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TMeves are stii; a.t work ín Dexler. A kilo glrl at v? home oi Salsbury, Milán. Tías MUau O. E. s. havo. a ewéU partiy on the tapls. L. O. T. M. sdoI il ai Maccabee Ha 1, Salimie, Tbaaksgh Ing. Chus. Davis . buUdittg a üew ln 011 Wabash si.. Milán. I-. O. T. II. suppr at Jlacoabea Hall, Milán, Prliáay eTaning. JuiH.1 Harriüian is til viee pTest clent oí tlue State Unítairiaji Assoclatiton. Manchester Foresters attended a meertlnjg wltll their Tecumseh brothers Tuestlay. Mbb. J. W. Greeuie, wto fonncvly lived at Obelsea, died reccmtly at Hollister, Oal. Win. Silas Young, oí Lyndoo Csnter, died Saturday, Oct. 30, aged 43 yeare, nine montos. State Teachers' Association at Lansimg, Dec. 28-30. Half Jare on all MichlgexD. railroads. The Norvell Farmer's Club will meet witli Mr. anil Mre. C. P. Holmes Saturday, Nov. 27. Mr. and Mre. .Tohn Taylor oí Dexter, celebra ted tlie 20 ch annrversary oí marriage Oet 30tli. Eyory school district i-i oiituled 'm a. oí tina Michigan Bed Book. Cali oui Commissioner Lisfcer. Tbe Dexter common oouiifil has at last woke xup to the occasioa, and i dered a Ilre oiiígiine. HoortiBr. Jessie Khoades rides to Ann Aiixir every Friciay, írom. hei' home in gliia ron. to take music Isssons. The outlook íor cheap turkeys this year i-i fina, so tlhe faxmers say, because tlliere are lots of the bdi-ds. Ttoe next meeting oí the LaFayette Gnange vvül be at tibe home of Geo. BoyaiHon, to-morrow, Nov lltíi. The Baughters of Relekah at Milán wlll serve a ïrne dlnner Tliianksg5ving Day, at Odd Fellows' Hall. The ajnnual aftoinoon dancing party wtl take place at Granger's Academy Thati'ksglving Day, 3 to 6 O'clock. Oí 32 pupils in Dist. No. 3, Freedom íiaufflut by lliss Remo, 16 were neither nbseat or tardy during the firsfc term just closed. Tlie aeniimnuial public school fund juet apportroned aiinounbed to $630,000. Th largest Sa the Uistory of he state. Over at Howell tlne lovers of muB4c have orsríiiniaed a Clioral Tnion 100 strona; and hired aai Instructor. That la eiütcrprise. There w-ere 29 ca.nidi,1alt?s received irtto the Presbyterian ehu.rch lac Sivmday moinwng, 23 by letter and 9 by proíession. :iav county farmers who have been expai-iimciitin--. claim t.httt chey can make $60 an acre oif of sugar toeere at $4 a torn. Chas. A. o: Aun Arbor, Ira -o br.ild Mrs. Wamer'a aew house to replace t)h.e one ou har u-ra near Pexer, biiii'neil receatly. The 'MoiiHlay evening chiib organlized ïMs -n-íaek aiwl wH! hol;l a ceries of (lanctn.2; parties ar Granger'S Academy thitó wtoter. Cap.t. E. P. AHen, of Ypsila.iiti.will tiakfi pa i-t In in the. Drummer BoLv eatcii;ii:ini;.'iit at the Saline opera house on Priday evening. The next meeting of the Pntnain and Hamburg Farmers' Club wíll be helö om Nov. 27. at vlie home ol Jae. Fltch. Election of offie&rs. No school house, however small ; riO school diistriit however poor, shouid be without a ïlag. The law says o, and tlis law fs right. Pred Kauska and Ha.rry Pratt seem to bo the chanipion, roach catchers. Their record is 15S of the large Blze ia three houis.- Dexter Leader. TIlo electric light plantj t-o. be pufc In at Dextei-M-ill be thoroughly wp o date. As e-perytíilng lí that Thos. Birkett has aiT.vthing i do with. The poor house of Wáyne eou-nty, at Wayne, costs $100,000 a year ■now. And next year $25,000 extra 411 be asted for to nlarge the faigs. Clara, dmighiter of Mre. F. A. Clark ■of Saline, bas been sent vo the Hospital at Ann Arbor for the painful operation of ha ving a lisiiJj amputa ted. On Sa'turday aïternoon ürere wil] be a mass meeting at the Town Hall, Olielsela, to take steps to secure a Farmer's Institute for ihsA place thN winter. Ttue coülection. of a dozen ör more 'toug-hs at the opera and Saviings Bank corners days and nlgMfi Is a public nuisanca and öught to 'bc! abated. And now the p.eople of Dexter and vicliuty are taJking about a creamery plant. If tliey go into it a good buBtnees tnianager N vlue great essentiil to suecess. li'jne-i a