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Ypsilanti News Items

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Fnaiiik ïtyan lias gone lo Marshall Mi wort. Eer. II. M. Horefy leaves to-day tor Paris, 111. Mis. E. K. Beal bas been vlsitlng fcer liomie in Portland. Alex. Hilan i.s lalking aboutt tbe trip to Ala ska ïicxt spring. Mr. and Mrs. John Comstock ave ui ït'turn froin Ban Diago, 'JU. M'isses Kate and LlHian Mitchill, n' Xi ga u-nee, are vteiting fcheir old home .heie. Prof. Barbour atu-nded to iiis duttes as visitor to Albioa Collie Ias1 week. Ou Tuesday oi laat waek llobert .Lambfe, of this city, celebrated Iiis 75 Ui annh'ersary. Some of tbe youug people are arranging for a Thianksgiving party at Lig-ltt Uuard Hall. Mrs. J. WUlard Baibbibt attended a diritiict eonvention o; the W. R. C. in Owosso last week. Tbe l'Oth Caotiiry Clulb will hold parvijs alt tliie LadieH Libra-.-y building every altérnate week. Sam UaitUíon, a í riaer yp-iii. bas been appointed i-eceiivr oí tha Water Works Co. a't EscaaiabQ. The Normal team and its friends are rejoickig over tilia deíoat o the A'lbdon teaan Satuiday on a ore oí 18 to 0. Hurbert Hutchineon and Miss Mabel Morey were married aifc the home oi the briilf's mother oa Hamiltoii . last "Wedue.sdaj'. T.Iayor Harding and 20 de-puties t led to preserve the people froiu Hallowe'on pnanks Satuiday uighit, but ci:l i;ot eatirely Ku-oeed. Mis. M. M. Nowllin bas sold her beivutifu-l home, known ne the Fred riber farm, cm the plains, íor $15,000 to Geo. M. McGuine. The seniliors, of the high ychool protoae to g'ive a dramatic ontertainniLint for the purpose of raislng money to pay class expenses. Tbe Times chronicles the marrlage on March 13 last, of Kev. John Pinkh.ini ajid Miss Mary Kadiord, stenograptier at the paper mili. Tbe ïuext annual meeting of the State Dairymein's Association will be luid in this city commsncing on the ,is: Tu'asday in February. continulug ;-.h,vee daj-s. A íaiewell meeitimg was given the Kev. K. 'S?. A'au Klik, at the Baptist c-lrarch evening, by che Methodist, Presbyteriaai, Congregational ::',' Baprtfet eongregatloos. Fred, son oí Mr. and Mrs. E. D. AVilbei-, af this city, was iuarried on "Wedinesday evening last, to Miss i' Clu!te, at tbe home of her jmremlts in Marshall. Tbefy will reside at 221 Stimmit st. Fred Stoll, aged 16 years, lK-ing on Babbttt st., was cauglrt under a small buildinjg tlnat was being moved, om Saturday last, and liad lüs head cruislied in bucIi a manner that it is thouight he cannot Uve. Mrs. Ca'ttarilme Canfield, who resides on Congress at t-Jiie corner oí Hamilton st., bad uu extremely narjow escape from. deaith. by asphyxiatdcui last Satu'i'day niglit, because the furnacO in her house loaked gas. iTbe Times tells o! an Ann Arbor yoiunig man who went to ïnake a Hallawe'en cali upon an Ypsilanti young lady late Saturday night, and got imto Jail on suspicion of being tl buirglar. It was an embarrassing mess all aromnd. ïtev. Jas. S. Browm, of Stillwater, Miinn., lnas beem calledjto the pulpit of tihe lst Baptist chnrch of this city, made vacant two weeksi ago by the resigmation of Pev. Mr. Vam Kirkl Quick work. It is balievod that the cali will le aceepfced. The putting over oi the McKilnstry case nntil the Ma rek term of couirt makes it a hanlshjp for him, as ifc costa $75 to miake tihe trip troin Kloridn. No jury would convict himl anyway, bo w-hat's the use of making the county so much expense ? Herbert M. Snow whilc riding into ■the city last Wedaesday wlth compmitous, suddenly left his wheel and layiiwg mpoji the laiW-n, expired tiefore niedtoal aid couid reaclu him, lrora beart disease. Mr. Show was a weiilth.v raJ ostate dealer of De11 oU -who resided at Deajbora. The Bentlnel quotes with some iavor au interview wlbhi a citizen ol ühat city advocatlag freO water lor and lawn parposes. For used for commercial purposes meters wlnoudd be put In. That would bu a good thLng for some peopla and valuieless iorl others. It ia dtfilcuit, howeMer, to niako any rule that would Wltng exact justlce ïor all. Accordiuig to the records at Washington, Mr. Edison has taken out 711 patemits, and yet he hos vo get up agaiwt the door jam.b) like tho rest of us when he wants vo scratch hls back.- Farm Journal. Not sary. Feller at Saline makea au elegant littlef ior tliat very pur,po.?. We'll teil liLs amo ii lie'U sumí iis one.- Senttlnel. VHiat in the vorlil woulil ühe editor oí vhe Seuuioel do vltih it? He 'uever allows bfc back to ba Bcraitched, and cer:.;iinly would not perform tta.t ópera,liou lor anotliier. Mr. E. M. Öomstock lxis dono so iniiiich to mate tlio nei)j?hborhood at 'the comer oí Adiamfl Btreet and Fori s. aTOii'Uie a place oí beautiiul hoonei Vbat i't woodd B3am fluit lis liiiil alïeiuly illed every available spot With a bandéame liouss. Howcrer, he is wow engaged in transforming hls pretty barn into a cozy, attractive cottaige Avhich will staind aast to the houtij oecupied by Dr. ilyan. It is not tinilikely tluat the new house Avlllbe oecupied by Mr. and Mrs. Jolui Comstock wluen they tire oí California.- Ypsilamtian. Hom. Bela Whiipple Jenks died at 6U aair, Oct. 23, after a loas Jüness, aged 73 years. Mr. Jenks wa.s well known im tlüs city, liaving servad far seien years as a nvember oí Mie State Board oï Educa tion. He camis f rom good colontal scosk, poss iinlg the sterling qualities of Ms ruiiitam ancestry, and was a genial and kïndly man. His wiïe and seven cliiildren survive him. Mr. Jenks was au iimcle of Mrs. P. C. Cleary and a coiisün oï Mrs. W. M; Osband ajid Jlev. B. F. Aldricii of t"hte city. The Bt. dattr schools and buslueaa liouses were closed on the day oí the funeral, whii-h was condueted under Masonic auspiecs. - Ypsilaatiaai.


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Ann Arbor Courier