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■Tliie circuit eourt stands adjourned -uittil Nov. 22. Nov. 7, will be luitíber Day, at Trinifcy Lu.theraa churcli. Prof. A. A. Bt&nlay wffll Live the next lecture in the TJnity course. Thie secaud Faculty Concwt will be gh-en to-morrow evening in x-Meze Memoiial Hall. "Wim. E. Elúert lias b&ea drawn as '■a, Uniited Sbates juror for tlua NovemiDer term at Detroiit. Mr. and Mrs. John Fullerton oï Wall st., Nortliside, lost their infant chlld by death lash Thtwsday ïiight. New telepbornes pu,t in by the Michigan Co. are : G-eorge AVa.lw-, residence No. 226 ; James W. Goodiluarn-, No. 170. The SiMiday train to Hannburg Jmnctiion, or ratlner to Zukay Lake, made its lasb trip Siinday, for ths seasan. Filrst of a series of dancing parties by the Fort-y Club, takea place at Granger's Academy next Priday ev nlng. Miss Violet McLaren hae been 61ected presidaat oï iel Girl's Brancli ol t.luo Y. W. C. A. the fcusuing quarter. The raima oí the past few days have been very acceptable. The i'.'n 'i li was ia fcToat need of the moistnire. Th't supervisors allowed Hoa. A. J. Sawyer $500 for hls services ia t.lie Richards murdar trial before they adjourned. Mr. and Mr.s. Bdward AVinders or FountaJn street, lost their little soa aged one yoar and sis montlis, la-t Thiivsday uiglit. At tliO First Si. E. church oa Ijuni,iy evwuns' tlie pastor vill speak on "Hanry George as a Message to Ma Con'temporaries." And now -we pass into winterthe only plsasuire some people Let out of it is the pleasuire of knowing that spring w.lll folio w it. Tlie flrst meeting of tlie youmg marïied people'.s' class in dancing vrill t.-ske place at Granger's Academ.y next Monda y evening. Tlue Elk's Cliari.. . wblch Is to take place at thle Athens Theatre, Noi . 12, isuow entii-ely arra.nged for. You wül want to attend it. Tlie remakiB oí Georgo Laweon, who onco lived liore, were received Baiturday froim Bay City, a.;id interïed in Forest Hill Cametery. Gusta ve A'. Weimer, oi the Balvatio-r. Arniy, known to bis friends as "Shorty," is to be maïVied to-day io Miss Isa Salyer, oí tliis city. Bmrglars emeiei the residence oí Daniel S. Tilden, on Monroe Bt., last Saturday niight, but were scared invay beïore securing any booty. Aimong the latest novedties iu dancing to be introduced at Granger's tüüa eeaeon in the Banaan figures, will be the bataille de confetti) and serpentines. The SaiïiiUu-y eonvejition, held annuully uinder thle auspices oí ,the state board of hmlth, takes place at Detroit on tbs 9th and lOfch oí uext m-oin'rh. Helen Har, wöe oí Jaanee G. liaseh, lied at tlwir home neair Geddes, Sundaj-j aged 59 years. Funeral serices ware held yesterday frora the veddeince. Ci'by Assessoir 0'Hea.rn is really a mmber of thje board of supervisors, anü tihe la,w oughc to gi've him the ïtg-htis and powers oí a. meanber of tbe board. The 6 th aniuivessaj-y banquet oí Añor Híto L. O. T. M., will take place on Tuesday eveniiag oi nest week, Nov. 9. The occasion, will be a merry on. AVillis J. Abbo't, fortnerly of this city, son-ln-law of Olu-istian Hack, one of the hononary pall bearers at the funeral of Heary George, in New York City, Sunday. Because of alleged drumkenness, cruclty and non-eupport, etc, Mrs. Anna Schtplock, of this city, seeks to have the marrlage relation b&tween lierself and Otto Bohlplock annulled. