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Brotlier Mingay, of tlie Argüe ia ifow a full-fledlged Elk. Thie Choral Union Social Satwday cvening was a greait success socially. Next miomt'li Ed. Ssö'ler's autograph will cast quite a lot o Juoiiey. The MiJd-Wiiïter oirciiiS is being talk1 lip niow by Vlxs Light Infantry boys. The Order ol the Red Cross was conferred upon eix. companlons Monday crvaniiug. Those Nainsen posters, with ai polar wemie, sorb o' niiakes you sMver to iook at tbem. Begiilar mturuthly ,tea soctol given by the lodlaa of St. Andrew's párish at Harria Hall, Tliursday eening. 'The Choral Umïon imeeitB next Moniay evietning, inatead of Tmesday evenoinig, becatise of tlhe Nansen lecture. There is a class oí 16 ladies la the regular school aimd 10 in the Homeopathlic school, preparing themselves lor nurses. Re.v. Dr. Boynlton, oí Detroit, will occu'py the pulpit oí the Congi-egational church next Bunday. Ho ia au effectdve speaker. The Jackson Elks -wiil aittend the Klk's Cluurity Beniaïit on Friday evening at the Athens Theatre, at least 100 stroiug, it is expected. Fredwick Bice, of Detroit, iiad his fooi badly crush-ed ia attempting to 'board a M. C. R. E. traia liera last Thursd'ay eveming, and was taken to the Hospital. Next Tuesday eveming Dr. Nansen's appeaa'ance at University Hall will be a greia.t treaC the citiizeus of tttte secttan. Evierybody wants to go and lieair him. Rev. G. P. Ootor of this city, wae made ioa presideat aad Rev. "W. M. Foi-est recordfiug secretai-y of the anmiial state conventton of tlie Disciples of Chu'ist, at Iooiat, last weök. The Knights Templar and the Light Iiifantry are eaclu talki'ng of giviug a couple of swell pai-ties the coming wlalier. Tlue young folks are hop ing that the parties will matea'ialize. Thew are lot of people meao enomgli to -vvelcome the arrival of the cbalnteee bicycle wit-h a wish to sae the chaina traïisferred to the scorchers. - Ypsilanti Commercial. In just three weeks from. uow you Aviill be a.ble to, purolnasa -chat little stiüp of paper contamina a descripHitau of yomr property wilih the town or ol'by treasuirer's name attaclued The marning run, leaving Ypsilanti at 6, and Ann Artoor at 6:35 a. in., on tïii3 elactiie line, has bean abandon, ed ïor Dliie winter. An entirely new (schedule of traAns is being arranged. The October receip'ts at the Ann foor postoffice wcre the largest Ju its history, $3,600.82. The same raite the year tlirouigh would bring the oi'íice hito tino list of lirst-class ofiicee. Chas. Esslinger, Mis&es Louise Keddomia,n and Mary Bchiedcht, delegates 'fi om the Grermax M. E. clmrch, leave to-anorrow to attend tüws district conventïon of tlue Epiworth League conveattaon at Toledo. Rev. F. A. Soole, tlie father of Mrs. H. S. CarlKM-t, died on Thursday ïwoiiiiiivg last, after a somewlrat pa-otnacted illniess. Funeral was held Satuirday afternoon from Prof. Car'luart's resldence on Monroe st. Jnst as we go to press tlie intelligence comes that Mrs. Susanj Alleai Boule, ■wliíe oí tlue above, died last evening, ;at the ago oí' 76 years. Tlue November issue ol the Home Visitor in its new form, camo out Tast Frldiajy and is very attractivo. Messrs. Waples & Myers propose to push the eaterprlse until it shall jdedd a Klondiíke mine valuO to tlnem. We woold lilse to ask the Washteaaw Times where they procured the ciits of parties canimeeted) with the lUfcluards murder trial as trlated Üuirlng the trial.