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Dressed ]ik is fLodiog lts way to una rfcet. B'Jnihiard AVebb died at North Lake Nor. 10. ivm, SalAsbTsry is the msw poat'master at Sylvan. Dr. Stafíovd yrñSi bereafter reside p.'iaiKUneaitlly in Ma.ncbester. Th yoxung taan of Clielsaa hare orgaiiizied a Parliamentary Cluib. E. H. Soa dim. oí "Wébsber, has gone to Sapphlne, N. 0.. tor tiha wtoter. The taxes in ChIBea. village are $13.10 on eacli $1.000 of Vtóuaitloo. OHarlPíi Wooloott and family have tnoved back liiere íroin Aun Arbor. - 'Milán Leader. The Leader has authorlity to state ttoat the mew Bbait TeJöphoee Company -n-ill run lts line to Milán. Ex-Suiper-íiisor Willis Watkiiv, of Manchester is buiMin)!? a hot house - :or TiegetafMes - not politics. The nest reguJIar meeting' of the Wobsftèr Farmer's Olub will be held ■n-fctïi Hom. fm. BalJ, Harnbucg. F. IA. Daniels bas pressod nearly 50 eartouids of hay and fefcraw in Gregory and -s-li?inlty.- Pinekney Displatch. Fmuk Butterfiteild, of Wliitmove Lke. liias retoimed here, and resumed ed his studies ia our school Monday. - Clinton Local. Last Thin-sday. tak 11 hours, Theodorc Kcveibbe of Slraroíi, Imsked 151 bnshels of corn, tfed vp the stalks a ml eet tliem up The ladiies of St. Mary's chareta., Chelse, serre a snipper ia the opera liouee tihts, "Wednesday evenin.a-, Xov. 24, frora 6 to 8 o'c:ock. A cluaracter social and a New EngÏ3nd supper Avill be grven bjT the Lim E-pwort-h League in tha Town Hall, on Friday exüilni; Xov. 26. Bfeliop Foley -wMl hold Bpecial s?rvir-es at St. Mary'a otareh, at Oheisea, Thanksgiving Day. Hic:h nïnss will be celebrated at 10 a. m. Xien-fe Geyer of Freedom, speaks Eraglteh, liis Trife speaks Grennaii hal ",']v in." bOy spi.ks nither. he vas born last -ek Taesday tilic 9th.- FaterIprisp. Past-mnistiT Bai:?y ajid hiii assista.nt are gettlap piretty well acquinintel wiöh theiir duties and ha,n(lle the mails wiitih more promptness. - Enterpris?.. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Yoiin.!?, wiio livp three miles west of Chelsea, celebriatd the 15th annlTwreary of their marriasre Not. 15. Abooit 50 friewls weno presenit. The barns of fm. Bur'tïeBS and Geo. J. Hajeussler, oí Ifancbester vlllage, ibuüiied rieoentïy. Th's building adjoi'nim; wea-e eaned by Wie citizen-s wi'tli buck-ete. Ar. exbíbttion will be gi-ílan at the schiood house íti District No. 3, Seio, on Friday e-rening, Dec. 3d. Admisrioji ten oenta. Mise Olara M. Schimtd, toachier. Ónie of tire pa tro na of thi? schooi remarked to the edirtoir the ether day that ours was ome of the bestcomlucted schools ia the state. His hiead Ka level. - Hilan Leader. Gieorgie Gflbert of Wampler'-s Lake, sbor a.n eagle a íevr day's sfeice that niieanred 7 ft. 4 iin., ïrom tip to' tip of Ti-iDigs. Now the question arlses, what good wijl the dead bïrd do Georgse ? Mts. Amoa E. Bnrn.ha.rn and ïir. Wm. P. BroTvui, of Weibster, were imiitcd in ima.rrige Friday, by SeT. T. TV. Yamnig. A weddiinig Uinnar to Ilhe fiismds of the pair ■was giveii at Wie homie of Georgo Lomas. Thie Standard is doinar a real nice tfliiing far its readers, aaid showing Vte curon enterprise, by giving eacn week a. fiinie cub of some of Ghelsea's