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Ypsilanti News Items

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A. A. Belcluar is siaw a resi h.'i r. having moved írom Milán. M. J. Lewis is tanpnoviug hls musa by a largo porch in front. Don Ijawrenoe, the football plnyoi-, is biow for C. S. Wortley & Co. The bicyck patli 011 tho Bouth roatl to Aam Arbor ia beiiig yuslied rujjiilly to oompletioa. iTine pajfjy to be give-n u,t Light Givard Hall Tlmrsdaiy evening, bids fattr to be welll attaaded. Mr. and Mrs. Harry SmitJi, oí Adatas Bt.neet, intd-oduce tlieir 10 Ib. to theix frionda. Tbe '98 iiüta and '00 medies played a gatnc Satufday of foot ball, the '00 winning by a scoi-e of -i - 0. Tliere Avere over 100 YpsLlianrtiaiis wlio attended the Theodore Thomias orcbeötra concert at Aan Arbor Thunsday night last. The Newton. Laddw Cok has been reargaiilzed, amd te nov a stock company with, $20,00J capital, 'llie oiy and centrad office will be in Detroit. Clueeter Parsons hias goaie to St. Louis, Mic'h.., to ta'lcel thO vocal cul■tui'.e cflasses ai luis eister Migs Ixia-iina Parioiiis, Avino han gona to Alma college to teacli. ThO YpsKlantl H. S. team defeated Xartli'MiKle'day by a score Ol 12- (. Tlue ïiust gajne was 44-0 On idi?ir favor. So i't saems thac ?ortllirv-il'le is improving. The "PifeoaiKïr of Zeoida" was orae of tibe fiinest ptoys tha.t thei people of om-r oiry luave saan in inu.ny a day, and was greöb&d wlöhi a íall liouse. Tlue stog-e settings airo very fine Card-s are out announcing tbe appi'oachiag nuarriiagie, on Des. lst, oí illss Mary M. Fisk, at tJns lióme oí the bridie's unidle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fisk, to Frederick D. llmavü. Boter W. Oarpeinter having resigned as cSfcy cler.k id enter labo business, the toet has beeia smddenity Ueveloped that tlnene are a greab .ntuiy Ypsi' JantiMis sfl5 considerthcmselves just ■ r.ted ior the p-'jaoe. Tliere are several caoididates for each alderaian. to l'S-Cklie. Last we&k a.n,nti diray .horse got go befuddjed an 9&elng the Commercial editor estiaiblisüi nis saoctnm o.:i Congress sfa-eert, tlrat the beaet tan anvay and too'k refuge ia a buitclier eliop. butcher held up hls Hands and crjed, "Nay, nay," but the liorss lvouWn't neig-h. The bultchiar -was terribly "cut up" oer the a f fair, but the harse. s?ab out, Jeforc bie iviaá servedi ilhe saime way.- Adiian Press. Thaib -vaa a narrow - a regular Ivoutgart esoap. Mrs. Ausüin Georgve oí Ypsiiajiti, la,s', week attended a m'eeting oí the State Federatlon of Womca'8 Clubs at Sagiiaaw and read a paper oa "iJichigain-Koimaaice and Heroism in i'ts Hfetary." We conceda the "romance" to Professor George'a courbalitp ajiid ma.iTiiage, buib uiniiess ehe re. counited the euccess of P. A. Latta In remaviing the secession fl&g from the ilüigstiaff suirinoiumltkig tina cupo la of line Normal, ome raiiiny niomimg in 1861, shie dLdin't oaptiure the choicest a.amplLe o{ horotem in tlhe historie box. - Adrián Press. It w453 b3 a cauae of uuiiversal j-efgnet tllnat Mr. Cai-peni't-er lias resign■ed hi'3 pasition as city ctei-k. His oMfli'Hy tö thia city's Interes ts, and lii's paimstaking accuiracy as an accountant, are conisiderattons Which -ba-re commeaided him to the confl(ii 'iico of the puiblic, and the oouncil 'in.i' xjl liiesiitate in choosimg his succeesor. Tlue cBty has once been unfortuniat'e, and ecruttoizing ililigence Bhould ba exercised in supplyimg hig p.lac. Mr. Carpeinítier reíuseí to indicate hfa lature ftnigagements, and all suipposltlom so fan puiblished are but guiesses as t-o whlat lie intends. We hopo a bett-eir place and better lay are open. to


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