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Has The Boy Natures Changed?

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A couplte of ci'Mzens were cosiversüúg t!he ether day when a nutnber f Unrvereüty stuidenlts passed them, taikiinss ean-jiesitly about thfe too ball game. "Yes, thiere tt la," said one oí i'lie mea, "al'wíiys rióme titoüng alboiiit t-ivoits, iiiever auythltig abou.fc lesn&. Ie doesn'b neem to me tlhat ttniVarsítfee now-a-diaye aire made for anyfhilig but atMetites." "Have you any stilden roomers in your house ?" the atlier ge-nltleman aSked. "No," was t'híe teply. ""Well, I lïave, ajnd ttoe boys appear t'o be studente, tooi They are up betone seven o'clocla üa the moraing; and in the evening they dig nAvay uintJl'l 11 or 12 o'cloek. Thley are good students I take tt. But wJien are out upon the srtreet they Ö1Scmss atthletics, ad Beok some recrcatian í?or thieir miads íram the strain of oonstanit stuldy, and I believe tliat ís rügfoit." "Weli, tlhidigs are irot wbevt they uised tío be whea I was a boy, ait any rat-e. Why, siuciu a thtag as íoot ball was nievieir lieard oí, and tlie pireseot game oí base bain was maknowa. The epiorts were iilmilted ilion, aiul more attentlon paid to UO'Oks." ''Ucxn't you belüene it, Jalin," eaM tlie. O'ílieir. "Whea yon and Iwere ;bo,vsi we usa.l to p llay aaO and two oli'l oat, and rua races, aad vaullt es, aml piay crack tli wliiip. 1'hai's tho w&y wa worked off out m;i-])1u.s iiiithusi;ism. We Ciida't study any hajder Unan b(0'ya ttow, and we pteyed Juwfc ai3 lüurd. Th only liii 'I' en'eiace te 1 ha t new ;uul muro scientü.ic giame have boon broiiglut out, and a retgudiar gymnasium trainiaig (1 ; lic m;.s les i hut we clevlope.l 'M a more ormle way, tiiai's iiH. Boye have nor changad theïr natuveiny sinoe those diays, John, and pirolbably nevar wJU." Buit John slïook hla head as if siot convinced by luis eo'inpanioii's sensible i-eanoniiig. Sommi-mes it soems ro weary' woman lloat she must aertaJiiHy ;'ive up. Thu' siimplegfc an;t oasiest woi'k betiomes in almost insuirmo'untabl'o task. Nöi'T'ouöiiiess, sleeplessness and pain narrase lier aad liie seems hardliy ■woritti tlue living. Dr. PieroeV Favorite Prescripiioa was malde ltor lier. Dr. P.erce's Golden Medical Discovwy was made lor ■lier. The foraner is fotr Hls distitaotly iiemtainie, tSie otlier fojT lier general fc!ytsem. tJiey eupply a boitai.Ü.'ie and emicessüud course oji weatmarit.. The "Favorite PreecrlptlOtt" resiiores iLealthy, i'eguiar act-ian af iJie orgaaiB distitoctly leminiaie. It .ioi'cs o.uit all impurüties, strengtlheins t'he tissues, allays inflamimation. The GoLdcin Mdioal Difecovery" ïnakes appeiite, helps (lügestioo, promoites assimillatSiOui, filis oat vihO liioilows ia i'he alueeke a.nid neck with goiod Bolid fleslh and bringa back tilus (jLadïjpme gJOfW of p.irlliood. SeiDd 21 cnte in oiiie-cenfc etamps to Worlld's Dispensa ry Medilcal Assoc iatton, Baffalto', X. Y., and receive Dr. Pieiree's 1008 page Oomnmoin Bense Medical Advteer, ilhustrated.


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