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Eureka Chemical & M'f'g Co.

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""J IT'S JNJ URIO US TO STOP 8 UBDf lf Y9iP DENLY and don't be imposed upon ia li 0 buying a remedy that requives you -J Jl to ' 80' as 1( 's niï"'l9 more than a ■ subslilute. In the sudden stoppage Ste=?f=A =v iry f tobáceo y ou must have 'Ome stiml ft X I Jj ulant, and in most all cases, the ef iS fec f "le stimulant, be it opium, ü iJ 11 morphine, or other opiates, leaves a T_ ta- m far worse habit conf TF" A f f T traoled. Ask your (I II r=L l (Í (L (I I druqgièl ahout IÍACO UOivvl Cl-, ftw vegetable. iou do ""■■■ " ■- - J nc, ftane o sio) sng tobáceo with IÍACO-CURO. Il will notify you when to stop and your desirefor tobáceo will cease. Your system will be as f ree f rom nicotine as the day before you took yourfirsl chew or smoke. An iron ciad wrilten guarantee to absolutely cure the tobáceo habit in all its forms, or money refunded. Price $ 1.00 per box or S boxes (30 days treatment and guaranleed cure), $3.50. For sale by all druggist or will be sent by mail upon receipt of price. SEND SIX TWO CENT STAMPS FOR SAMPLE BOX. Booklets and proofs free. L,a vrosse, Wis. Offlce of THE PIOMEEK PIÍESS CO.MlAN-, C. V. IIorsick Slipt Eureka Chemical and ITfg Co.. La Crosae, WU. St' Mlane3Ota' ' 1S'"Dear Sira- I nave been a tobáceo ftend for many years, and durlnK the paat two ycars have amoked ruteen to iwenty cltfara regularly every dny. Uy whole nervous systoin became affected, untll my phyalclan tuld me I must kIvc up the use of tobáceo for the time bcinit at leaat. I tried the so-called "Keely Cure," No-To-Hac," and varlous otlicr remidies hut without suceesa, untü I accldcnally learned of your "Baco-Curo," Three weeka aeoto-dav Icommcnciul usIiik your pruparatlon, and to-day I conaider mysnlf completcly I am In perfect health. and the horrible cravlng for lottacco, whlch every Invetérate fullv anpreclatca, has completely left ine. 1 conaider your "Haco Curo1' slmply womlurful, and can fully recominend tt. Your8 truly. C. W. Uoksiok.


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