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LUMBER I lumber; LUMBER! IJ ïou coatexnDiate building, cal! &i FEÏïDOW'S LÜMBE1 YABB ! Corner Fourtli and ,)epoo Sts., anrt gat on fÏKures for all khids of LUMBEB We Mauafacture Our Owu Lumber and guaraulee VERY LOW PRICES 9, Glve us a cali and we will make lt to your Interest, as our largo and wetl graded stock fully sustains our assertlon. Telephoae Connections with ofTice T. J. KEECH, Supt. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop GEO. SCOTT, ARCHITECT ui 1E1TEII! OFFICE 8 FOUNTAIN ST. Kfcllui! orders promptlv attemled to. vO1íoore7" DENTIST Work done In all forms of modern deMlstry; croivn nnd bridge work a apeeialM Gradúate of the O. of M. üttice, 27 S. Main kt'. Ann Arbor. Mich. flfif fTÍÍTiTf P theeü.el! iromthe'dls lili I IV tl l covery of America t' WvBVSIIVyW the present time. ïor special terms apply at once to PAI.ESTINE PUB'G CO., Flkhart, i-w :-■■!■■■.', u,. pniui, ndapted to every one, ■ _ S Li iiueonly. iffiStW kl Ct - ■ -i i lin . .; ;rsbñ--Proimrato-St Al n, - I V' rfl !i- -'" con"w fiWtiJfT [S.r ■ ■. -- yo.irn of smeess. Full fislB&fiBfiral 1 iS ÍKíÉa sí'nAiiMi'íüKHESPONDSjicK SCHOOL OKLAff 1 ■ V v. il i W l'elephune Building, DETliOIT, MICH. ■20 DOLLARS ■■V „PER M0NTH In Your Own Locality made easily and honorably, without capital, during your spare hours. Any maa, woman, boy, or girl can do the work handily, without experience. Talking unnecessary. Nothing like it for rooneymaking ever offered bef ore. Our workeis always prosper. No time wasteci in learning the business. We tcach you in a night how to succeed frora the firot hour. You can make a trial without expense to yourself. We start you, furnish everythiug needed to carry on the bus; ness successfully, and guarantee you against failure iL you but follow our simple, plain instructions. Reader, if you are in ueed of ready money, ana want to know all about the best paying business before the public, send us your address, and we will mail you a document giving you all the particulars. TRUE&CO., Box 400, Augusta, Maine. he Only direct Route !a IHbmb All Poluta ín RRHéANÁND CANADA T0 r ORNightTralns. LSIvIMi fpiaLORCARS i Claim IV %... ü?Trains;,l r ÍNULA Y 5 S BAYTON, I GHCHIUTI and IS5 ll'SySAílflr ULÍÜ. C & Clnclnnati. a ro rates and full information, address j, ' B. TRACY, Northern Pass. Agt., JefferP ,u & Woodward Aves., Detroit, Mieh. (W JOHN' I?ASTABI,E, District Passenger Agt., li: idge St., Toledo, Ohio. Ï1 c. HnWAEDS, General Passenger Ageut I? Carew Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. ' fs A. P. T. L. The American Protective Tariff Leagu i a national organization advocating H Protection to American Labor and Industty " as explained by ts constitulion, as follows : "The ohjdct of thit League shaU be to proteoi American labor by a tariff on importa, which hall idequately secure American industrial produot igainat the oompetition of foretgn labor." Th'ere are no personal or private profits in connection with the organization and itissustained by membership, coníributions and the distribution of ts pubiications. FIR3T : Correspondence is eolicited regardinj ' Uamoership " and " Official Correspondanta." SECÓN D: We nerad and ivlcome contributiont, whatrier cmall or large, to oui1 cause. THíRD: We publish a large line of documento caverin all pha3es of the Tariff question. Corrí" píete set wíll be mailed to any addreaa for 50 oents. tFOURTH: Send postal card reguost for fr lamplp copy of the "American Eoonomiti. Addros Vilbur F. Wakeman, QanoraJ 8onfcra, (35 Wttt 23d 8trHt, Nw Yorlc


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Ann Arbor Courier