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Brown, of N. Fiftli ave., mourn the loss of their infant so-n, -vrho died on Friday mornIng last. They have the sympathy oí mamy fi-iiends in their affliction. The Liight Infantry will drill tonlgtot, but next Wednesday evenlng, the lOth, there will be no drill, becauso tlhe Oatholic fair will have possession of the Armory that night Thie decisiooi of the board öf supervisors to rebaild the west steps of the court house was a wise üecisioin. They ware getting dangeroiis- line steps - nofc the supervisors. A debate vMl ba tod la tho :wnr fuitui'e between the Lyceum Llterary Society oí the High School and tbfl Normal Creecenit society. The lino oí pictarea to be dlsplayed at the M. E. churcli Fridiay.and Katurday, are very' v.ilnuiilc, :- of i.Ihjih belng rated at $5,000. The New Telephome Co. showed lts ' oiteorprlsO by ninaing ;i wlre to Wie Aihens 'j'ii ■: i .e, and opaning up the same last aight for the reception of 1 ictdoo. return. The emtertuinmeat to bo given at ilio M. E. chut-ch FridM.y and Saturday afternoonx and evenings, wili ba unlque in the extrem .Vttend a;iwl sea same of the odditie-i. It ík e&timuted tliafc the iiichards miurder t: 1.1 cast the cotinty 0' Wnshtpinaw $4,000. At any rats the counJty is a borrower of moaey, whe kIio o.ught to have some ia the I)ank. The ftrst meetirig of the Schoolmasiter's Cluib ior the season, .wi'll be held in Anu Arbor, on Nov. 26 and 27. The papers and the. sulbjects ,to be disCQBsed will relat-e largely to science. TVilllam Cullen Bryant, one o America 's great poets, a(nd one vhoe swotrt songs Avill ba sang as long fis tlie Ame; lean pi&ople exi-st, was bom Nov. 3d, 179-i, jast 103 yeara ago to-day. Qujfce a nuruibar of Knights Templar of tliis city atbended ih& funeral of Eig"lit Eminent Engañe Eobinson, past grond captam general of the Mii'l ir;m Grand Conunanrtery, at 'troit Siin(la5'. The Aun Arbor Arbetter Verein cele■brated the 31st armi-versary of iba cxistenice last nirght, by a,n enjoyable cvcining of singing, speedimnaking, eitc. There are 25 oí the chaa-ter menïbers yofc living. The November munbers of the magazines remind ns thnt fchis la the Thandssgiiving month. JlcClare haa an espiecially pretty design of a maid driving a flock of turkeys to the Jrepa ratio n for the feast. Deatfli came to Mr. Belle Bowea, last Tliursday, at the home of her stier Mrs. Be.nj. Barker, oa Kim st. The deceased was 27 years o.; age. The romains were taken to South Eoekwell for intermient. On Thursday last the ïollowlng Ana Avhor people drovo over to Bharon io attond tiro funeral of the late Hon. Jolmi J. Eobison : Wm. (i. Uoty, B. F. Watts, J. B. Bacli, Ed. Eberbach, aml James W. Eobison. Major Hiácook and party who w.n, to Grand Rápida last Tliur.sday night oach and every one extremely enthueiaBtle ovei' the iiopitallty bowin iliL'in in tho Boeond City, and and over Avluat tliey saw there. 0-n Satiu-day evening, November C, thtere -vvill be a vteltiag bocial oí the Ocoral Undon in view o; making the oï 1 and neiv acqaaiated wtth each other. AH the inemberi are earnestly requested be present. Eev. J. T. Sumdeirland fa ,to ileliver a paper oa ''Liiberal Religión in India," at' the annual meeting o4 the Michigan conference of ünitarian cliurches at Detroit, to-morrow. Ou Friday Mrs. Simderland will addres the convent ion. It is gietting so now tluat aliaost us mamy mavri'age liceaises are witihelc f rom Uliie public ajs are given to tha pu'bilc. And Ulie law wae made so that vei-y thiag should not exlst. Iu ötiber ivords, the law was ïiimed at secret mlarriages. You -vvould luardly bellere that Hilero were mea oí" mature years livimg inore iu Michigan, %vho would blow ,ot the gas, iastead oí turning iJ off. Bat such is the fact, und ive irequenitly read abou.t that cla-ss oi psople in tlue daily press. Spoaking of the proposition to raise fmiitls for a niomimant to tlue late Ex-Gov. Felch, Bro. Oarltonr of the Grass Lako News says : "We'll ruiu do win to your old town and raise the uwney for you any day." That's idiad of yoiu Thte offer is accepted with thamks. There Wül bo a Chrysamithemum show at Harris Hall, commaueing On Thfursday evening üi next week Nov. llth, and lasting through Friday, under tlie anspices of the Ladie's Aid Society of St. Andrev's parish. There -will be huindreds of -ariatiea of this beautiful flowor on exhibition. The football