- Saline Observer. Now see here. Is that intended ïor a cut, too ? Rev. Hary Pag-e, who is ongaged in mlssioaary work at Osaka, Japan, tn the interest oí the Protestant Episcopal chuTCh, addressed a fair sized andience in St. Andrew's church Manday evening in the interest of mdissianary work. . It may not be known tha.t each public school is entitled to a copy of the Michigan. Manual or Red Book, tnut such is the fact. The Öistiiibution in this county is through School Commissioner Xistr. The book ís ono that will be of i;reat value to every school teachei1 who is ..teaching. Here's a reason why lotB of Ifle's sunshine Is lost in the wund's dreary iog: Thei e 8 tooinany a nial qnick t lie a tin can To tile tail of another man's dog. Tbs scluool board at ita meeting liaet evwiiilug grantod Prof. Perry tlïTOc months leave o absence. Clias. W. Waigner of this city, is a member of thie eommittee ha ving in chaa-ge the mia'ldnig of arrangemeaits tor the next state convemtion of the Y. M. C. A., at Jackson, Feb. 10-13, On tihe eveniiig of Nov. 129, Washtenaw C'lrapter E. A. M. will confer the Boyal Arcli degree, and Excelsior Ohapter of Ypsila.nü, and Livingston Obapter of Howell, have been invited to be present. Wm. Walsh wíH commence work inext Monday as salesman for ïhe McCormilck Co. in seilllog harvesting ma. chtoery. He has been a very ucoessfud agent for the Deeritig Cj. for the past few yoairs. A llighted ciigairatte left on a.n uphatobered lounge at a S. Ktate st. nOUBe, oalled omt the fire departimen'fc yceberdary monn'Iing. The lounge was put oirt - of the witodow - befo re the departiment boya reachied the scène. Mayor Maybury of Detroit, will be presan at the Catholic Fair next Tuesclay night, tJie 16th, when that eY'eiït win close in a, blaze of glory. Gi'eat pTparattone are being made to give Detroit' major a fine receptiou. Tliie planis f ar tJie new Y. M. C. A. buiildinig have been received, and are on exMlbitioa at the Y. M. C. A. lOODis, or may te seen ot Wetmore's book store, wi'tlh fteorgei X. Moore, w1k ís cluiirmam of the committee. The plans aire very sa.tfefactory. All Ëbat ii mow needed is the money to carry them out. The L. O. T. M. animaal banquet last evening wae a vea-y fine affair, iflind eviei'y plafce liad a elaimant. Spieieches wre made by Mayor Hiscock, Mrs. Bailey the G. L. Co'nitnamder, Mrs. Warmer, Mts. Ba.ll, Mrs. F. Eïmer Mills, Jufdge N&wkirk aaud Bev. Fr. Kelly. As uuvil Judge Newkirk captuived the crowd with hia wit „a'nid eloquieoce. The contest over the silk vestments at the Catholic Fair, is between Itew Fr. Goldrick of St. Patrick's church, Northfield, and Bev. Fr. Kelly of St, ffliomas' cbuTch, this city. The beauty of this coatesb is that Fr. Kelly te-lls hisfriends to vote for Fr. Goldriek, and Fr. Goldrick returns the camiplimeout. Now this may be a good. way in a conjtesb of this kind, ixt it wouid never do in politlfcs. Last night the) vote stood 98 to 101 ia favo of Fr. Goldrick. The Keystone cluib of Ana Arbor may be all right, biut we shall never seek to be elected its presidenit. Wlijr 1 Because the presádeot has to eet up a b4g banquet to t'he membeis. Do you suppose we'il feed a lot of dmfers, with appatites asi opeui as a March lmnicane, like somie chaps we know over there, eiimply for the honor of being president of tlue cluto ? We'w no bonanza king.- Adrián Pi'ess. Bro. Stearns ovklently knows what he is t-adking about. Edw.ard Iteve'niaugh, son of the late Sam B. Bevenaiugh, died in Chicago receuiltly. He became despondent becauise of his inaibilitiy to secure employmaii't, and saituirating a clotJi wiih chlO'io.orm lay down, to "che loiuig sleep that knows no waking. The deceased's molher, Mrs. Bami B. Keveinaugh, a, daughtdr oí the lato Dr. A. W. Oliasa, lives in Wllliamsport, Pa. Many of the old tiieede of the faniily here will be paiiiied to heaa' thb sad iiews. Btgiht Eev. William Ci-oswell Doan, S. T. D., Bishop of Albany, is lo deliver the series of lectuires before tlie Hobart Guild, at Harria Hall, üpon the Slocum founcDatlon. The first lectture w'ill be oa Sumdlay, üec. 5th. His subject will be "Manifestations of the Bisen Christ." The trustees of tlie Bishop Harris Memorial Trust Fumd, of