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Eats Without Distress. "I su'ferefl viiili Inflammaitlon of ■tilie stomach aiad Indigestión. T'.wlytlilag ] ate dtefcressed me. I have tiakari a Eew bobtles oí Hood's SarsapaaUla .- 1 1 1 ! It bias ciured toe. J iim .nou ablo to oart almost anybhing l wiah wit'hout di8tress. I heartlly recotamend Hood's SarsaiarHla." (.'. a. Aiusworth. 1020 North Edwarda m.v i. Kalamazoo, Mfch i - Pilco, the millioiLaire Balling Po-wder mau, writes as follows : "Send me a dozen boxes of Gessler's Magie Headache Wafers. I would not be without theni for all the world. They are the best cure for Headaches J have ever ïound and leave no bad after effects. If yon have a headache you cannot afford to be without them." They are guaranteedG to cure or your money refunde'!. A. E. Mummery, your drugglst, will tl] you there are none nalf bo good. Prtce reduced to 25 centa. per box. Terms of Court for the Twenty-Second Judieal Circuit for 1898 and 1899. TERMS OF CIRCUIT COURT. State of Michigan: The Twenty Second Judieal Ci cuit. Terms of Court in and for Said Circuit for the Years 1898 and 1899. I, E. D, Kinne. Circull .indfre in and for the Twenty-second Judieal Circuit, do hereby fix and appoint the times of holding 1he several terms of Circuit Court in and within the bwenty-second Jndical circuit for the years 1898 auii 1889 as follows, to-wit: MONROE C0UXT1". The first Monday of February, the firstMonday of April, the flrst Monday of June, and thé first Monday of November. IN WASHTENAW COUHTY. The first Monday in March, the first Mouday in May, the fiist Monday in Oetober, aud the first Monday in December. Dated Oetober 1, 1897. E. D. KINNE, Circuit Judge. Easy to Take asy to Opérate Are íeatnres peculiar to Hood's Pilis. Small ia size, tasteless, efficiënt, thorough. As one man Hood's said : " You never know you luwe taken n pill till it is all I J ï I f% over." 2rc. C. I. Hood & Co., W I I j% Proprietors, Lowell, Mass. ■ ■ ■ % The only pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier