant tío Dean Groene of the engmeerilng depacptmanit ; B. F. Bailey, of De:iroó)t, dlL?ipe,nisiiiig clerk In the therapeatibal iabonabory. Mite E'ose Flyiui and Miss .Tennie Dutnai ware graduated fitm the Unifvfffisihy hospita! as iuwses. Misses Lioiffe Padfield aind Mat.tie AVilt-oin recelved diplomas as -óralned niurses.


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