largo auuoiiuit. of corn i:'iil.ii-];ci. Panners go badly hc'hiiKl wlth their work, on account of the extreme dry weather this fair. - Manchester Enterpitee. was a pretty mean thing laat week in sandiog In o the daily prese a íalsi; accounti of Miss Marie Turner's dath, as ifc caused the family great annoyance. Wn. Burtlees' restdemce on Exchange pdaee is finished and the family bas posses.sion. It is one of the fincst reeldeacee in the vlllage. - Manchester Enterprise. Ome of tune plate glaes wmdows on Mie souitli front of the Bavdngs Bank Block wa.8 broken by a fitreet gamliii thromlsag a stone at the Salvatiou Army collector, Friday niglit. Prof. Weníay continoies to draw large audienoes gunday evenings at the Presbyterlan charch to his lectures om Sócrates, Plato, Aristotle ama tille an-ient reli-ion of the Gre=k= AVm. Meekley, of Lesllè, -.vas :■- ceirtly convieted under tlie new statute, o nering obsceuie, humoral and indecent Langusge in the presence oí la dies, and was fined $20 ot 5." days In jail. Among the thlaigs yoll will desii'e lo attend chis wieek will be the Chrys. anUbemoim exhibtt at Hai-ris Hall, conimnciing to-mon-ow niglvi. It wíl, be "a thirag of beaurty and a joy íorever." Tlie comnty school directory has been issuied by Commissioner ivister, trom fhe pi-esses of the Saline ObBerver. Tlie Sylvan t om-nshiip is noc tn it, becaue of tlie ïallure of vhe officials to report as directed by la-w. Baraey Goiinan, aged, 50 yeavs, who lived with his mother JMrs. Flinn, in Bridge-ivater, died while dtting in a buggy, in wliich he vas atteaidlng lus njothei-'s funeral Thmsday aftemoon. He was a hard drinker. Mre. Martha Stoll, of Saline, dled Wedmeeday last, aged 25 yetu-s, at Ann Atbor, where she had been emploiyed for a considerable time. The nma taken to the home of her larther .1. F. Stterle, (ialine, where ii.i.'bi-i-a] si-i-vi.'cs we:-e held Frlday. A oeríato farmer bal riie liabit oí leavOm; kis poor horas hitched In the sirccis ;it Memáon. Practical jokers rtrcssed tibe horse up i)n tröüsérs and placed a su-aw ha: oti Iba head, whleh had the desimed effect. The ruiíi'inal is now próperly taken care of. A filo mieetd'njg of the Ba.y k Eeading Circle organización waí pjrfwted as follows : President, Miss I.i:ry Cobb ; vi v pMBident, Rev. V. E. Dodds ; s ■-■;,!! rj . Mies An-nes Sears; treasiuier. Miss Edua. Smdtih; ; leader, R. O. Amstin.- Saline Oliseu-wr. J. L. Gilbart ajuj M. J. Noyes %vere ou't on a piscatorial trip, and retunir ed wÜCh 30 one-pouiul pérch and 2 twc and one-fltUaJÍ pauod black baas, tho result of oae-half, day's sport.- Cbelsea Standard. Of course they uidn't teil t.he boy'e name wlio catng-h.t 'em. Tino st'ereoptieoa views of Mexico, wrhíeh will be shown Thui'sdtiy fcvenins' at Trinity Lratheran clmrch, -in J. E. Beal'L lee ture on Mexico. ,ne ilü! lategt out, liaving been Becured by tiu3 coivrtesy of Kean Campteil, of Chicago, who taies large excurSlona every year to Mexico in special ti'ains. Portage late presenta a lively Bceme eveniAgs as the law :uio;.s f-pearing whitefisli in these watcr.s for a couple of raonltihs. There a,re íiom ten to twenty bbat-loads of i i -hennen on the lakea nearly fevery nlglirt. It ia claim,8d fchat fch-ey are not. running nmcli ye so the eatehes are small.- Pinckney Dispatch. Tbe Novi oor. of the Xorthviile Kecord, givea tliis itemi : "The bntertaiomant g-iven by Miss Matie E. Ticknor of Aun Arbor, on Wednesday evening of Laeb week waa smiiewhsit delayed owHing to train connections, bu.t wben w'heai the speaker an-ired on th$ nine o'clock traiin, a goodly siaed crowd a-wtedibed hier in the Methodist chureh. Mii-s Ticlcnor cei-tiaiuly sustained lier reputa tion as a eplendid elocutioni-t and delfehbed lieo audience wlth lier unlqu inUftations. Olyde Niehols of Farmins-ton amd Ohas. Kice of frlJn place rendiered vocal music la tilwir usual pleaslng marnier. Miss Graoe Tremper of ParnUngton and Mfes Hazel Ooata of tin, ]t}:l,-, als0 ;ifrs'i--ted."


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