game Friday afteraioon betveen the A. A. Higli School and Detroit High Kchool teaaus, resulted in a row aoid the withdrawal of tlue Detroit boys fronii .the field. Tlils vr&e a repeititiou of last ye'ar. The .Detroit boys Beem ,to t-hduik that they oannot stand defeat. A service in comniemoration of the Reforma tfon was held at Zion's Lutherau church Snnday mon-ning, and in the evening Rev. N. Carter, of BaltitnO'i-e, Md., a colored man and pas■tor of a congregación of colored Lutherans, preached a sermoiii about Missiomary Work aanong tlie Negroes. The lecüuies of Prof. Jas. W. I'at1i,oe, beiore the Art League are iull oí excellent idaas and suggestionü for iiiitereeted in art. The last one inveiii at the Douglas residence, on Htvron Bt., ivs nbout "The Paris Salon," and full oí good things. Pio'. Stanley senda word tha.t oa accoum't oí the changas made necesHirv hy i ir.: fcatroduetiön of the new il. eliio Ughting plant, the orgaa caniot- be uBed. Henee tlie esper serdcE6 will liave to be posfcpaned for Uw preBent. Doe notice oí the-servl'■■ ■■ win bvi glTiaa. . On Fitday afternooa the menibei o: t ho board oi (supervisors us.seini'bied un tUa oiute;-' sbepa oi the oasfi ïiomit oí t-lie coua-t) house, and Oapt. Piek, oï Raradall's gallery, shot theon - fwfllöi a caimera. It was a good sliuí, too, not a poor picture appearimig in the entira 29 faces. The heighth j-i the "Gard o Tlitmfas" fad lias been reached i.i the oiie pulblfehed ii -che Times last night felgnied by Lyoms, Larkins and Jones, ilianlkmg the sheii f, the circuit judge, tüie juiry, et al., "wlio iso eordiaily and wfllingly helped us through our loaig and tedtoms trial." Ye Gods, luas it come to tliat ?! Prof. A. I. Colton, for tihe past iive years au assistant Lick Observalory, JJi. Hamilton, CJali., Jelivered a very interesting lecture llonday evejikig. in tlue Unity Cluib couirse, on the iioun. It was finely illuetrated wicü ntereoptkon views, i'rom actual photogra'phs trom ouir ev-einimg lumiïuuy. Prof. Colton Ib a gradúate of the Unlvereity, lit. '89. The Che Guild oi the M. E. thua-ch armoujice a unique entertainmet qi IMday and Satarday afternoons and evemings. Tlue picture gallery, which is no douibt; as üae a. display of fine íirt as lias evev beau exhibited to the public in Arm Árbor, will be opeu Irom 3 to 6 p. m. eaeh ilay. 'PJlctures wül also ba oífereü for sale. Suipper widl be served eacli lay by 'the gemtlemen oi the chuirch. Liceiuses ior huntiug deer have been j!-si-jed to the following resideats oi tl.'.is couaity by County Clerk Schuh : Otto D. Luick, Win. F. Lod'holz, XelÈ,on Cailiü.niiouse, Warren E. Walker, Chas. H. ManJy, Aim Arboi ; jas. Breakey, II. H. Avery, Ohelsea ; C. F. Newtom, W. '?. Dnaper, Ypsilanti; Geonge Bowlen, T. ti. Walker. A. AV. Sh#ïiield, Salem ; Leiwls A. Wilcos, A. E. Gavdaer and C. A. Gardner, MLWhr'ii the ïoreman of the jury i tlnj Hichard's trial the ver ti "mot gailty, becausa tlnere wa a reasonafble doaJbt," some oi the ai i.ience biust lato applause, iorgetúa. the iact that ia a eomrt oi Justic íMiah thinigs are noc only entirely ou oi plae but stiictly against the rules Judge Kirme gave ïhe oí'fenders a 'uiltiíag to that tíiey will yrobablj remember üereafter. ïhe ïiirst lecture ueder tlie Henr; Martin Loud lectureship was given Siamdiay evening at the M. E. chua-ch, by .Rev. Cliarles C. Albertsou, pastor of Delaware Avenue M. E. cliurch, of BuJ'Ialo, N. Y. His subject, "The Imrnortal Dreamer," treated oï ïhe liie o. JoUai Bujiyan whose influence was eloquem'tly portrayed and vlvidly il luistrated. The speaker's voice was mufcical, í-esembling more ne-arly tiuat oí liev. Jo'li'n than tliat oí ■any speaker on tQie platform sLnce he was pastor oí tliis church. He is a youmg man, whose early advancemieat sliows briüüiant proinise íor the fulture.


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Ann Arbor Courier