Detroit, with Bight Bev. Thos. F. Davies, bisohp of this diocese, will give a formal receptian on Saturday evening, Dec. 4th, at Harris Hall, to Bishop Doane, to which ínvitíitions will be issued' in duo Itime. . Wallace Broce, at University Hall, laet Fiiday evening, gavei his audienco a very good idea, of the distinction between wit and humor. The ■poem recited as a prelude to his lecttiua-f was good, but just iv trifla tedious. The audience was pleased wiluen ha got down to the business of tlhe evening. The anecdotes, the wdt, the sarcasni bromght out were excellent, and althjoiugh eome of the anécdotas had a trifla of duet upon them, accuniulated by age, yet he daiessed tlueim up eo neiatly thitt the audience tiook tluem all for Iresh, and applaoided emitilmsdastically. He dressed up Col. Ingorsoll- or rather Ooi. Ingersoll's peligious unbelief - in a' very neiait mianner also. All in nll Mr. Bruco dolivers a good lecture, and l'ho audiemce went away pleased. The proof-reader stiid, with a slgh, "It woulü raake me moat happy if I Could uiake up my mind If sonie tilinga that I find Are dialect pieces of pi." - Washington St:ir. Tire Detroit, Ypsilanti & Arm Arbor Electric Railway lino seeured a fnamchise fraai the town of Bprioff" wette yeBterday, entering hito an agiearaent noit to cluargel over 1 1-2 cents per mile for passenger lM.tes. Thii:= would MuHcaite that the iare liöm hera to Detroit will 5iot exceed 60 cents. IL Is imfortunate that two such great attracttane as Dr. Nanse-n and the John Thomas Co. should boch be here an the same miJght, for onr c'l.iaens will desire to hear both. As ix rasulfc probaMy tbe literary iaciined people will dou!)tless desire co eee and hear Nansen, and those ivho waait to pass a doMíghtíul and amus1i:i.g evntng will ga to Uie Athens Theaiti and liear the John Thomas Co. There are no beitter compagnies on the raad, aind thiey never have appeared iiu place yöt l)ut what ihere has been a strong demand ïor a re'turn engagement. We observe tïiat the Ann Arbor Coarisr kicks vigorously because fhe tilver mem oustied a republicao county superintendent of the poor and gets a salid democratie board, inetead of on representativo írom the ï'eipulbllcans. Th objection U sustainied. Taxation withouit repiresent'atdon led to tihe rumpus where youing America Hcked his mo'ther, ín 1776. Repiieseintation, without eome chance at the taxea, isn't fair. The McKilnley era of pi'osperity lands mamy a dieluded repttbLicaa over in WaiSliitenaw iaito the comnty liouse. Tbey shoudd be represented on the board.- Adrián Press. A little O'rf on youar bearings. It is the Wilsoa bi'.l tlïat has swelleii the bilts at the couaity house. They are growiing les.i now. The eddtor of the Adrián Press ciitioises Sheriff Judson because the threo men arrested for the murder of the old. nuan Hichards were uot convdeted, and insinuates that he did mot do Ms dttty in eecuring evidence, etc. Tlue Press etrains a, po int to iget in a dig at a political opponent, anil does not umdei'stand the case. Sheriff Judson had nothiing to do wiii'h the arrest oí tliose mein. M. C. Petersou was at that time the democratie city marshal of Ami Arlio:, and he arpested the toen, al■Miouigh it ie gwiertxlly considered the donty of tlve eherlif! to attend to tlie ciimtaal business of th county. It is poesfble tluat Mr. Petersoo had au ambition to be sheriff himself, and hoiped by shrewd manipulation to m.ake a nepurtatton fo-r himself that put him tbere. If there is any fauilt in the case, Bro. Press, it lies ■ jvS'i'n the diemociiatic marshal, not wtPtfli the i-epulblican sheriff. Had the sheiiïf been allowed to proceed as filiieiüffs usually do, there might have tieem less expense and better results }n this particuilar instance.


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Ann Arbor Courier