credi%a.ble public buildings. Tlie ïaet cut is one of St. Mai-y's clmrcli. B. Frank Gooding of York. gate am original pension. We do not fcnow of any veberan more deserving. He was a, member of tlhe old ith catial'i-y, and Mrs. Goodiag was at one time a membei' oí trtue board of coratrol of the Industrilal Hernia íor Pness. JapOT Grahlain, of Clieüisea, ie a wteer man to-daiy tihan hia was two woflks aigo. He ti Led to Btop a windmiill by gtickiinig liis tbumb la the garing. Tira wtód-mill Btill runs, but G-iahtaim now opens hifi jack knife wlth liis teetli.- Plymouth Mail. Albert Haieins, a farmer wliO' resided four m'tïas easti of Graas Lake, commftted saiicida by haniginjr lant Satuirday morai'nig. He was an old sident, ha ving resided oin liis fturm for 40 years, aaid' bore an excellent reptübatiaiL. No cause known. He leavies a wife and tfliree chtldren. Bmma Dickinson. fhe 6 old fgirl abduicted frcrnn Owossso, recently, was fouuid at tlie home of Oeorge Rarascbenberger, at Whibmofe Lake, wheiie sbe was placed by Albert Pett.eiï?aii, wl;io clalm'ed to be lier legal guardián. The chüld wae returned to lw." parein'te in Owoaso'. The people of Bt. Joseph's pariish are pTepariing for their annnal Tianfkegiving BOptal and miemit tc be gi'ven in tllie opera house on Thtinksgiving niglit, Thursday, NovemTer 25th. A large attemdanee ia expected, and as usual a aplaudid enter-ba iniment wiil be burnished.- Bextier Leader. Tbe Wabash ralilliway it ie . report ed wil! buíld a nsvr, lino .lato Chicago. Tlnat roiad is makimig the Lake Shore, Central and otluer roada hustle and we ana lMt surei but that the project to storten, tlue roate írom Detroit to Chicago by tbe way oí Ma.nchiestei-, may yet be adopted by the X.ak Shore. - Enterprise. As the fire engine was mot in "voirking order at tba last fiii-e in Manchiester, tlie fact was brought out tlnat tlue chiief could nob get mea to help keep the ik-e appara.tus ia workIng order wililhiout any compiensa.'iSio'n íor esrvloes, and so tibe couneil lïaa Yioíted t-o peorgamiza the departnnenlt, and t paly tihiose who woris at fines aiad at testimig trials. Tlue friands of Larkins, Jones and Lyoins Avino weire recenrtly acquitted at Aam Arbor, of til:e muirder of James Richards, are cireulalting a sufoscription. pa.per annong the peop'.e of Bi'HmiUgha m, whene the boys live, rateimK; moeey to reimbuirsO thein for t-he coBt of tlneSr trial.- Stoctobrldge Sun. TViill tlueiy giöb enoiigh for one of tQno young misn to pay hte expnses in defending Mmself fram the charges preferred by luis fou-mer sweötflieart. ? Miss Nellie Iveal has jusfc completed a new set of officers' regalia for ■Vadli.teroaw lodge F. & A. M. to replace the set reoently ruitied by fi:-e. The body of the aproins li white Iambekin, bordered wit.h royal blue Buk ielve!t, edged wtbh silk frioge and braid, the pattern being an original diaslgTi. The emblema are embroldered In silk. Tlitó tles and tassels are blue. The coimbilnaltion ïorms a 1eiaaitiíul effect aind we doiubt If a. lodge iin the state has a handsoaner set o.f offfcers' regalia. lliss Keal R an artist in this line and her -vvo.rk


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Ann Arbor Courier